
My soul is ransomed for you from a blamer full of bitterness

فدا لك روحي من رشا متبرم

1. My soul is ransomed for you from a blamer full of bitterness
And from one who judges with prejudice and injustice

١. فَدا لَك روحي مِن رَشا مُتَبَرمِ
وَمِن مُنجد بِالمُستَهام وَمُنَهَمِ

2. And one who blames but the innocent
And from an oppressor but the guiltless

٢. وَمَن عاتب إِلّا عَلى غَير مُذنب
وَمِن ظالم إِلّا عَلى غَير مُجرم

3. The eyes made me drink love for you as an inherited nature
That flowed before my creation in my veins and bones

٣. سَقَتني العُيون النَجل مِنكَ سَلافة
جَرَت قَبل خَلقي في عُروقي وَأعظمي

4. And infatuation handed me over to acceptance
So if you are one who is pleased with that, then I accept

٤. وَأَسلمني فيكَ الغَرام إِلى الرَدا
فَإِن كُنت مَن يَرضى بِذَلِكَ فَأَسلَم

5. Longing has distanced me, in every limb a yearning
That melts, and an eyelid flowing with tears

٥. بَعدت وَلي في كُلِ عُضو حَشاشة
تَذوب وَطَرف هامع الجفن بِالدَم

6. And I am not blamed that the one who awakened desire
My fortunes that yielded nothing but regret

٦. وَلَستُ مَلوماً أَن مَن أَيقَظ النَوى
حُظوظي الَّتي لَم تَجن غَير تَندمي

7. I brought death upon myself when
I shot, but my arrows did not cross the valley

٧. جَلبت إِلى نَفسي المَنية عِندَما
رَمَيت فَلم تَخطي فواديَ أَسهُمي

8. God willed that I weep for none but the youthful
And be startled by none but the beloved, painfully

٨. إَبى اللَه أَن أَبكي لِغَير صَبابَةٍ
وَاِرتاع إِلّا مِن حَبيب بِمُؤلم

9. An obstinate soul, ever remaining salty
Cast with injustice, thrown at it every sinner

٩. سَجية نَفس لا تَزال مَلحةٍ
مِن الضَيم مَرمياً بِها كُل مُجرم

10. I gathered the knights of glories, and here I am
Refusing in thought about love, divided

١٠. أَجمع شرّاد المَعالي وَإِنَّني
أَبيت بِفكر في الهَوى مُنقَسم

11. And lamenting days sweeter than mana
That would pass for me between ruins and Zamzam

١١. وَأَندُب أَياماً أَلذ مِن المَنا
تَقضينَ لي بَينَ الحَطيم وَزَمزَم

12. In them a smiling essence converses with me
A discourse sweeter than honey in the mouth

١٢. تُطارحني فيهنَّ ذات تَبَسمٍ
حَديث هُوَ أَحلا مَن الشَهد في الفَم

13. Decked in adornments, sensual in her draping
Wearing a necklace of my tears and my blood

١٣. مُوشَحة الأَعطاف حالية الطَلا
تَقلد عِقداً مِن دُموعي وَمِن دَمي

14. She refused to look but at a thinking eye
And finds suitable none but imaginative lips

١٤. أَبَت أَن تَرى إِلّا لِطَرف تَفكر
وَيُلئمها إِلّا شِفاه تَوهم

15. I refused a heart safe from her, as if I
Were watching the smoothness of life from a silent mouth

١٥. أَبيت سَليم القَلب مِنها كَأَنَّني
أُراقب صَفو العَيش مِن فَم أَرقَم

16. And I am not one who appeases his love for her, and inclines
To anyone other than the generous, glorified

١٦. وَما أَنا مَن يَسلو هَواها وَيَنثَني
إِلى أَحد غَير الكَريم المُعَظَم

17. Muhammad, the exalted, the dignified, and whoever
Had a generous character, without pretense

١٧. مُحَمد السامي الجَناب وَمَن غَدا
لَهُ كَرَم الأَخلاق دونَ التَكَرُم

18. Caretaker, indeed his superior virtues
Have become, on the forehead of the world, like a red scar

١٨. هَمام لَقَد أَضحَت مَآثر فَضلِهِ
عَلى جَبهة الدُنيا كَغُرة أَدهَم

19. And my Master - when the clouds tighten around his rain -
Pours upon us one downpour after another

١٩. وَمَولى إِذا ضَنَ السَحاب بوبلِهِ
عَلَينا سقانا مُسَجماً بَعد مسجم

20. To him belong the planets revolving in their highest rising
And that is inherited from the era of Adam

٢٠. لَهُ سودد حَلَّ السَماكين رفعَةً
وَذَلِكَ أَرث فيهِ عَن عَهد آدَمِ

21. And a palm that wears generosity - constructed
Without the adornment of virtue - did not seal

٢١. وَكَفٌّ تَحلَت بِالسَماح بِنائها
بِغَير نضار الفَضل لَم تَختم

22. So no garden, the singing of weeping life
Smiles from my sullen mouth

٢٢. فَما رَوضة غَناءُ باكية الحَيا
تَبسم عَن ثَغري أَقاح وَعَندم

23. The breeze of morning extends its steps through it
And walks in a garment of light, with features

