
Damascus has become gardens of wonders,

دمشق بها أضحى رياض نوادر

1. Damascus has become gardens of wonders,
In it the worries lift from the heart of its viewer,

١. دِمَشق بِها أَضحى رِياض نَوادر
بِها يَنجَلي عَن قَلب ناظِرِها الهَمُّ

2. So let him who has wasted his life weep for himself,
For he has no share of it or portion.

٢. عَلى نَفسِهِ فَليَبكِ مَن ضاعَ عُمرَهُ
وَلَيسَ لَهُ مِنها نَصيب وَلا سَهمُ