
In the night of worries

حتام في ليل الهموم

1. In the night of worries
The flint of your thoughts sparks

١. حتّام في لَيل الهُمو
م زِناد فكرك تَنقدح

2. A heart ulcerated with sorrow
And tears of eyes overflowing

٢. قَلب تَقرح بِالأَسى
وَدُموع عَين تَتَسفح

3. Be gentle with yourself and hold fast
To the protection of the Guardian, and you will relax

٣. ارفق بِنَفسك وَاِعتَصم
بِحِمى المُهيمن تَنشَرح

4. And supplicate to Him if the noose of
Your condition tightens, and it will loosen

٤. وَاضرع لَهُ إِن ضاق عَن
كَ خِناق حالك تَنفسح

5. What afflicted person came to the space of His generosity
Except He granted?

٥. ما أَم ساحة جودِهِ
ذو محنة إِلّا مَنَح

6. Or who came to Him with complex matters
Except He untied?

٦. أَو جاءَهُ ذو المُعضِلا
ت بِمغلق إِلّا فَتح

7. So leave aberrance and take
The path of moderation illuminated

٧. فَدَع السوى وَاِنهَج عَلى
نَهج السويّ المتضح

8. And listen to the advice of an advisor
If you are one who takes advice

٨. وَاسمَع مَقالة ناصح
إِن كُنت مِمَن يَنتَصح

9. Nothing happens except what He wills
So leave your desire and let go

٩. ما تَمَّ إِلّا ما يُري
د فَدَع مُرادك وَاِطرَح

10. And leave your whispers that
Preoccupied your heart, so it may rest

١٠. وَاِترُك وَساوسك الَّتي
شغلت فُؤادك تَستَرح