
I ransom him from the evil that yearns for his power

أفديه من رشإ تعنو لسطوته

1. I ransom him from the evil that yearns for his power
Lion of the lair, he fears the spell of my eyes

١. أَفديهِ مِن رشإٍ تَعنو لِسَطوَتِهِ
اسد العَرين وَتَخشى سحر عَينيهِ

2. And no red rose but from his cheeks
Never the red rose but his rosy cheek

٢. وَلا مدامة إِلّا مِن مَراشِفِهِ
كلّا وَلا الوَرد إِلّا وَرد خَديهِ

3. For his sake I've loved those who resembled him
Until my body mimicked the sickness of his lids

٣. أَحببت مِن أَجلِهِ مَن كانَ يَشبَهَهُ
حَتّى حَكيت بِجِسمي سقم جفنيهِ