
With Your great attributes, exalted is their worth

بنعتمك العظمى التي جل قدرها

1. With Your great attributes, exalted is their worth
Save me from my own self, protect me from my soul

١. بِنعتمك العَظمى الَّتي جَلَّ قَدرُها
أَعذني مِن نَفسي أَجرنيَ مِن نَفسي

2. In place of hardship, recompense me with ease and mercy
From boundless generosity and the holy Knower

٢. عَن العُسر عَوضني بِيُسر وَرَحمة
مِن الكَرَم الفَياض وَالعالم القُدسي