1. They are ungrateful for what their souls claim,
As if when they count the day of reckoning,
١. أسودُ عَلى ما تَدعيهِ نُفوسَهُم
تمال إِذا عَدوا لِيَوم رِهانِ
2. They speak ill of me in private, yet I
Have provided them with my bounty for ages,
٢. يَسيئون بي في القَول غَيباً وَإِنَّني
لتسدي لَهُم نَعمايَ طُول زَماني
3. And I fear their reproach in the evening,
While they are under the shade of my kindness and safety,
٣. وَأَمسي مُروعاً مِن مَخافة عَتبهم
وَهُم تَحتَ ظِلي رَأفَتي وَأَماني
4. I have not forgotten what my father said, he who
Compensated for their world with heavens,
٤. وَلَم أَنسَ ما قَد قالَ والِدي الَّذي
تَعوض عَن دُنياهُم بِجِنانِ
5. The pride of the glorious refused that it would see
Men in my place, unable to fill my place
٥. أَبَت هِمة العَلياء عَن أَنَّها تَرى
رِجالاً مَكاني لا تَسد مَكاني