
The heart showed patience in the face of the wrongdoer's deeds

صبر الفؤاد على فعال الجافي

1. The heart showed patience in the face of the wrongdoer's deeds
What an excellent guarantor of every sufficient matter

١. صَبر الفُؤاد عَلى فِعال الجافي
نَعم الكَفيل بِكُلِ أَمرٍ كافي

2. So carry hardship upon the self hopefully
From the overflowing grace of your Lord

٢. فَاحمل عَلى النَفس الصِعاب مُؤملاً
مِن فَضل رَبِكَ واسعَ الأَلطافِ

3. Are you not from a people who, when the Exalted was mentioned
Were for Him the noblest of alliances?

٣. أَولَستَ مِن قَوم إِذ ذُكِرَ العُلى
كانوا لَهُ مِن أَشرَف الأَحلاف

4. They built glorious and lofty palaces, these
For the worshipers, and those for the guests

٤. شادوا الماجد وَالقُصور فَهَذِهِ
لِلعابِدينَ وَتِلكَ لِلأَضيافِ

5. Time does not detract from my worth, though
Help for me has become scarce in providing support

٥. لَيسَ الزَمان بِمُنقَص قَدري وَإِن
عَزَ النَصير بِهِ عَلى إِسعافي

6. And even if my wealth is little
I do not fall short of the bounty of my ancestors

٦. إِني وَإِن كُنت القَليل ثَراؤُهُ
لَستَ المُقَصر عَن نَدى أَسلافي

7. Time used to be obedient and submissive to them
Yet I see it upright in the act of opposition

٧. كانَ الزَمانُ لَهُم مُطيعاً خاضِعاً
وَأراهُ مُنتَصِباً لِفعل خلاف

8. No days remain for me except those of one who
I strive with good while he is bent on ruining me

٨. لَم تَبقَ لي الأَيام إِلا مَن لَهُ
أَسعى بِخَير وَهُوَ في أَتلافي

9. Or one searing my liver with his bitter reproach
While I shade him with my bounties

٩. أَو مُحرِقاً كَبدي هَجير عِتابِهِ
وَعَلَيهِ مِن نَعمايَ ظلٌّ ضافي

10. Or is not one of the most dreadful matters my neglect
Of the assembly of the Master without dissent?

١٠. أَو لَيسَ مَن أَدهى الأُمور تَخلفي
عَن مَجلس المَولى بِغَير خِلافِ

11. I execute the judgments of the Muslims and subdue
The rebellious people with the sword of justice

١١. أَقضى قُضاة المُسلِمين وَقامع ال
قَوم البُغاة بِصارم الإِنصافِ

12. Unveiler of the mysteries of eloquence, one who became
A healer for the people from the disease of ignorance

١٢. كَشاف أَسرار البَلاغة مَن غَدا
لِلناس مِن داءِ الجَهالة شافي

13. Ocean of sciences, lofty mountain that
Damascus was kept safe by him from tremors

١٣. بَحر العُلوم الزاخر الطود الَّذي
أَمنَت دمشق بِهِ مِن الأَرجاف

14. No one can convey even a small part of his praise
If my descriptions should be prolix, ample or concise

١٤. مَن لَيسَ تُبلغ بَعضَ أَيسَرِ مَدحِهِ
إٍن أَسهَبَت أَو أُطنِبَت أَوصافي

15. Sun of existence, Abu al-Wufud, accustomed
To generosity, vast of breast and horizons

١٥. شَمس الوجود أَبو الوفود معود
بِالجود رحب الصُدر وَالأَكناف

16. He is the Kaaba of benevolence, now striving
To circuit the Kaaba of his Lord on pilgrimage

١٦. هُوَ كَعبة المَعروف أَضحى قاصِداً
بِالسَعي كَعبة رَبِهِ لِطَواف

17. May Allah - Glorified be His Majesty - reward him
For his nature with kindness from Himself

١٧. اللَهُ جَل جَلالَهُ عَن خُلقِهِ
لِجَنابِهِ بِاللَطف مِنهُ يُكافي

18. My lord Sha'ban, exalted is his rank
You are the hope for every petitioner seeking wellbeing

١٨. مَولايَ شَعبان المُعَظم قَدرَهُ
أَنتَ الرَجاءُ لِكُل راج عافي

19. Excuse a servant who cannot attain even part
Of what is due of your right, fully realized

١٩. عُذراً لِعَبدٍ لَيسَ يَبلَغ بَعض ما
هَوُ واجب مِن حَقِ قَدرِكَ وافي

20. And sees your attributes in the order that have become
Among mankind like pearls in oyster shells

٢٠. وَيَرى صِفاتك في النِظام قَد اِغتَدَت
بَينَ الوَرى كَالدُر في الأَصداف

21. Verily speech is unbecoming for one who is fettered
By the shackles of the era's thighs, incompatible

٢١. إِن المَقال لَحال مَن هُوَ مُوَثق
بِعِقال أَرجاف الزَمان مُنافي

22. Rather, the foliage is more eloquent when you observe
The garden and the flowers being visited

٢٢. لَكنما الوَرقاءُ أَصدَح ما تَرى
عِندَ اِفتِقاد الرَوض وَالآلاف

23. And I am one whose tongue, as long as I live
Will remain juicy with all kinds of praise for you

٢٣. وَأَنا الَّذي لَكَ ما حييت لِسانُهُ
رَطب بِأَنواع الثَناءِ مُوافي

24. May your Lord keep you for the servants, so you remain
Clasping them in the hand of bounty affectionately

٢٤. أَبقاكَ رَبك لِلعِباد فَلَم تَزَل
لِتلافهم بيد النَدى مُتَلافي

25. And through the long ages checking on
Support, prosperity and aid

٢٥. وَأَسلم عَلى مَر الدُهور مُلاحِظاً
بِالعَون وَالإِسعاد وَالإِسعاف