
Moments that throw arrows at my heart

لحظات ترمي الحشا بنبال

1. Moments that throw arrows at my heart
Deadly when in battle

١. لَحظات تَرمي الحَشا بِنبال
قاتِلات وَلات حين قِتال

2. And cheeks like roses in color and fragrance
Youth has polished them, along with beauty

٢. وَخُدود كَالوَرد لَوناً وَطيباً
صَقَلتها صِبا إِلَيها وَالجَمال

3. And folds like moist pearls arranged
In a necklace of sublime gems

٣. وَثَنايا كَاللؤلؤِ الرَطب تَزري
حسن نَظم لَها بِعَقد اللآلي

4. A figure that tells of highlands, but
Its effect on hearts is like highlands

٤. وَقِوام يَحكي العَوالي وَلَكن
فَعلَهُ في القُلوب فعل العَوالي

5. My ally for the sake of the beloved ransomed
With our noble souls

٥. مِن نَصيري عَلى الحَبيب المُفَدى
بِنُفوس مِنا كِرام غَوالي

6. A moon that outshines suns in brilliance
And a twig that irrigates with the water of affection

٦. قَمر يُخجل الشُموس ضِياءً
وَقَضيب يَسقى بِماءِ الدَلال

7. And a gazelle whose mouth breathes
Scents that surpass the musk of gazelles

٧. وَغَزال للمسك في الفَم مِنهُ
نَفحات تَفوق مسك الغَزال

8. He came chanting about the wine of a promise
And my hopes were intoxicated when I heard

٨. راحَ يَشدو بِذكر خَمرة وَعدٍ
عِندَ سَمعي فأَسكرت آمالي

9. A wine that was the extract of embers
For delusions in cups of the family

٩. خَمرة صورت عُصارة جَمر
لِظُنون في أَكؤس مِن آل

10. The hands of his love left me a body
Like a shaken palm tree

١٠. غادَرتَني أَيدي هَواهُ بِجسم
ناحل ماحل كَربع بالي

11. I wish for his phantom from afar
That the phantom might visit the specter of the phantom

١١. أَتَمنى خَيالَهُ وَبَعيد
أَن يَزور الخَيال طَيف الخَيال