1. The blacks hunted with their eyelids and teeth,
And plundered minds with their appearance and beauty.
١. صادَ الأُسود بِمُقلة وَسَناءِ
وَسَبا العُقول بِطَلعة وَسَناءِ
2. He came, dressed in his blue garment,
Like a full moon rising in the sky.
٢. وَأَتى بِأَزرق ثَوبِهِ مُتَوَشِحاً
فَكَأَنَّهُ بَدر بَدا بِسَماءِ
3. The suns of the horizon were shy before him
When he came with that graceful stature.
٣. خَجلت شُموس الأُفق مِنهُ عِندَما
وافى بِتلك الطَلعة الحَسناءِ
4. The branches bowed down when
He strode by with his tall, slender figure.
٤. وَالقَضب خَرت سُجَّداً لَما بَدا
مُتَخَطِراً بِالقامة الهَيفاءِ
5. Lost in the night of his tresses, I was-
The dawn of his face led me back.
٥. وَبِلَيل طَرتهِ ضَللت وَإِنَّني
مِن صُبح غُرتهِ وَجَدت هدائي
6. So blessed is the Merciful for what beautiful
Gazelle he created, grazing in the meadows!
٦. فَتَبارك الرَحمَن ما أَحلاهُ مِن
رَشاء غَدا يَرعاهُ في الأَحشاءِ
7. Before hunting the gazelle, I never thought
That the blacks were prey to the whites.
٧. ما كُنت أَحسَب قَبل صَيد الظَبي لي
إِن الأُسود فَرائس لِظباءِ
8. Until I stabbed with my brown spear
And killed with my white arrows.
٨. حَتّى طَعنت بأَسمر مِن قَدِهِ
وَقَتَلت مِن أَلحاظِهِ بِظِباءِ
9. So when he moans and when he swoons, remember not
The whites along with the tawny browns!
٩. فَإِذا رَنا وَإِذا اِنثَنى لا تَذكُروا
بيض الظِبا مَع صَعدة سَمراءِ
10. The sultan of beauty with his neck is one
Whose hair distinguished him with a banner.
١٠. سُلطان حسن في المَلاحة قَدهُ
قَد خَصَهُ مِن شِعرِهِ بِلِواءِ
11. In his cheeks, wonders, some of which
Are fire whose embers are lit by water!
١١. وَبِوَجنَتَيهِ عَجائب مِن بَعضِها
نار يَشب ضرامها بِالماءِ
12. A moon at the highest horizon residing
With the stations of moons in the Highest.
١٢. قَمر بِأَعلا جَلق مُستَوطن
وَمَنازل الأَقمار في العَلياءِ
13. How many times have I been hit by his glances -
Those glances that spilled my blood!
١٣. كَم رُمت مِنهُ قُربة فَتَجيبني
أَلحاظُهُ اللاتي سَفَكنَ دِمائي
14. Whoever wants to live should die in his love
So he can count himself with the living tomorrow!
١٤. مَن رامَ يَحيى فَليَمُت في حُبِهِ
حَتّى يَعدُّ غَداً مِن الأَحياءِ