
O son of glorious deeds, from which of the virtuous and son of whom are you?

يا ابن الأماجد أنت من

1. O son of glorious deeds, from which of the virtuous and son of whom are you?
The one who thought the times would bring someone like you and believed so was lying.

١. يا ابن الأَماجد أَنتَ مِن
أَيّ الأَفاضل وَابن مَن

2. Can one compare what the exalted planted long ago in fertile soil,
To descendants through a beneficial rain, whether continuous or sporadic?

٢. كَذب الَّذي حَسب الزَما
ن أَتى بِمثلِكُم وَظَن

3. Knowledge is Allah's secret; none but you is entrusted with it.
Glory travelled to you from your father in accustomed ways.

٣. أيقاس ما غَرس العُلا
يَوماً بِخَضراءِ الدمن

4. And through you, positions of pride became superior to all others before.
So to you from me is a garden with gratitude, most excellent in art.

٤. وَالآل بِالغَيث المُغي
ث إِذا تَوالى أَو هتن

5. Why does hope not fly with me to your protection for the duration of time?
You planted for me the love of intimacy and erected for me the partnership of kindness,

٥. العلم سر اللَه لَي
سَ عَلَيهِ غَيرك يُؤتَمَن

6. And you possessed the tenderness of my praises, with manners and good manners.

٦. وَالمَجد سار إِلى جَنا
بك مِن أَبيك عَلى سِنَن

٧. وَبِكَ المَناصب فَخرَها
دون الوَرى مِن قَبل أَن

٨. فَإِلَيكَ مِني رَوضة
بِالشُكر يانِعة الفِنن

٩. لِمَ لا يَطير بِيَ الرَجا
ءُ إِلى حُماك مَدى الزَمن

١٠. وَبَذرت لي حُب المَنا
وَنَصبت لي شرك المِنَن

١١. وَمَلَكت رق مَدائِحي
بِالخَلق وَالخَلق الحَسَن