
People, you are not what words can fully praise,

الناس أنت وما بالغت في الكلم

1. People, you are not what words can fully praise,
And time in your presence seems naught but a slave.

١. الناسُ أَنتَ وَما بالَغتُ في الكلم
وَالدَهرُ عِندَكَ مَحسوب مِن الخَدَمِ

2. The world through you is revived from its thirst
For noble deeds and kindly acts that save.

٢. قَد أَصبَحَت بِكَ دُنيانا عَلى ظَمأً
مِن الأَكارم في رَيٍّ مِن النِعَم

3. The days grow fair seeing your cheerful face,
And from you youth borrows charm against the grave.

٣. وَبش وَجه زَمان أَنتَ رَونَقَهُ
وَاِعتاضَ حسن شَباب مِنكَ عَن هَرَم

4. Our feasts are joyous with your light, that drives
Away the darkness that would pain and crave.

٤. أَعيادُنا بِكَ أَعياد تُضيءُ سَنا
وَنور وَجهِكَ عَنا كاشف الظُلم

5. To praise another would but weary ears,
Leading to deafness like a misplaced stave.

٥. وَمَدح غَيرك خَسران لِسامِعِهِ
فَهُوَ الدويُّ الَّذي يَفضي إِلى الصَمم

6. O son of valiant sires, our hope when fate
Would threaten, pouring blessings without stave,

٦. يابن الحُسام المُرجى في شَدائِدُنا
وَالمُسبغ النعم العُظمى عَلى الأُمم

7. Your generous acts still yield unfailing fruit,
Curing the sickness that infects the brave.

٧. صَنائع لَكَ لا زالَت مَواقعها
بَرءاً عَلى سقم المَعروف وَالكَرَم