1. Draw me near through your communication after your distance
That I may reap the fruits of your promise
١. أَجرني بِالتَواصل بَعدَ بُعدك
لَعَلي أَجتَني ثَمَرات وَعدك
2. And I ask little of our meeting
Yet I fear the ill of your rejection
٢. وَأَسألك القَليل مِن التَلاقي
وَلَكن خَشيَتي مِن سوءِ رَدك
3. The Merciful watered days we once drank
In them, at ease, on the roses of your cheek
٣. سَقى الرَحمَن أَياماً سَقَينا
بِها راحاً عَلى وَردات خَدك
4. And we kissed the ruby of your mouth a while
On a slender branch and bending bough of your neck
٤. وَنَلثم اقحوان الثَغر طَوراً
عَلى جَزع وَنَهصر غُصن قَدك
5. And we met good fortune for us in a palace
In its towers appeared the moons of your joy
٥. وَنَقتَبل السُعود لَنا بِصرح
بَدَت بِبُروجِها أَقمار سَعدك
6. We dragged in it the trains of intimacy
And we plucked its fragrance from your sweet scent
٦. نَجرُر فيهِ أَذيال التَصابي
وَنَنشُق عرفهُ مِن طيب ندك
7. Beware that bliss is for less than a day
Of communion, and hell for less than your rejection
٧. أَلا أَنَّ النَعيم لِدون يَوم
تَواصل وَالجَحيم لِدُون صَدك