
The mixed potion shone at dawn from the glasses,

بان الخليط ضحى من الجرعاء

1. The mixed potion shone at dawn from the glasses,
So who will stay due to the severity and hardship?

١. بان الخَليط ضحى مِن الجَرعاءِ
فَمِن المُقيم لِشدة وَعَناءِ

2. God knows that my mornings in love
Are the same after their departure and my evenings.

٢. اللَهُ يَعلم إِن صُبحي في الحِما
سيان بَعدَ رَحيلهم وَمَسائي

3. Misfortunes fold over me as if
I am the secret of passion and as if they are my intestines.

٣. تَطوى عَلَيَّ النائِبات كَأَنَّني
سر الهَوى وَكَأَنَّها أَحشائي

4. The most my heart complains, forbidden
Is in its glance my remedy, and from it my medicine.

٤. وَأَشَد ما يَشكو الفُؤاد ممنع
في لَحظِهِ دائي وَمِنهُ دَوائي

5. The basil of beauty who was played with
By the breeze of youth, not the rest of grey hair.

٥. رَيحانة الحُسن الَّتي لَعِبَت بِها
ريح الصِبا لا راحة الصَهباءِ

6. The waters of beauty flow in its limbs
Flowing from it into my limbs like mercury.

٦. تَجري مِياه الحُسن في أَعطافِهِ
جَري الصَبابة مِنهُ في أَعضائي

7. A moon that when the veil was removed, speaking
The eyes of passions stared at it.

٧. قَمَرٌ إِذا حَسر القِناع مُخاطِباً
شَخصت إِلَيهِ أَعيُن الأَهواءِ

8. It ruled the rule of every enamored heart
Its glances are from the world of creation.

٨. مَلَكت وِلاية كُل قَلب مُولع
لَحظاتُهُ مِن عالم الإِنشاءِ

9. If the night of passion hides it, its forehead
Dawns light up on it with lights.

٩. إِن يَخفِهِ لَيل النَوى فَجَبينُهُ
صُبح يَنمُّ عَلَيهِ بِالأَضواءِ

10. How much with a twisted chest I spent the night in love
I closed my eyelids with it on the carpets.

١٠. كَم بِتُّ مَطوي الضُلوع عَلى جَوى
أَغضي الجُفون بِها عَلى البَرحاءِ

11. So the mother in it undresses and devotes,
And the signs in it are my smile and my crying.

١١. فَالأُم فيهِ تَهتكي وَتَنسكي
وَعَلام فيهِ تَبَسمي وَبُكائي

12. May time benefit me in attaining the wish
Where I took refuge in the most knowledgeable of scholars.

١٢. علّ الزَمان يَفيدني نَيل المُنا
حَيث التجئت لِأَوحد العُلماءِ

13. The son of glory, and from the daughter his determination,
A house whose pillars are on the highest.

١٣. نَجل العِماد وَمِن بِنت عَزماتُهُ
بَيتاً دَعائِمُهُ عَلى العَلياء

14. His fingers shine and his face beams
So he is generous with beads and gifts.

١٤. تَندي أَنامِلُهُ وَيُشرق وَجهُهُ
فَيَجود بِاللألاءِ وَالآلاءِ

15. Awake to the outcomes of matters as if
The facts of things were uncovered to him.

١٥. يَقظ بِأَعقاب الأُمور كَأَنَّما
جَليت عَلَيهِ حَقائق الأَشياء

16. Glory to Him who combined insight and guidance
For His noble side over all contemporaries.

١٦. سُبحان مَن جَمَع الفَراسة وَالهُدى
لِجَنابِهِ السامي عَلى النَظراءِ

17. And the awe of loyalty whose loyalty
Is surrounded by majesty and brilliance.

١٧. وَمَهابة شاد الوَلاء وَلاؤُها
مَحفوفة بِجَلالة وَبَهاءِ

18. Glory that ascended with His side until
It reached the sky and surpassed it with its sky.

١٨. مَجد سَما بِجَنابِهِ حَتّى لَقَد
بَلغَ السَماء وَفاقَها بِسَماءِ

19. And features that softened as they occurred to
The blossoms of spring, the first dew.

١٩. وَشَمائِلٌ رَقَت كَما خَطَرت عَلى
زَهر الرَبيع بَواكرُ الأَنداءِ

20. My Master, but the Master of creation in purity
The sincerity of the mantle from the daughters of Eve.

٢٠. مَولايَ بَل مَولى البَرية في صَفا
صُدق الطَوية مِن بَني حَواءِ

21. You are the one who always fostered loyalty
And the father of mankind in its clay and water.

٢١. أَنتَ الَّذي ما زِلت ترب وِلاية
وَأَبو الوَرى في طينِهِ وَالماءِ

22. You recite to the hearing of praise and poetry
Verses of your praise, the beautiful perfect years.

٢٢. تَتلو عَلى سَمع المَحامد وَالثَنا
آيات مَدحك السنُ النَعماءِ

23. By God, nothing was fed by its fold
Except the milk of mighty chastity.

٢٣. لِلّهِ أمّ ماغذيت بِثنيها
إِلّا لبان العزة القَعساءِ

24. The sun of pride rose in the orbit of sublimity
Surrounded by the stars of sons.

٢٤. أَطلعت شَمس الفَخر في فلك العُلا
مَحفوفة بِكَواكب الأَبناءِ

25. They inclined the hearts of the people of their time
With love and the bosoms of hope with singing.

٢٥. المالتون قُلوب أَهل زَمانِهُم
حُبّاً وَأَكناف الرَجا بِغَناءِ

26. And those who pitched their black tents
On the zeal of determination and the divergence of al-Jawzaa.

٢٦. وَالضارِبون خِيام سوددهم عَلى
هام السماك وَمفرق الجَوزاءِ

27. O you who my worries flocked to
When I came to you seeking rain and my hope.

٢٧. يا مَورِداً حامَت عَلَيهِ غلَتي
إِذ جِئتُهُ مُستسقياً وَرَجائي

28. And take from the molding of poetry the messages
I composed with the hands of understanding and opinions.

٢٨. وَافتك مِن صَوغ القَريض فَرائد
نَظمت بِأَيدي الفهم وَالآراءِ

29. So I became a branch of knowledge and virtues
And I reaped the light of praise and eulogy.

٢٩. فَهصرت غُصن مَعارف وَمَحاسن
وَجَنيت نور مَحامد وَثَناءِ

30. Alas! The people's poetry cannot be compared
To poetry honored by your listening.

٣٠. هَيهات ما شعر الأَنام مُقارناً
شعراً تَشرف مِنكَ بِالإِصغاءِ