1. In receiving the greetings of the eminent professor,
My sufficiency, my reference, and my protection,
١. غب اِستَلام مَواطيء الأُستاذِ
كافي الكفاة وَمَرجَعي وَعياذي
2. The shield of the honored kings, the revealer of
Majesty, and the Lord of abundant favors,
٢. ردء الولاة المُكرَمين وَكاشف ال
جلّى وَرَبُّ الأَنعُم البذّاذ
3. One who went around boasting of knowledge and wisdom
While adorning himself with clothes and trinkets,
٣. مَن راحَ يَفخَر بِالمَعارف وَالنَدى
وَسِواهُ بِالأَثواب وَالمشواذ
4. He took virtues gloriously from the glorious
By the grace of his elevation from the formidable,
٤. أَخذ الفَضائل ماجداً عَن ماجِدٍ
لِلّه دُرّ عُلاهُ مِن أخاذ
5. He is the son of the royal falcon who aspires for glory
And fervently seeks good with delight,
٥. هُوَ نَجل شاهين الَّذي بيَهوى العُلا
وَيَهشُّ لِلمَعروف بِاستلذاذ
6. With his hands he solved knotty problems and unveiled them
And the crisis of stagnation and obstruction,
٦. بِيديهِ حَلّ المُعضِلات وَكَشفِها
وَأَزمة التَقليد وَالأنفاذ
7. And I have a sound opinion, lofty,
Beyond the penetrating view of kings,
٧. وَلَدي رَأيٌ مُحكَم سام عَلى
رَأَي المُلوك الثاقب النَفّاذ
8. Far be it that the arrows speak with ignorance
Of the thought of the guide among the thickets,
٨. حاشا بِأَن تَحكي السِهام بِداهة
مِن فكرة الوقاد في الأَغذاذ
9. He is the clothes of bounty which I gained
From his comfort with whatever gain,
٩. هُوَ مَلبسي النعم الَّتي اِستحوذتَها
مِن راحَتيهِ بِأَيما اِستحواذ
10. I will lead the caravan of poetry with praises
Which the earth takes to with claws,
١٠. سَأَقدُّ مِن طَود القَريض مَدائِحاً
تَلقي إِلَيها الأَرض بِالأَفلاذ
11. And I will weave with eulogy verses as though
Their words are made of steel,
١١. وَأَحوك نَظماً بِالثَناء كَأَنَّما
أَلفاظُهُ قَطع مِن الفُولاذ
12. Lawful magic flows fluently, dissolving
From lines like the hissing sword,
١٢. يَتَدفَق السحر الحَلال مموّهاً
مِن أَسطُر كَالصارم الهَذاذ
13. Chaste ideas became adorned
With the jewelry of eloquence, not with wretched patches,
١٣. أَبكار أَفكار غَدَت مُختالة
بِحلى البَلاغة لا بِوَشي اللّاذ
14. And I present them to the overflowing spring of dew,
The heaping clouds, the affirmation of principles,
١٤. وَأَزُفها لِجَناب فَياض النَدى
طامي العباب موطد الأَلواذ
15. It did not fail you in your praise, a piece
That ascends to the highest peak and contends,
١٥. هِيَ لا عَدمتك بامتداحك قطعة
تَسمو لِأَعلى ذُروة وَتَحاذي
16. And none competent but you for the like of it
And the age of your father the best refuge,
١٦. وَلانَت كفوٌ لا سِواكَ لِمثلِها
وَلانت عمرِ أَبيكَ خَير مَلاذ
17. For none succeeds when calamities abound
Except by your door the pleading of the desperate.
١٧. إِذ لَيسَ يَنجَح وَالنَوائب جَمة
إِلّا ببابك دَعوَة العَوّاذ