1. My endurance is exhausted by distance, beloved
And my wings are bloodied by separation, beloved
١. دنوّاً لَقَد أَوهى تَجَلُديَ البُعدُ
وَوَصلاً فَقَد أَدمى جَوانِحيَ الصَدُّ
2. I am consumed by secretive love for you
And my tears flow as my liver burns, and in my chest is an ember
٢. أَجنُّ غَراماً فيكَ خيفة كاشح
وَمِن مَدمَعي وَدَق وَفي كَبدي وَقَد
3. I suffer beyond what people normally endure from passion
But I refused to let the lion's heart wilt for a rose
٣. وَبي فَوقَ ما بِالناس مِن لاعج الهَوى
وَلَكن أَبى أَن يَجزَع الأَسَد الوَرد
4. O you who shows me the right course regarding whom I love
When will requited love and propriety meet?
٤. فَيا مَن يُبين الرُشد فيمَن أُحِبُهُ
مَتّى يَلتَقي الحُب المُبرح وَالرُشد
5. I toyed with passions until they played with me
I did not know the jest of love would become serious
٥. تَلاعَبتُ بِالأَشواق حَتّى لَعِبنَ بي
وَما كُنتُ أَدري أَن هَزل الهَوى جَد
6. I am afflicted by one whose heart feels no tenderness
Yet for me even solid rock has softened
٦. بليت بِقاس لا يَرق فُؤادَهُ
عَلَيَّ وَها قَد رَقَ لي الحَجَرُ الصَلد
7. I bear what time itself cannot bear some of
And carry what effort itself has been too weak to carry
٧. أُعاني بِهِ ما يَعجَز الدَهرُ بَعضَهُ
وَاحمل ما قَد كلَّ عَن حَملِهِ الجُهد
8. If I come to him one day and find fault with him
I set out with more painful sighs the next day
٨. إِذا جِئتَهُ يَوماً لَبث شَكية
أَروح بِأَشجان عَلى مِثلِها أَغدو
9. I shield him, though my soul resists
Can the thirsty be turned away from water?
٩. وَادفع عَنهُ النَفس وَهِيَ عَصية
وَهَل يُمكن الظَمآن عَن مَورد رَدُّ
10. When she-camel litter threatens me with
Deaths made by God, not by India
١٠. تَهددني مِن مُقلَتيهِ إِذا رَنا
قَواضب مِما يَصنع اللَهُ لا الهِند
11. Mourning unsheathed, death gleaming on its blades
Sheaths in every limb, every hand a scabbard
١١. حَداد يَلوح المَوت في صَفحاتِها
مَواض لَها في كُل جارِحة غَمد
12. As if slaughter itself has marked them
They have no choice but what they attempt
١٢. كَأَنَّ عَلَيها القَتل ضَربة لازِبِ
فَلَيسَ لَها مِما تُحاوِلهُ بُدُّ
13. You see in them the ferocity of fate
Ever increasing in devastation and harshness
١٣. تَعَلم مِنها الدَهر صَولة فاتِكِ
فَما بَرِحَت تَزداد فَتكاً وَتَشتَدُّ
14. As if in the arena of injustice two horsemen
Racing, each rider spurring his mount
١٤. كَأَنَّهُما في حَلبة الضَيم فارِساً
رِهانٍ وَكُلُ مِنهُما سابق يَعدو
15. I will be startled by the tyranny of afflictions and bend
To justice, to whom judgment and authority belong
١٥. سَأَفزع مِن جور الخُطوب وَاِنثَني
إِلى عَدل مِن أَضحى لَهُ الحَل وَالعقد
16. A protector, none but him is hoped for and feared
Though man's sons increase and multiply
١٦. همام يَرجى لا سِواهُ وَيَتَقي
وَإِن زادَ أَبناء الرِجال وَإِن عَدّوا
17. Through him complexities are solved and clarified
Without him grace and merit are counted as naught
١٧. لَدَيهِ تَحل المُعضِلات وَتَنجَلي
وَمِن دُونِهِ الإِفضال وَالحَسَب العدُّ
18. By my life - his palm cannot be stopped
