
A collection gathered from every rarity

مجموعة جمعت من كل نادرة

1. A collection gathered from every rarity
As if it were a garden, rather its creator designed it

١. مَجموعة جَمَعت مِن كُل نادِرَة
كَأَنَّها رَوضة بَل خلق صاحبها

2. As if it were a magic spell on the eyes of the refined among us
In reality or like cups of wine for those who drink it

٢. كَأَنَّها سحر أَجفان الحِسان بِنا
في الفعل أَو كُؤُس الصَهبا بِشاربها

3. As if it were the full moon if bound in a book
As if it were the sun when folded in its setting

٣. كَأَنَّها البَدر إِن قَلبتها صُحفاً
كَأَنَّها الشَمس إِذ تُطوى بِمغربها