
Alas for our stance in Barqa as it dims

واها لموقفنا ببرقة تهمد

1. Alas for our stance in Barqa as it dims
Between warnings and petty goodness

١. واهاً لِموقفنا بِبرقة تَهمدِ
بَينَ النَواهد وَالحسان الخُردِ

2. From every unsettled wilderness
Running with the lines of separation extended

٢. مِن كُل مخطفة الحَشا رَعبوبة
تَزري بِخوط البانة المتاوّد

3. Blame cast it aside and time has sewn shut
The eyelids of events and the most sorrowful era

٣. طارَحتَها العُتبى وَقَد خاطَ الكَرى
جفنَ الحَوادث وَالزَمان الأَنكَدِ

4. And the night, its edges have softened in its cold
And time, life is clear, its springs sweet

٤. وَاللَيل قَد رَقَت حَواشي بَردهُ
وَالوَقت صافي العَيش عَذب المورد

5. And the flowers on the horizon of the sky as though
A necklace scattering on an emerald carpet

٥. وَالزَهر في أُفق السَماءِ كَأَنَّها
عقد تَبَدد في فِراش زَبَرجَد

6. Until the dawn broke through and startled it
The look of the slanderers moved from its bed

٦. حَتّى اِنجَلى فَلق الصَباح وَراعَها
نَظر الوشاة تَزَحزحت عَن مَرقَد

7. So I began pouring tears of separation
Like rain, no, like the most joyful lament

٧. فَطفقت أَسفح لِلتَنائي عبرة
كَالغَيث بَل كَنوال راحة أَسعَد

8. He is the delight of the world and its nap whom
The possessors of insight are guided by his years

٨. هُوَ بَهجة الدُنيا وَفَرقَدَها الَّذي
بِسَناهُ أَرباب البَصائر تَهتَدي

9. By his existence, the Sovereign fortified His law
And through him God strengthened Muhammad's religion

٩. بِوجودِهِ شادَ المُهَيمن شَرعُهُ
وَبِهِ أَعَزَ اللَهُ دين مُحَمَد

10. To God a kingdom from you, a branch of the sublime
So everything gloomy fell from its heights

١٠. لِلّهِ مِنكَ مَملَك فرع العُلا
فَاِنحَطَ عَن علياهُ كُل مسود

11. Unparalleled in the two worlds in resolve
Whose supreme traces are undeniable

١١. مُتفرد في العالَمين بِهمة
عُلوية آثارَها لَم تَجحد

12. And in perceptiveness by princely insight
It is as though he speaks of what will come tomorrow

١٢. وَبَداهة بِفَراسة عمريةٍ
حَتّى يَكاد يَقول عَمّا في غَد

13. In some hints of his glory
On the day of boasting despite the envious

١٣. في بَعض أَيرذَرَّةٍ مِن مَجدِهِ
يَومَ المَفاخر رَغمُ أَنف الحَسَد

14. As though the celestial spheres are subservient to his right hand
Like the feast carrying out the order of the Master

١٤. وَكَأَنَّما الأَفلاك طوع يَمينهِ
كَالعيد ممتثِلاً لِأَمر السَيد

15. So their inauspicious stars are the lot of his enemies
And their fortunes forever are in his grasp

١٥. فَنحوس أَنجمها نَصيب عداتِهِ
وَسُعودِها أَبَداً لَهُ مُلك اليَد

16. O You my Master whom
The wise of heart have answered to His tomb

١٦. يا أَيُّها المَولى الَّذي لِجَنابِهِ
جابَت أُولو الأَلباب عَرض الفَرقَد

17. Your abundant grace has spread through the land so it yielded
To the bridle whether returning or setting forth

١٧. عَمَت فَوائضك البَرية فَاِنثَنَت
طَوع العنان لَرائح وَلَمُغتَدي

18. From Your inaccessible protection I have the firmest ascent
And most perfect lavishment and the best gift

١٨. لِي مِن مَنيع حِماك أَمضى صَعدة
وَأَتَم سابغة وَخَير مُهَنَد

19. Do not forget a slave whom his time has cast
With unending tribulations in multitude

١٩. لا تَنسَ عَبداً قَد رَماهُ دَهرَهُ
بِحَوادث لا تَنقَضي بِتَعَدُد

20. And I, who have reached Your door with his luggage
Seeking success, and You are the greatest aim

٢٠. وَأَنا الَّذي أَلقا بِبابك رحلهُ
يَبغي النَجاح وَأَنتَ أَعظَم مَقصَد

21. And whose poetry flows with its beauty
From every string with the stars aligned

٢١. وَأَجادَ فيكَ الشعر يَقطر حُسنَهُ
مِن كُل عقد بِالنُجوم منضد

22. I have nothing but the prayers of a humble heart
And eloquent poetry praising with construction

٢٢. مالي سِوى دَعوات قَلبٍ خاشع
وَبَليغ شعر بِالثَناءِ مشيد