
I complain to God of what I have suffered from gloom

إلى الله أشكو ما لقيت من الدجى

1. I complain to God of what I have suffered from gloom
And from my ill luck in the darkness when it envelops

١. إِلى اللَه أَشكو ما لَقيتُ مِنَ الدُجى
وَمن سوءِ حَظّي في الظَلام إِذا سَجا

2. Stretching a porch, while the stars are as though
Nails in a roof for it that have come unstuck

٢. يَمُدُّ رواقاً وَالنُجوم كَأَنَّها
مَساميرُ في سقفٍ له قَد تَبَهرجا

3. My anxiety grows long when I have kept company
With a group who indeed have taken the path of blame as a course

٣. يَطول كَهمّي حينَ صاحبتُ رفقةً
لَقَد سلَكوا في مسلك اللَومِ منهجا

4. And kindled a fire in the thickets, unlike their promise,
So from this or that I have not met one weaker or more feverish

٤. وَأَضرمَ ناراً في الحَشا خُلفُ وَعدِهم
فَمِن ذي وَذا لَم أَلقَ أَوهى وَأَوهَجا

5. No garden of wishes has blossomed from their virtue
And the wall of hope has been demolished by their virtues

٥. فَما أَزهرَت مِن فَضلهم رَوضَةُ المنى
وَقَد هُدَّ مِن أَفضالِهِم حائِطُ الرَجا

6. So, eye, do not weep, and be shorter in sorrow
And heart, do not grieve, so you lack prudence,

٦. فَيا طَرفُ لا تَدمَع وَأَقصر من الأَسى
وَيا قلبُ لا تَحزَن فَتَفتَقِد الحِجى

7. And my friend, I have met only brutes,
So do not blame me if I go slaughtering them angrily

٧. وَيا صاحبي لَم أَلقَ إِلّا بَهائِماً
فَلا تلحَني إِن رحتُ أَنحرُهُم هِجا

8. Nor restrain my verse from pursuing their angry abuse
For the word of truth has always been most upright and direct

٨. وَلا تنهَ نظمي في اِنتهاجِ هِجائهم
فَما زالَ قَولُ الحقّ أَنهى وَأَنهَجا

9. And curb a tongue that has flowed in praising them
Even if that praise has always been most flowing and streaming

٩. وَأَلجِم لِساناً قَد سَرى مدحه لَهم
وَإِن كانَ ذاكَ المَدحُ أَسرى وَأَسرَجا

10. And never hope for their door to open when it opens
Even if that door has never ceased creaking

١٠. وَلا تَرجُ يَوماً بابَهُم عند فتحهِ
وَإِن كانَ ذاكَ البابُ ما زالَ مرتجا

11. And let them not boast in the joy of their singing
For I have seen truth more wonderful and joyous

١١. وَلا يَتباهوا باِبتِهاج غناهُمُ
فَإِنّي رأيت الحَقَّ أَبهى وَأَبهَجا

12. No shortcoming in them but their excessive stinginess
For they do not stint the generous deeds at all

١٢. وَلا عيب فيهم غيرَ إِفراط شحّهم
فَلَيسوا يُهنّون المَكارِمَ مِحوجا

13. And of what has pained me is that I have come to be among them
Remaining while I meet no relief from the constriction

١٣. وَمِمّا شَجاني أَنَّني صِرتُ بينهم
مُقيماً وَلا أَلقى مِنَ الضيق مَخرجا

14. I will gather in censuring the time and censuring them
As my father Abu Jad gathered up the letters for his ink

١٤. سأَجمَع في ذمّ الزَمان وَذمّهم
كَجمع أَبي جادِ الحروفَ من الهجا

15. And I have a right that, if time were favorable
I would avoid them, finding the paths of deliverance,

١٥. وَحقّيَ لَو أَنّ الزَمان مُساعِدٌ
بِأَنّي عنهم أَلتَقي سبلَ النَجا

16. And travel, but my steed is the darkness,
Which I mount, but made of its thickets a litter

١٦. وَأَسري وَلَكِنَّ الظَلامَ مطيّتي
وَأَركَبُ لَكِن من ثُرَيّاه هودجا

17. I am not lacking in resolve or purpose,
So, O Lord, fulfill for me the hope in Your mercy,

١٧. فَلَستُ عَلى هَمّي بِعادم هِمّةٍ
فَيا رَبّ حقّق لي برحمتك الرجا

18. And bless the best of creation, whatever mortal may complain
Of a loyal friend with the fire of meanness in enmity or heat

١٨. وصلِّ عَلى خير الوَرى ما شَكا اِمرؤٌ
صَديقاً بِنار البخل في البين أَو هجا