
We console excellence and nobility with Shibl,

نعزي الفخر والعليا بشبل

1. We console excellence and nobility with Shibl,
His dove distracted him from hunting,

١. نُعَزّي الفَخر وَالعَليا بِشبلٍ
لَواهُ عَن تَصيده حِمامُه

2. And a boy though greater than he appears,
Of eminent dignity and established stature,

٢. وَطفل وَهُوَ أَكبَر مَن نَراهُ
رَفيع الشَأن مَعروفاً مَقامُهُ

3. The heights wept their eyes full of him,
And glory said, behold, I am his lad,

٣. بَكَتهُ ملئَ أَعيُنِها المَعالي
وَقالَ المَجد ها أَنا ذا غُلامه

4. A crescent that excelled in magnanimity has disappeared from it,
And the smile of merit has parted from its mouth.

٤. هِلالٌ سَما المَكارمِ غابَ عَنها
وَثَغرُ الفَضل فارَقَهُ اِبتِسامه