
My garden has withered from adversities, but

جف روضي من الحوادث لكن

1. My garden has withered from adversities, but
It has now become fruitful from your gifts

١. جَفَّ رَوضي مِن الحَوادث لَكن
أَصبَحَ الآن مُثمِراً مِن هباتك

2. My remembrance was from Ahmad’s remembrance as if it had died
You revived it with some of your attention

٢. كانَ ذِكري مِن أَحمَد الذكر قَد ما
ت فَأَحييتهُ بِبَعض التفاتك

3. My good deeds used to see my bad deeds
So they changed, and that is from your good deeds

٣. حَسَناتي كانَت تَرى سَيِئات
فَاِستَحالَت وَتِلكَ مِن حَسَناتك

4. For Ibn Abd al-Aziz, it is time you spend
And it is a time that counts among your times

٤. لابن عَبد العَزيز وَقت تَقضي
وَهُوَ وَقت يعد مِن أَوقاتك

5. If the mirror held you, O Unique One
I would have seen everyone in your mirror

٥. لَو مَسكَت المِرآة يا أَوحديٌّ
لَرَأَيتُ الجَميع في مِرآتك

6. Every part of me is inclined to praise you
Longingly inspired by the good mention of your attributes

٦. كُلُ عَضو مِني بِمَدحك مُغرى
مُستَهاماً بِحُسن ذِكر صِفاتك

7. With your father Al-Husam my ears hear
As if I see him among your conquests

٧. بِأَبيك الحُسام تَسمَع أُذني
وَكَأَني أَراهُ مِن سَطواتك

8. May God sanctify the clay which you are from
May God delight His creation with your life

٨. قَدَسَ اللَهُ طينَةً أَنتَ مِنها
مَتع اللَهُ خَلقُهُ بِحَياتك