
The two wise men have won praise for themselves,

إن الحكيمين قد فازا بمدحهما

1. The two wise men have won praise for themselves,
People of praise through hints and explicitness.

١. إِن الحَكيمين قَد فازا بِمَدِحِهما
أَهل المَديح بِتَلويح وَتَصريح

2. And al-Buhturi, the master poet, his
Poetry has reached heights flying above inspiration.

٢. وَالبُحتُريُّ إِمام الشعر قَد بلَغت
أَشعارَهُ رُتَباً تَسمو عَلى يوح

3. Because my praise came after their praises
So all who praised him are less than my praised one

٣. لِأَن تَأَخر مَدحي عَن مَدائحهم
فَكُلُ مَن مَدَحوهُ دُون مَمدوحي

4. From his essence I formed kindness, so I bowed down
When I saw it, my soul above a soul.

٤. مِن ذاتِهِ كَوّنت لُطفاً فَجثَتَهُ
إِذا بصرت بِها روح عَلى روح

5. The greatest of judges in the world, for he attained
In life and death, he judged by the covenant of Noah.

٥. أَقضى قُضاة الوَرى مِن عَمَّ نائِلُهُ
حَيّاً وَمَيتاً قَضى بِالعَهد مِن نوح

6. His morals are gems, his traces are methods,
His words are pearls in a string of elucidation.

٦. أَخلاقُهُ غُررٌ آثارُهُ سَيرٌ
أَلفاظُهُ دُرَرٌ في سِلك تَوضيح

7. If I wanted to mention something of his achievements
Explaining it with my tongue is not explained.

٧. إِن رُمت أَذكُر شَيئاً مِن مَآثره
فَشَرحُهُ بِلِساني غَير مَشروح