1. For your life, spacious though the world may be
It is not the world if the veiled one turns from you.
١. لِعُمرك ما الدُنيا العَريضة بِالدُنيا
إِذا ما نَأَت عَنكَ المُهفهفة اللميا
2. She has sworn by her glances never to visit
Nor be visited, neither in reality nor in dreams,
٢. مُحَجَبة قَد أَقسَم البيض وَالقَنا
بِأَلحاظِها أَن لا تَزور وَلا رُؤيا
3. With swaying limbs and roving eyes,
She has known no heart nor accepted any love-tokens,
٣. مرنحة الأَعطاف رَيمية الطَلا
فَما عَرفت قُلباً وَلا اِتَخَذت حليا
4. She appears not like the full moon nor the shy gazelle,
Neither like the doe nor the sand grouse.
٤. تَراءَت وَما بِالبَدر مِنها مُشابه
وَلا بِظبا الجَرعا وَلا البانة الريا
5. She questions me, who are you? While she knows full well,
I say to her, I am a dead man among the living.
٥. تَسائلني مَن أَنت وَهِيَ عَليمة
فَقُلت لَها مَيت يُعدّ مِن الأَحيا
6. She says, who gave this verdict and what is it
That has stricken you and left you no forgetfulness of our love?
٦. فَقالَت وَمَن أَفتى بِهَذا وَما الَّذي
دَهاكَ وَما غادَرت في حُبِنا نَسيا
7. I say, my pallor beneath my black hair
For killing me in the religion of love - these two dictate my judgement.
٧. فَقُلت بَياض تَحتَ مسود سالف
لِقَتلي في دين الغَرام هُما الفُتيا
8. She said, "Hush! Who would complain of wrong
When the world is filled with his benevolence and life?"
٨. فَقالَت صهٍ مِن ذا مِن الضَيم يَشتَكي
وَقَد مَلأَ الدُنيا بِمَعروفِهِ يَحيى
9. He who is the best of rulers in knowledge and ambition
And the noblest of those to whom supremacy is subject,
٩. أَتَمَّ وُلاة الحَق عِلماً وَهمة
وَأَشرَف مَن دانَت لِهِمَتِهِ العُليا
10. The longest in reach, the most perfect in pilgrimage,
The most effective in word, and the profoundest in judgment,
١٠. وَأَطوَلَهُم باعاً وَأَكمَلَهُم حجاً
وَأَنفَذَهُم قَولاً وَأَثقَبَهُم رَأَيا
11. The blossoming garden spreads not its fragrance
With sweeter scent than his creatures' satisfaction,
١١. فَما الرَوضة الزَهراءُ يَعبقَق نَشرَها
بِأَطيَب يَوماً مِن خَلائِقِهِ رَيا
12. Nor does the languishing vine moisten its lid
With a more generous flow than the watering of his fingers.
١٢. وَلا المُزنة الوَطفاءُ تَهمي جُفونَها
بِأَغدَق مِن جَدوى أَنامِله سَقيا
13. Had the Mother of Eternity sought to match him,
She would have borne only loss and misery.
١٣. فَلو أَن أُم الدَهر رامَت مُشابِهاً
لَهُ لَم تَلد إِلّا الخَسارة وَالأَعيا
14. O you whose firmness of purpose has destroyed tyrannies
And quenched the glowing embers of discord,
١٤. فَيا مَن بِماضي الحَزم أَودى مظالِماً
وَأَورى زِناد العَزم في جلق وَرَيا
15. God has guided the times aright through you
And through justice extinguished misguidance and vain desire.
١٥. لَكَ اللَهُ أَرشدت الزَمان إِلى الهُدى
وَأَخمَدَت بِالعَدل الضَلالة وَالغَيا
16. May He who appointed you over the affairs of His servants
Reward you with two scions who have attained in the world the utmost ambition,
١٦. جَزاكَ الَّذي اِسترعاكَ أَمر عِبادِهِ
بِنجلين نالا في الوَرى الغاية القُصيا
17. They are two branches of glory and dew,
Two stars in the firmament of might, indeed the adornment of the world.
١٧. هُما غُصنا دَوح لِلمَآثر وَالنَدى
وَنِجما سَماء العِزّ بَل زَهرةُ الدُنيا
18. Noble were they from before their weaning,
Sworn to extend generosity together with both hands,
١٨. كَريمان مِن قَبل الفِطام تَحالَفا
عَلى أَن يَمُدا لِلسَخاءِ مَعاً يَديا
19. Choosing nothing but glory as their amulet,
Suckling only greatness - for them a teat;
١٩. وَلا اِتَخَذا إِلّا الفَخار تَميمةً
وَلا اِرتَضعا إِلّا العُلى لَهُما ثَديا
20. And below you is a raiment of my thought,
Embroidered with praise, excellently cut and sewn.
٢٠. وَدُونَكها مِن نَسج فكري حلة
مُنَمقة بِالحَمد قَد حسنت وَشيا
21. There wafts from its hems the fragrance of eulogy,
Were it to blow on the dead, they would live again through it.
٢١. تَضوع مِن أَردانِها نفحة الثَنا
فَلو نَفَحت مَيتاً لَعادَ بِها حَيا
22. Eyes vie for the beauty of its composition,
And ears strive to hear its delicate phrasing,
٢٢. تَناهَبت الأَلحاظ حُسن اِنتِظامِها
وَقَد حَفت الأَسماع مِن لَفظِها الأَريا
23. Sweeter than the purest water on the lips of the thirsty,
And more delicious than the kisses of the beloved at the reunion.
٢٣. أَلَذ مِن الماء القِراح عَلى الصَدا
وَأَعذَب مِن عَتب الحَبيب لَدى اللُقيا