
Damascus rejoiced at the rising of Al-Shairani

سعدت دمشق بطالع الشعراني

1. Damascus rejoiced at the rising of Al-Shairani
The pole of knowledge, my master Abi Al-Su`ud the second

١. سَعدت دِمَشق بِطالع الشِعراني
قُطب العُلوم أَبي السُعود الثاني

2. His excellence has spread in the two Maghribs, and his fame
In the two Mashriqs has circulated with the caravans

٢. مِن فَضلِهِ بِالمُغربين وَذِكرهُ
بِالمُشرِقين سَرى مَع الرُكبان

3. Visit him, you will find in his coldness from guidance
A sun orbiting in the sky of faith

٣. زُرهُ تَجد في بُردَتيهِ مِن الهُدى
شَمساً عَلى فلك مِن الإِيمان

4. Seeking help from Allah in his rule
He repels harm with the ships of benevolence

٤. مُستَنصِراً بِاللَهِ في سَطواتِهِ
يَردي الرَدى بِقَواضب الإِحسان

5. I had hoped I would be honored
To be in his procession, for the family and homeland

٥. قَد كُنتُ أَرجو أَن أَكون مُشرِفاً
بِركابِهِ للأَهلِ وَالاَوطان

6. But my eyesight deprived me of following his path
A predetermined fate has taken me by the bridle

٦. لَكنَّ طَرفي عافَهُ عَن سيرهِ
قَدرٌ مُتاح آخذ بِعِتاني

7. I still hope for your affection my master
For me a frequented prayer in the shrine

٧. أَني لَأَرجو مِن حَنانك سَيدي
لي دَعوة مَعمورة الأَركان

8. And help for my children, as he has become
A sparrow amid eagles

٨. وَأَعانة لَبَنيّ إِذ هُوَ قَد غَدا
شَروى عَصيفير لَدى عقبان

9. The hardships have assaulted him, so his eyelid
Is dripping with tears, always blinking

٩. وَتَناوشتهُ النائِبات فَطرفُهُ
دامي المَدامع دائم الهَملان

10. The caravans ask about me whenever
Damascus is afflicted with the years of sorrows

١٠. يَستَخبر الركبان عَني كُلَّما
وَرَدت دِمَشق بِالسن الأَحزان

11. And the lamps of our pact are forgotten
Crying with the tears of betrayers

١١. وَالنيربان عَلى مَعاهد انسنا
يَتَباكيان بِأَدمُع الغُدران

12. And the nightingale says, "Be passionate for the love songs
Before passion, which made the tree branches yearn"

١٢. وَالعَنَدليب يَقول وَاطربي إِلى
مِن شَجوِهم قَبل الهَوى أَشجاني

13. They were pearls before the wind of love blew them
Like roses on the tree branches

١٣. كانوا بِجلق قَبل ما عَصَفَت بِهُم
ريح النَوى كَالوَرد في الأَغصان

14. My Master, O son of saviors, blood money for the oppressed
As justice from the hand of aggression

١٤. مَولايَ يابن المُنقذِين غَرامة المَظلوم
عَدلاً مِن يَد العُدوان

15. Do not forget your slave wherever you went, for he
Seeks refuge in you from the events of time

١٥. لا تَنسَ عَبدَك حَيث سَرَت فَإِنَّهُ
بِكَ لائذ مِن حادث الأَزمان

16. For the body is cured of its sickness with treatment
And friendship with the loyal cures souls

١٦. فَالجسم يَبرأ بِالعِلاج سَقامهُ
وَشَفا النُفوس صَداقة الخِلّان