
Forgive your servant, whose talents have died,

عذرا لعبدك قد ماتت قرائحه

1. Forgive your servant, whose talents have died,
And whose tears have preoccupied him in overflowing prison.

١. عُذراً لِعَبدك قَد ماتَت قَرائِحُهُ
وَالدَمع أَشغَلَهُ في السجن طافحهُ

2. Lonely, with no friend to console him,
And if the night comes with no paper on which to pour out his thoughts.

٢. مُستَوحش لا حَبيب فيهِ يُؤنسهُ
وَإِن هَدى اللَيل لا وَرق تُطارحهُ

3. Sleepless, after once being helped to slumber
By scents that used to bring rest to the weary.

٣. سَهران مِن بَعد ما قَد كانَ مُسعَفهُ
تَستَجلب النَوم لِلمضنى رَوائِحُهُ

4. How can the heavens oppose my hopes and invert them
With its actions, when its orbit has strayed?

٤. كَما ذا يُعاند آمالي وَيَعكسها
بِفعلِهِ فَلَكٌ قَد جالَ رامحهُ

5. People have turned away, with no piety to support me,
So my interests are lost, lacking a protector.

٥. وَوَلت الناس لا برّ يُوازرهُ
مُرؤَة فَلِذا ضاعَت مَصالِحُهُ

6. No good in a country whose glory has waned,
And whose grief has grown, its esteem diminished.

٦. لا خَير في بَلَد آسادها صغرت
قَدراً وَقَد عَظمت فيهِ نَوائحهُ

7. How many men have I prepared for this day,
Yet their nature was not kind, nor forgiving.

٧. كَم اِدخرت لِهَذا اليَوم مِن رَجُل
فَلَم يكنهُ وَأَخلاقي تَسامحهُ

8. How many friends, whose love was not like my blood,
While my eyes were angry at my soul appeasing them.

٨. وَمِن خَليل وَلا برضيهِ غَير دَمي
غَضبان طَرفي عَلى روحي تُصالحهُ

9. How often I found myself at night possessed of passion,
Then regretted it in the morning.

٩. وَكَم أَرانيَ لَيلاً مِن ذَوائِبِهِ
مولياً بِصَباحي ما أصابحهُ

10. Gazelles of the horizon attract me in their beauty,
But approaching them brings misfortune's blow.

١٠. تَهفو إِلى قدهِ الوَرقاء مِن طَرَب
لَكنما لَحظُهُ تُخشى جَوارحهُ

11. My book of complaints, with all that saddens me,
Is an ocean to overwhelm its reader and explicator.

١١. غَزالة الأُفق سَعدي حينَ قارنها
بِرَوعِها لِسَواد الحَظ ذابحهُ

12. Beacon of the age, our master and leader,
You whose advice has enriched us.

١٢. كِتاب شَكوايَ مِما جَلَ أَيسَرَه
بحار قارئِه فيهِ وَشارحهُ

13. You who through prayers for good have helped us attain,
Forgiveness for sins, with a handshake as a gift.

١٣. علّامة الدَهر مَولانا وَسيدنا
أَنتَ الَّذي كَثرت فينا نَصائِحهُ

14. So live as you wish in my withdrawal, your fame
Is like musk exuding its fragrance for all.

١٤. أَنتَ الَّذي بِدُعاءِ الخَير أَدركنا
وَفازَ بِالعَفو عَن ذَنب مُصافحهُ

15. Surrender the days, generous brother,
Imposing your praise on all creation.

١٥. فَعش كَما شئت في عزوفي دعة
ثَناكَ كَالمسك قَد فاحَت فَوائحهُ

١٦. وَأَسلَم مَدى الدَهر نَفّاعاً أَخا كَرَم
فَرض عَلى كُلِ مَخلوق مَدائحهُ