By wealth, though treasuries and envoys are filled
١٨. لِعُمري لَهُ الكَف الَّتي لا يَصدّها
ملال وَإِن مَلّ الخَزائن وَالوَفد
19. He is the son of Imad al-Din of the firmly constructed
Lineage, from whom the goal is attained in all directions
١٩. هُوَ ابن عِماد الدين مِن شاد مربعاً
مِن الفَضل في أَرجائِهِ يَنجَح القَصد
20. He has bounties that the eminent flock to
And caravans of wealth trail their skirts
٢٠. لَهُ نعم ياوي إِلى ظِلِها المُنا
وَتَسحَب إِذيال الثَراء بِها الرَفد
21. And knowledge encompassing the seas of the land in their entirety
And wisdom that destroys greed - it has no limit
٢١. وَعلم بِحار الأَرض دونَ أَقله
وَحلم يَبيد الرغب لَيسَ لَهُ حَدُّ
22. Learned - when the meteors of his thoughts appear
They illuminate the gloomy night and kindle tinder
٢٢. عَليم إِذا لاحَت ثَواقب فِكرِهِ
يُضيءُ بِها الداجي وَيَتَقد الزِند
23. As if he has an all-seeing eye in his heart
Hidden and visible are equal before him
٢٣. كَأَنَّ لَهُ عَين إِطلاع بِقَلبِهِ
فَسيان ما يَخفى لَدَيهِ وَما يَبدو
24. He stood for the victory of religion after its humiliation
Restoring the devious times to straightness
٢٤. تَصَدّى لِنَصر الدين بَعدَ اِنخِذالِهِ
فَرُد عَلى أَعقابِهِ الزَمَن الوَغدُ
25. He managed the affairs of Muslims, and his superiority
A sword that severed the neck of ignorance
٢٥. وَساس أُمور المُسلِمين وَفضلُهُ
حسام بِهِ هامَ الجَهالة يَنقدُّ
26. The one by whom days shine, and he is their light
He has no equal or match in them
٢٦. بِمَن تُشرق الأَيام وَهُوَ ضِياؤُها
فَلَيسَ لَهُ فيها نَظير وَلا نِدُّ
27. I swear that he who gathers to his breast
The highborn like fledglings in a nest
٢٧. بِحف بِأَشبال أَبي اللَهِ أَنَّهُ
يَضُمُّ مِن العَليا لِأشباهِها مهد
28. Treasures the likes of which time does not spend
Three glories as though a necklace
٢٨. ذَخائر لا يَسخو الزَمان بِمِثلِها
ثَلاثة أَمجاد كَأَنَّهُمُ عقد
29. From the verdant garden and the basin where
Glory and might shake their skirts
٢٩. مِن الرَوضة الغَنّاء وَالدَوحة الَّتي
يَهز لَها أَعطافثهُ العِز وَالمَجد
30. By it the lines of praise flourish
And the bouquet of splendor diffuses its scent
٣٠. يَرق بِها خَوط المَحامد يانِعاً
وَيَعبَق مِن نَشر الفَخار بِها الرند
31. If a breeze from it reached Ridwan
Eternality would not have occurred to his mind
٣١. فَلو عَرضت مِنها لرضوان نَفحة
لَما خَطَرت يَوماً بِفكرَتِهِ الخُلد
32. A garden of might that grows might beyond it
And a basin of glory - all glory is its blossoms
٣٢. حَديقة عزّ يُنبت العز دُونَها
وَدَوحة مَجد كُل مَجد لَها وَرد
33. Through it, O son of great souls, comes the call
For in it eulogies have borne fruit, and so has purpose
٣٣. تَحلّ بِها يابن الأَكارم دَعوة
فَقَد أَينَعت فيها المَدائح وَالقُصد
34. Upon you, of stacked glory, belongs
Advance bestowal, set down in order
٣٤. عَلَيكَ مِن المَجد المُؤَثل لامة
مُضاعَفة التَسبيف مَوضونة سَرد
35. Still I remain, celebrated sir, a protected king
At whose gates glory has closed
٣٥. وَلا زِلت مَحروس الجَناب مملكاً
يقام عَلى أَبواب سدّتك المَجد