1. The allies have fled, and their leader too,
Of no use were their coats of mail or their swords.
١. لَقَد فَرَّ الرَعيل وَمَن يَقودُ
وَما نَفَع الدلاص وَلا الحَديدُ
2. Their hopes for what they sought have failed,
While your wise judgement has set things right.
٢. وَخابَ رَجاؤُهُم فيما اِبتَغوه
وَأَصلَح شَأَنكَ الرَأي السَديد
3. Let not their advance upon us deceive you -
Old and young are equal to them.
٣. فَلا يُغررك زَحفَهُم عَلَينا
فَكَهلهم سَواءٌ وَالوَليد
4. Grown men with childish resolve,
Their saddles lie discarded in the fray.
٤. كِبارٌ في العُيون صِغار حَزم
سُروجَهُم لَدى الهَيجا مُهود
5. They think death has wings
That will lift her when the banners shake.
٥. يُظنون المُنون لَها جَناح
تَطير بِهِ إِذا خَفق البُنود
6. But they never heard the clash of your swords,
Except when the hilltops and ground met.
٦. وَما سَمَعوا صَليل ظِباك إِلّا
تَصافَحَت النَواصي وَالصَعيد
7. You crept upon them as vultures do,
And under your feet the lions swarmed.
٧. سَرَيت تَظلك العُقبان فيهُم
وَتَحتَ رَكابِكَ إِزدَحَم الأُسود
8. Every thankful being extols what hands have made,
Not what swords and soldiers have done.
٨. وَكُلُ شاكِرٍ صُنع الأَيادي
وَما فَعل الصَوارم وَالجُنود
9. So go gently, my lord, just a little,
For these people are all your slaves.
٩. فَرِفقاً أَيُّها المَولى قَليلاً
فَإِن القَوم كُلَهُم عَبيدُ
10. Keep your blades unsullied by their blood,
Their hilts are fit for kings' palms.
١٠. وَنَزه مِن دِمائَهُم سُيوفاً
بِهامات المُلوك لَها غُمود
11. Your scowling face is enough to melt them,
And the frozen flee in terror from it.
١١. كَفى تَقطيب وَجهك مِن مُبيد
يَذوب مَهابة مِنهُ الجَليد
12. O clan of Dhahal, after glory you have returned degraded,
Accustomed to disgrace and submission.
١٢. بَني ذَهل رَجَعتُم بَعدَ عزّ
وَعَيشكَم المَذَلة وَالخُمود
13. You remain as the fates desired,
While the prince remains resolute.
١٣. فَلا زِلتُم كَما شاءَ المَواضي
وَلا زالَ الأَمير كَما بَريد