1. If the full moon were shy and hid away
My spirit in Rajab would not display
١. لَو اِستَحى البَدر اِحتَجَب
لَما بَدا روحي رَجَب
2. If he complains of my cheek, just say
Where is that downy hair, now turned to gray?
٢. إِن كانَ مِن وَجه حَكا
هُ فَقُل لَهُ أَينَ الشَنَب
3. Where are those glances lodged within our hearts?
Consumed by flames of love set them ablaze
٣. أَينَ الثَنايا المُودعا
ت قُلوبِنا حَرق اللَهب
4. Where is that slender waist and gorgeous mien
That wondrous height no equal to be seen
٤. أَينَ اللَواحظ وَالخُدو
د وَذَلِكَ القَد العَجَب
5. Amongst the non-Arabs nor the Arabic tribes
He stole our minds and captured hearts besides
٥. ما في الأَعاجم مِثلَهُ
يُلفى وَلا بَينَ العَرَب
6. Spilled blood though he knows not why
To the impassioned, wildly he makes his cry
٦. رَشأ سَبا مِنا العُقو
ل وَلِلقُلوب لَقَد سَلَب
7. Your needs I ever strive to satisfy
With verse or song, as you desire and I
٧. سَفك الدِماء وَإِن تَسَل
مِنهُ فَلا يَدري السَبَب
8. If you would hunt me down in love's terrain
Lay traps of gold, though I disdain
٨. أَضحى يَقول دَلالَهُ
لِلمُستَهام بِلا رَهب
9. Bow down, submit, no lineage declare
There, that is enough, no noble air
٩. لا تَنقضي لَكَ حاجة
عِندي بِشعر أَو طَرَب
١٠. إِن رُمت صَيدي في الهَوى
فَاِنصب شِراكاً مِن ذَهَب
١١. وَاِخضَع وَذل وَلا تَقُل
حَسَبٌ هُناكَ وَلا نَسَب