1. He who yearns for the grace of his Master
Sees his hopes bear fruit in abundance
١. لِذ بِمَولى مَن رامَ فَضلَ نَوالِه
أَثمَرَت بِالغِنى رُبى آمالِه
2. How often he longed for high office but feigned
Indifference, so complete was his perfection
٢. كَم تَمناهُ مَنصب فَتَغاضى
عَنهُ مُستَغنياً لِفَرط كَمالِه
3. The lofty preoccupied him until he fled
From all else to rest in his Master's shade
٣. شَغلتهُ العَلياء عَنهُ إِلى أَن
فَرَّ مِن غَيرِهِ لتحت ظلاله
4. Without promise, his Master came to him
Kissing his feet in acceptance, his Master
٤. قَد أَتاهُ مِن غَير وَعد وَوافى
لاثِماً لِلقُبول تُرب نِعالِهِ