
The passion within me

جل ما بي من الهوى

1. The passion within me
Is a grave illness without cure

١. جل ما بي مِن الهَوى
عَظم الداء وَالدَوا

2. Who sees love as a path
Has died of ecstasy and yearning

٢. مَن يَرى الحُب مَذهَباً
ماتَ بِالوَجد وَالجَوى

3. By my father and then myself O Rashaa
Nothing but my heart has harbored love

٣. بِأَبي ثُمَّ بي رَشاء
بِسوى القَلب ما ثَوى

4. If his brother were to see him
Revealing his passion

٤. لَو رَآهُ شَقيقهُ
وَتَبَدى لَهُ هَوى

5. It has confused my mind
And distorted my determination

٥. صادَ عَقلي بِصدغِهِ
وَلِعَزمي بِهِ لَوى

6. I wish the separation spread
And folded the hardship of estrangement

٦. نَشر الهَجر لَيتَهُ
شَقة البين لَو طَوى

7. Alas my heart, I prohibited it
From its passion, but it disobeyed

٧. وَيح قَلبي نَهيتهُ
عَن هَواهُ فَما إِرعَوى

8. Never has it imagined or intended
With the garment of his love

٨. وَبِسُلوان حُبِهِ
قط ما هَم أَو نَوى

9. Whenever lightning sparked
The memory of the valley and bending

٩. كُلأ ما شامَ بارق
ذكر السَفح وَاللَوى

10. Or a pigeon cooed
Almost ending its cooing

١٠. أَو تَغَنَت حَمامة
كادَ يَقضى مِن النَوى

11. No, and a heart melted by it
Turning away from sanity

١١. لا وَقَلب أَذابَهُ
وَثَناهُ عَن السوى

12. And tears it belittled
Spilling incessantly

١٢. وَدُموع أَهانَها
فَاِستَهَلَت عَلى طَوى

13. No slyness makes me deviate
From passionate love

١٣. ما تَنثَني ملاحة
مِن عذول عَلى الهَوى

14. How can a desperate one find peace
When he is lost and confused

١٤. كَيفَ يَسلو مُتيم
عِندَما ضَل أَو غَوى

15. Make his heart forget
Every era it has lived through

١٥. مَنجكي فُؤادَهُ
كُلُ عَهد لَقَد حَوى

16. Farewell to the one whose name
Is good to mention and call

١٦. فَسَلام مُعَنعَن
طيب الذكر وَالرَوى

17. To the Prophet and Master
Who reached the horizon and ascended

١٧. لِنَبي وَسَيدَ
بَلغ الأُفق فَاِستَوى