
He is preoccupied with obeying his Lord

تشاغل عن كل بطاعة ربه

1. He is preoccupied with obeying his Lord
So his strong faith is praised by the five daily prayers

١. تَشاغل عَن كُلٍ بِطاعة رَبِهِ
فَأَثنَت عَلى ما شادَ إِيمانُهُ الخَمس

2. His rank in every land is of virtues
While the like of him is shunned by the worthless

٢. فَمنصِبَهُ في كُل مصر فَضائل
وَقَد عَقَد الأَنداد عَن مِثلَها الفلس

3. When he looks in the mirror, his face
Its exterior a full moon, its interior a sun

٣. إِذا أَمسَكَ المِرآة يَنظُر وَجهُهُ
فَظاهرها بَدر وَباطنها شَمس