
Though young in years compared to his time's span,

صغير إذا عدت سني زمانه

1. Though young in years compared to his time's span,
In sciences profound, a reverend elder he became.

١. صَغير إِذا عُدَّت سَنيّ زَمانِهِ
وَفي المَعلوات الغرّ شَيخ رِجالِها

2. To him belong the aura radiant and the state which guards
Each glory safe beneath the shade of its protection.

٢. لَهُ الغُرة القَعساء وَالدَولة الَّتي
حَما كُل مَجد تَحت ظل ظَلالها

3. Its nature to discerners is a garden whose well-springs
Pour forth the lights of highness in its midst.

٣. خَلائقها لِلمُبصِرين حَدائق
تَفتح أَنوار العُلا في خلالها