
I was raised in an exalted cradle,

نشأت بمهدي رفيع الذرى

1. I was raised in an exalted cradle,
With gazelles around me and lions of valor.

١. نَشَأت بِمَهدي رَفيع الذَرى
وَحَولي الظِبا وَأُسد الشَرى

2. I befriended every generous man,
Whose ambergris fuels his fire.

٢. وَنادَمت كُل سَخي الوُجو
د يُطعم نيرانَهُ العَنبَرا

3. My valiant father ruled the land,
And my uncle was the prince of princes.

٣. وَوالِدي الشَهم فَحل الرِجا
ل وَجدي الأَمير أَمير الوَرى

4. Whenever a guest visited our abode,
We offered him our souls before provisions.

٤. وَإِن يَمم الضَيف أَحياءَنا
بَذَلنا لَهُ الروح قَبل القَرى

5. But time has encamped against us,
And broken pacts it once made with us.

٥. وَلَكن أَناخَ عَلَينا الزَما
ن وَخانَ عُهوداً لَنا وِاِفتَرى