1. Who is there whose beauty the night embellishes,
Born radiant, the moon envies his features,
١. مَن لي بِهِ وَالسحر ملئَ جُفونِهِ
رشأ يغار البدر مِن تَكوينِهِ
2. Perfect in grace, none in his assembly
But their eyes lower before his eyes,
٢. جَم المحاسن ما بدا في محفل
إِلّا وَاغضت مِنهُ أَعيُن عَينِهِ
3. His charm adorns the garden before its time,
And lends the Pleiades the light of his face,
٣. يَكسي شَذاهُ الرَوض قَبلَ أَوانِهِ
وَيُعير لِلساري ضِياءَ جَبينِهِ
4. He frees souls from their bodies,
As if destinies bend to his will,
٤. وَيُجرد الأَرواح مِن أَجسادِها
فَكَأَنَّما الآجال طَوع يَمينِهِ
5. The carefree youth flutter around him,
Lively in his motions and stillness,
٥. يَهفو بِهِ مَرح الصِبا فَتخالَهُ
نَشوان مِن حَرَكاتِهِ وَسُكونِهِ
6. I gifted him the daughter of the vine when she sang,
Moon of the meadow's joy over its branches,
٦. عاطَيتُهُ بِنت الدَنان وَقَد شَدا
قَمَريُّ رَوض اللَهو فَوقَ غُصونِهِ
7. The night is dark and tumultuous with life
Glorious in its visitors and revelry,
٧. وَاللَيل مُعتَكِرٌ وَمُعتَرك الحَيا
يَزهو بِوَفد زذاذه وَهتونِهِ
8. Lightning in the garb of clouds as if
Anger makes his fists flash,
٨. وَالبَرق في حلل الغَمام كَأَنَّهُ
عَضب تَقلبهُ أَكفُّ قيونِهِ
9. As if the shining moon's glow
Comes from the face of the exalted and his cheeks,
٩. وَكَأَنَّما القَمَر المُنير ضِياءَهُ
مِن وَجه مخدوم العُلى وَخَدينهِ
10. Who created his generous self and described him
Goodly, musk scattering in his abodes,
١٠. مَن خَلقه الزاكي السَني وَوَصفُهُ
يَزري بَريّا المسك في دارينهِ
11. My lord, when pilgrims crowd his door,
Welcomes them, munificence in his eyes,
١١. مَولى إِذا اِزدَحَمَ الوُفود بِبابِهِ
يَلقاهُم وَالجود نَصب عُيونِهِ
12. I mean the eminent master Abu Al-Baqa’
Whose resolve time cannot change,
١٢. أَعِني بِهِ المَولى الأَجلّ أَبا البقا
مِن ظَنِهِ في الدَهر مثل يَقينِهِ
13. Fierce, leading glorious enterprises, gentle of speech,
Steel the might of his gentleness,
١٣. شَرس يَقدُّ الخَطبَ لينُ خِطابِهِ
وَالنَصلَ شدّةُ بَأسِهِ في لينِهِ
14. God deposited sovereignty and piety
In his cloak, and man in his clay,
١٤. قَد أَودَع اللَهُ السِيادة وَالتُقى
في بُردتيهِ وَآدم في طِينِهِ
15. Who can measure among mortals his loftiness,
That time and its people are less than him,
١٥. مَن ذا يَقيس بِهِ البَرية رفعَةً
أَن الزَمان وَأَهلَهُ مِن دُونِهِ
16. Time passes but cannot describe him,
Not even poetry excelling in his praise,
١٦. يَفنى الزَمان وَلَيسَ يَبلغ وَصفَهُ
شعرٌ وَلَو بالغت في تَحسينِهِ
17. O architect of the pillars of Suddad,
Lofty as mountains in their standing,
١٧. يا أَيُّها الباني دَعائم سوددٍ
سامي الذَرى كَالطود في تَمكينِهِ
18. You have resolve in adversities, and Suddad
Like a sublime fortress,
١٨. لَكَ عَزمة في النائِبات وَسودد
كَعُلى الكِرار في صَفينِهِ
19. Of those glories and heights you have
What exhausts eloquence to convey,
١٩. وَلَدَيك مِن تِلكَ المَآثر وَالعُلى
ما أَعجَز الفَصحاءِ عَن تَبيينِهِ
20. I surveyed a sea surging with dew
And you seemed to tell the moon to set,
٢٠. أَسويت بَحراً بِالنَدى مُتَدفِقاً
وَبَدوت تَحكي البَدر غب دُجونِهِ
21. So I settled the darkness of his darkness,
And removed from my heart the place of doubts,
٢١. فَسَكنت مِن طَرفي سَواد سَوادِهِ
وَحَلَلت مِن قَلبي مَحَل ظُنونِهِ
22. I swear by the Ancient House and its terrain,
Its stones and walls,
٢٢. أَقسَمت بِالبَيت العَتيق وَما حَوَت
بَطحاؤُهُ مِن حَجرِهِ وَحُجونِهِ
23. The world contained no palace like yours,
No, nor its equal in its splendor,
٢٣. ما ضَمت الدُنيا كَقَصرك مَنزِلاً
كَلا وَلا سَمحت بِمثل قَطينِهِ
24. May you remain for people, Lord of the Worlds,
A refuge, stronghold to aid His religion,
٢٤. أَبقاكِ رَب العالَمين لِخَلقِهِ
كَهفاً وَصَمصاماً لِنَصرة دِينِهِ
25. And I see you in the auspicious lineage like
Harun in his succession and trustee.
٢٥. وَأَراك في النَجل السَعيد كَما أَرى
هَرونَ في مَأمونِهِ وَأَمينِهِ