٢٣. تَمُدُّ بِها ريح الصَبا خطواتها
وَتَرفل في ثَوب مِن النور معلم

24. With a face brighter than it at its blowing
When its right side intends extinguished hopes

٢٤. بِأَبهَج وَجهاً مِنهُ عِند هَباتِهِ
إِذا يَممت يُمناهُ آمال معدم

25. So oh glorious! All the prides have become
Attributed and owed to his illuminating glory

٢٥. فَيا ماجِداً كُل المَفاخر أَصبَحت
إِلى مَجدِهِ الوَضّاح تَعزى وَتَنتَمي

26. From you they came sauntering in submission
An outpouring of thoughts and nature Muslim

٢٦. أَتَت تَتَهادى مِنكَ في مَرط دَلها
خَريدة أَفكار وَطَبع مُسلم

27. To it I have wed only eloquence as a safeguard
While now none but the innocent meets a safeguard

٢٧. وَلَها أَصطَحبت إِلّا البَلاغة مَحرماً
وَهَلأ غَيرَها لِلبكر يَلفى بِمحرم

28. It has the voice of David, the beauty of Joseph
The wisdom of Luqman and the chastity of Mary

٢٨. لَها صَوت دَاود وَصُورة يوسف
وَحكمة لُقمان وَعفة مَريم

29. It asks us of what our Lord has shown
To transcribe lifespans and provision predestined

٢٩. تَسائَلنا عَما بَراهُ الهَنا
لِتسطير آجال وَرزق مُقسم

30. It flowed before the creation of creation in the tablet, that which
Will be, and what had been before - so know!

٣٠. جَرى قَبل خَلق الخَلق في اللَوح بِالَّذي
يَكون وَما قَد كانَ مِن قَبل فَاعلم

31. It perceives the gravity of matters, and that
It yields benefit by your hands most abundant

٣١. يَراع يَراع الخَطب مِنهُ وَأَنَّهُ
لِيُثمر مِن جَدوى يَديك بِأَنعَم

32. It showed me the path of virtue until I walked it
And clarified its puzzles, all ambiguous

٣٢. أَراني طَريق الفَضل حَتّى سَلَكتُهُ
وَأَوضَح لي مِن لُغزِهِ كُل مُبهم

33. So what is a four-letter name if by it I have become
Possessed with agony, and chanting

٣٣. فَما اسم رُباعي إِذا بِأَن صَدرُهُ
غَدَوت بِهِ ذا لَوعة وَتَرنم

34. And what is it but a land in whose horizons
The stay of the despairing beloved is beautiful

٣٤. وَما هِيَ إِلّا بَلدة في رُبوعِها
يَطيب مَقام المُستَهام المُتَيم

35. And if thoughts erased a third from that
I wept for youth in it, and the days of bliss

٣٥. وَإِن مَحَت الأَفكار مِن ذاكَ ثالِثاً
بَكَيت الصِبا فيهِ وَعَهد التَنعم

36. And it reminds me - the noblest of its character
And its inversion is mean, undeserved of generosity

٣٦. وَيَذكُرني أَخلاقك الغُر شَطرُهُ
وَتَحريفُهُ ضد لَكُم لَم يُكرَم

37. And it shows us from its heart the sun in the morning
In which rise stars, after stars

٣٧. وَيُبدي لَنا مِن قَلبِهِ الشَمس في الضُحى
وَيَطلَع فيها أَنجُماً بَعدَ أَنجُم

38. And its second, praised by every lover
And who sees fault in it, even a slanderer?

٣٨. وَثانيهِ مَحمود لَدى كُل عاشق
وَمَن ذا يَراهُ مِن وشاة وَلوَّم

39. It hands me on the day of parting its heart
Though without palm or wrist

٣٩. وَيَسلمني يَوم التَرحل قَلبَهُ
وَلَكنهُ مِن غَير كَف وَمعصم

40. And connects what is between kings and their aims
And if set on a matter, resolves it promptly

٤٠. وَيوصل ما بَين المُلوك وَقَصدَها
وَإِن هَمَّ في أَمر عَلى الفَور يَفصم

41. An ally of steadfastness who never tasted
Sleep upon his eyelids, and never craved peace

٤١. حَليف نَحول لَم يَذُق قَط جفنَهُ
مَناماً وَلَم يَطمَع بِطَيف مُسلم

42. A doer, but not called a maker
Speaking, but not the speaker

٤٢. فَعول وَلَكن لَيسَ يَدعى بِفاعل
قَؤُول وَلَكن لَيسَ بِالمُتَكَلم

43. Except that he became exposed beyond his concealment
And famous among every squinter

٤٣. عَلى أَنَّهُ قَد بانَ بَعد خَفائِهِ
وَأَصبَح مَشهوراً لَدى كُل ضَيغَم

44. Rank him in your club the most honored rank
And dress him in a robe of sequenced prose

٤٤. فَانزلهُ مِن ناديك أَشرَف مَنزل
وَأَلبسهُ حلياً مِن قَريض منظم

45. And were it not for your tormenting meanings and their crafting
It would have been hard for me to speak my praise

٤٥. وَلَولا مَعانيك العَذاب وَصوغها
لَكانَ عَسيراً بِالمَديح تَكلمي

46. And meet my response with acceptance, graciously
And forgive, for the merit is for the precedence

٤٦. وَقابل جَوابي بِالقُبول تَفَضُلاً
وَسامح فَإِن الفَضل لِلمُتَقدم