
The doves of the garden, what is this twittering -

حمائم الروض ما هذي التغاريد

1. The doves of the garden, what is this twittering -
Is it from an awakener, or your imitation of me?

١. حَمائم الرَوض ما هَذي التَغاريدُ
عَن باعث هِيَ أَم لي مِنكَ تَقليدُ

2. Our sighs and your sighs, the wings of night concur.
And for us the preoccupations are roses and myrtles.

٢. نوحي وَنوحك جَنح اللَيل مُتَفق
وَالمُشغلات لَنا وَرد وَتَوريد

3. If the voice of the little one satisfies you,
Then my heart has an excuse in love's rebuttal.

٣. إِن كانَ يُقنعك صَوت الصَغير فَلي
قَلب يُعللهُ في الحُب تَفنيدُ

4. The fire of my heart was astonished at its composure
And from my eyelids a tear complained and whimpered.

٤. تَعجبت نار قَلبي مِن تجلده
وَمِن جُفوني شَكا دَمع وَتَسهيدُ

5. And sorrow remains as I was accustomed to it,
Even if recurring Eid after its absence is Eid.

٥. وَالحُزن باقٍ عَلى ما كُنت أَعهدهُ
وَإِن تَكرر عيد بُعدَهُ عيدُ

6. The gazelle, hopeful for his wound's recovery,
Except for he who was wounded by the black eyes.

٦. جَريح بيض الظِبا تَرجا سَلامَتهُ
إِلّا الَّذي جَرَحتهُ الأَعيُن السودِ

7. I have, for the censurers, a sprinkling of minds' terror -
His standing is clear, and the heart stoic.

٧. لي بِالظَعائن نَهاب العُقول رَشاً
قَوامُهُ بانة وَالقَلب جَلمودُ

8. If the wind passed, narrating his locks,
Nothing would remain of a past, then forgotten pact.

٨. لَو مَرَت الريح تَروي عَن ذَوائِبِهِ
لَم يَبقَ مِن عَهد عادَ ثَمَّ مَلحود

9. But it prohibited it from his resting places -
Fearing the streamers the sentinels cast down.

٩. لَكنها مَنَعتها عَن مَواطئهِ
مَهابة تَتحاماها الصَناديدُ

10. Of the heroes the distinguished ones, who have
A banner of beauty raised over the moons.

١٠. مِن البَشانِقَة الغُر الذينَ لَهُم
لِواء حُسن عَلى الأَقمار مَعقودُ

11. We are the wrong-doers, whether they be unjust or fair,
And they do not see praised but what is extolled.

١١. نَحنُ المُسيئون إِن جاروا وَإِن عَدلوا
وَما يَرون حَميداً فَهُوَ مَحمودُ

12. And humiliation is nobler than honor in their love,
And the evil of their estrangement is a flock of sheep or goats.

١٢. وَالذُل أَشرَف عزّ في مَحبتهم
وَشَريُ هَجرِهم أريٌ أَو قَنديدُ

13. Do not accompany any but the free if you gain them,
And what is other, if you try, is vexation.

١٣. لا تَصحبنَ غَير حَر أَن ظَفرت بِهِ
وَما سِواهُ إِذا جَرَبت تَنكيدُ