1. Iraq says it's morning, so get up
The winds are blowing, but from Aleppo
١. تَقول العِراق صَبا جلق
تهبُّ وَلَكنها مِن حَلَب
2. Some of its homes, an army appears
With elegance, towards Damascus, smooth-faced
٢. مَواطن مِنها بَدا عَسكَر
مِن الزوق للشام صافي الشَنَب
3. Whenever he intends to sing us a song
Lovers sway, passionate with musical rhythm
٣. إِذا ما نَوى يَشدو بِبَيت لَنا
تَمايل عُشاق شَوق الطَرَب
4. So here is Al-Mushannaf, listen to us
A full moon that amazes with wonder
٤. فَهَذا المُشنف اسماعِنا
بَدرٍّ تَعجَّب مِنهُ العَجَب
5. Healing the sick with his soft voice
And pure nature and beloved essence
٥. يُداوي السَقيم بِصَوت رَخيم
وَطَبع سَليم وَذات تُحب
6. And polishing our spirits, his gentle utterance
And in cups of outpouring, beloved pearls
٦. وَصيقل أَرواحِنا رَخيم لَفظُهُ
وَفي كُؤُوس البَسط مِنها حَبب
7. Perfect strangeness and wondrous gentleness
And singer of the sensible, in good manners
٧. كَمال غَريب وَلُطف عَجيب
وَمَغني اللَبيب بِحُسن الأَدَب