1. Do you know what the Yemeni people contain
In the darkness of homes upon sweet quarrels
١. أَتَدري ما حَوى الشعب اليَماني
بدور دُجى عَلى عَذبات بانِ
2. Suns in the sky of the palace appear
And if they set, their sunset is my paradise
٢. شموس في سَما الفسطاط تَبدو
وَإِن غَربت فَمغربها جَناني
3. The consciences bow down before them
And my wishes kiss the ground they tread on
٣. تَخر لَها الضَمائر ساجِدات
وَتَلثم ترب مَوطئها الأَماني
4. The lions beneath them lie slain
By the magic of their glances, not by spears
٤. جَآذر دونَها الآساد صَرعى
بِسحر لِحاظها لا بِالطِعانِ
5. When I think of their love
I become as if I were the heart of the coward
٥. إِذا ما رُحت أُفكَر في هَواها
غَدَوت كَأَنَّني قَلب الجَبانِ
6. It has watered with happiness a time I lived
Melting tears, even provoking passion
٦. سَقى بِالنير بين زَمان أُنسي
هتون الدَمع بَل صَوب الهِتان
7. A time of joy that preoccupies you
From the strings the laughter of the jugs
٧. زَمان مَسرة تَلهيكَ فيهِ
عَن الأَوتار قَهقهة القَناني