1. Damascus boasts over all lands of one
Who did good and knew gratitude best of men
١. فَخراً دِمَشق عَلى كُل البِلاد بِمَن
أَولى البَرية مَعروفاً وَعِرفانا
2. Al-Maqarri, who even a little of the excellence
He embodied would leave every wise man perplexed
٢. المَقريّ الَّذي في بَعض أَيسر ما
حَوى مِن الفَضل كُل راح حَيرانا
3. A sun setting in the west whose rising
Would put even the sun to shame as proof
٣. شَمس مِن الغَرب قَد كانَت مَشارِقُها
بَل دونَها الشَمس يَومَ الفَخر بُرهانا
4. None prized what great minds valued more
Except he who made it flow with excellence
٤. أَغرّ ما أَحدقت أَيدي العِظام بِهِ
إِلّا وَأَضحى بِماءِ الفَضلِ رَيانا
5. You can almost read in the radiance of his face
A title from the chapter of Might and Honor
٥. تَكاد تَقرأ في لَالاءٍ غرتِهِ
مِن سورة العِزة القَعساء عُنوانا
6. He has such wisdom even the sharp ends
Of flowers bend to his guidance obediently
٦. لَهُ مِن الرَأي ما تَحنو لا يسره
ثَواقب الزهر إِرشاداً وَإِذعانا
7. A life learned from Abi Hafs he embraced
To dignity rivaling the guidance of Salman
٧. وَسيرة مِن أَبي حَفص تَلقفها
إِلى وَقار يُضاهي هَدي سَلمانا
8. Loving to do good he ardently seeks
Privately and openly devoted to his Lord
٨. مُصاحب حسن فعل الخَير يِعشقهُ
مَراقب رَبِهِ سرّاً وَإِعلانا
9. He spends his day teaching unfailingly
And night remembering God reciting Quran
٩. يَقضي النَهار بِدَرس غَير مُندَرس
وَيَقطَع اللَيل تَسبيحاً وَقُرآنا
10. To which blossom should we turn our course today
When his sea of gifts has become coral adorned
١٠. لِأَي وَرد نولي اليَوم وَجهِتنا
وَقَد غَدا بَحرِهِ الطاميُّ مُرجانا
11. For the blessings we gained from him
Brought ease and goodness always followed
١١. لَأَن مَنَحنا يَلحَظ مِن مَواهبهِ
نِلنا الثُريا وَكانَ الخَير عُقبانا
12. Healing, teaching medicine to our knowledge
When he imparted elucidation and wisdom
١٢. شَفى يَدرس الشفا مَرضى درايتنا
لَما أَفادَ مَع الإِيضاح إِنقانا
13. Alas! Who among the people resembles him
Can a mirage compete with rain in bounty?
١٣. هَيهات هَيهات مَن في القَوم يَشبَهَهُ
هَل السَراب يُباري الغَيث هِتانا
14. When he walks he treads upon their necks
Yet if you saw the living they walked mounted
١٤. إِذا مَشى فَعلى الأَعناق مَشيَتَهُ
وَإِن رَأَيت رِجال الحَي رُكبانا
15. O Master of scholars, workers, and leader
Wherever there may be, of those who guide
١٥. يا سَيد العُلَماءِ العاملين وَمَن
هُوَ الإِمام المُفَدا حَيثما كانا
16. My life's debt is paid, my time brought me
After wronging me, the blessing of meeting you
١٦. أَبرَأت ذمة دَهر جاءَ يَمنَحَني
بَعدَ الإِساءَة مِن لُقياك إِحسانا
17. A time kissing my hopes, expanding them
Because you of its people, praiseworthy, thanked
١٧. دَهرٌ يَقبّل آمالي وَأَوسَعَهُ
إِذ أَنتَ مِن أَهلِهِ حَمداً وَشُكرانا
18. Step with your heels, relentlessly victorious,
Upon the crowns of enemies whenever you please
١٨. فَطَأ كَما شئت لا تَنفك مُنتَصِراً
بِأَخمصيك مِن الأَعداء تيجانا
19. And congratulations, for your Creator appointed you
Angels as helpers and aides
١٩. وَأَهنأ فَأَنتَ الَّذي وَلّاهُ خالَقهُ
مِن المَلائك أَنصاراً وَأَعوانا
20. And sanctified it as a gift, if it were graced
With your company, would give life meaning
٢٠. وَاِستَحلها نَزهاً لَو أَنَّها رزقت
حَظّاً لَكانَت لِعَين الدَهر إِنسانا
21. Hear from it, unmatched by any verse
Except the poetry of Hassan, eloquent words
٢١. وَاِسمَع لَها مِن قَواف لا يُماثلها
قَولٌ مِن الشعر إِلا قَول حَسانا