
A day has come when Fate reveals its tidings,

يوم أتى الدهر فيما حزته الخبر

1. A day has come when Fate reveals its tidings,
A feast day that feasts and times celebrate.

١. يَومٌ أَتى الدَهر فيما حُزتَهُ الخَبرُ
عيد تَهنى بِهِ الأَعياد وَالعَصرُ

2. Your station in the heights is not made proud -
Nay, but by you the prides and heights are graced.

٢. وَما مَقامَك بِالعَلياءِ يَفخَرُ بَل
بِكَ المَفاخر وَالعَلياءُ تَفتَخر

3. Ignorance bared its leg in perturbation crying,
"What's up? What news? How go events and ways?"

٣. قَد شَمَر الجَهل عَن سَاقيهِ مُضطَرِباً
يَقولُ ما الحال ما الأَخبار ما السَير

4. They said: "The chief of learning dawns." Said he:
"Then it is time to travel and go my way."

٤. قالوا تَبَدا امام العلم قالَ إِذاً
آن الرَحيل وَطابَ السَير وَالسَفَر

5. So dawned a day safe from mischances' spite,
And bounty flowed till rocks grew verdure dressed.

٥. وَأَصبَح الدَهر لا تَخشى غَوائِلُهُ
وَأَقبَل الخَصب حَتّى أَعشَب الحَجَر

6. Religion - Hashim's creed - was firmly based
Through one the Lord and men see most esteemed,

٦. وَشَيد الدين دين الهاشِمي بِمَن
عِندَ الإِلَهِ وَعِندَ الناس يَعتبر

7. No day or night but sun and moon invoke
Blessings and peace upon him without cease.

٧. ما مِن نَهار وَلا مِن لَيلة بِهِما
إِلّا وَتَثني عَلَيهِ الشَمس وَالقَمَر

8. From the world of particles his nature was
Bounty, whose vestiges remain in Hatim's hand.

٨. مِن عالم الذر كانَ الجود شيمَتُهُ
حَتّى لَهُ في أَيادي حاتم أَثَر

9. O One alone, all praise ascription foils,
And every fulsome ode falls short condensed.

٩. يا واحِداً كُلُّ وَصف فيهِ يُعجِزُنا
وَكُلُ مَدحٍ مَع الأَطناب مُختَصَر

10. On us before, you conferred gifts in Syria
Shared through east and west - as the moon shares light.

١٠. أَولَيتَنا نعماً بِالشام سالِفَةً
في الشَرق وَالغَرب مِنها تَقسم البِدَر

11. Apart from you, no door has meaning for us,
If we hope there, only false hopes can be hoped.

١١. أَبواب غَيرك ما فيها لَنا أَرَبٌ
إِذا اِنتَظَرنا فَسوءُ الظَن يُنتَظَر