
Virtuous when he built it

صالح للخير لما أن بنى

1. Virtuous when he built it
Sincere though he betrayed with skillful act

١. صالح لِلخَير لَما أَن بَنى
مُخلِصاً خانا بِفعل مُتقَنِ

2. He who became governor of Syria
Whose name was praised on all tongues

٢. وَهُوَ والي الشام مَن أَضحى لَهُ
حسن ذكر في جَميع الأَلسُنِ

3. Said the caller of good news with glad tidings
In the way of God a caravanserai has been built

٣. قالَ داعي البَشَر بَشَراً أَرخوا
في سَبيل اللَه خان قَد بَني