
The minister, may God prolong his rule,

إن الوزير أدام الله دولته

1. The minister, may God prolong his rule,
His deeds circulate among the people.

١. إِن الوَزير أَدامَ اللَهُ دَولَتَهُ
أَخبارُهُ سِيَرٌ في الناس تَنتَقِلُ

2. Since he purified the land from the blasphemy of the Druze and from
The evil of rebels whose time has come.

٢. إِذ طَهَر الأَرض مِن كُفر الدُروز وَمِن
شَر البُغاة الَّذي مِن دونِهِ الأَجَلُ

3. And he brought us Ibn Maan after the deaf rocks
Had isolated him while he was secluded.

٣. وَجاءَنا بِابن مَعن بَعد ما قَطَعَت
صم الصُخور عَلَيهِ وَهُوَ مُعتَزل

4. The white fortresses were of no use to him when
The black calamities attacked him, both today and forever.

٤. لَم تَغنِ عَنهُ الحُصون البيض إِذ طَلعت
سود الرَزايا عَلَيهِ اليَوم وَالقلل

5. Neither the shields, nor the bullets, nor
The horses, nor the worn out weapons,

٥. وَلا الدلاص وَلا ذاكَ الرَصاص وَلا
تِلكَ الجِياد وَلا العَسالة الذبل

6. Nor those among the Arabs whose rewards
Would come to them, nor the writers and messengers.

٦. وَلا مَن العرب مَن كانَت جَوائِزَهُ
تَأَتي إِلَيهُم وَلا الكُتّاب وَالرُسُل

7. His children around him worried,
And the women grieved over what had befallen him.

٧. أَطفالَهُ لَهُم مِن حَولِهِ زَجَلٌ
وَلِلنِساء عَلى ما صابَهُ وَجَل

8. And the Druze were scattered in their countries
As if they had killed before they actually killed.

٨. وَلِلدُروز شَتات في بِلادِهم
كَأَنَّهُم قَتَلوا مِن قَبل ما قَتَلوا

9. How often did he stay up at night pondering
His star, only to find it was Saturn.

٩. كَم باتَ يَحسَب في التَقويم مُفتَكِراً
في نَجمِهِ فَرَآهُ أَنَّهُ زَحل

10. Whoever fate seeks cannot be saved
By sea, plains or mountains.

١٠. مَن راحَ يَطلبهُ التَقدير لَيسَ لَهُ
بَحر يَقيهِ وَلا سَهل وَلا جَبَل

11. These are the consequences for those who transgress and whose
Trade among their people is deceit and trickery.

١١. هَذا عَواقب مَن يَطغى وَحرفَتَهُ
في قَومِهِ وَبَنيهِ المُكر وَالحيل