
Where is joy when my heart today is wounded?

أين الأساة فقلبي اليوم مجروح

1. Where is joy when my heart today is wounded?
A lonely wanderer played by the winds.

١. أَين الأَساة فَقَلبي اليَوم مَجروح
مُتَيم لَعبت فيهِ التباريحُ

2. A soul pouring on my cheek, mistaken for
The tears of a languid heart that has no soul.

٢. روح تَسيل عَلى خَدي فَيحسبها
دَمعاً عَليل فُؤاد ما لَهُ روح

3. And love inscribed lines that gleam on my chest
Translated by the tongue of yearning laid bare.

٣. وَالحُب سَطر يَلوح الصَدر مُكتَتب
مُتَرجم بِلِسان الشَوق مَشروح

4. I placed my cheek on the palm of submission, and in me
Is the humiliation upon the thresholds of glory cast down.

٤. وَضَعت خَدي عَلى كَف الخُضوع وَبي
ذُل عَلى عَتبات العز مَطروح

5. So the valley of my people flashed like lightning, and
My slumbering determination awoke, and the challenge and the struggle smelled sweet.

٥. فَلاحَ بارق وادي الشَعب وَاِنتَبَهت
نوّام وَجدي وَفاحَ النِد وَالشيح

6. And a caller from that neighborhood recited to me
A verse that comforts my heart with its hints.

٦. وَقامَ هاتف ذاكَ الحَي يُنشدني
بَيتاً يَسلي فُؤادي فيهِ تَلويح

7. “If the doors of kings are closed,
Do not despair, for God's door is open.”

٧. إِن المُلوك إِذا أَبوابها غُلِقَت
لا تَيأَسَنَّ فَباب اللَهِ مَفتوح