
The verses of your connection, he recites to the people

آيات وصلك يتلوها على الناس

1. The verses of your connection, he recites to the people
A pouring that memory moves to the people

١. آياتُ وَصلِكَ يَتلوها عَلى الناسِ
صبٌّ تحرِّكُهُ الذكرى إِلى الناسي

2. And the promise of your connection is a debt that has no loyalty
I wish it had been with estrangement, O cruel one

٢. وَوعدُ وَصلِكَ دينٌ لا وَفاءَ لَهُ
فَلَيتَهُ كانَ بِالهُجرانِ يا قاسي

3. My cup I mixed with my sorrows while I have a body
Naked from nakedness but clothed with thrift

٣. كأسي مزجتُ بأَحزاني وَلي جَسَدٌ
عارٍ مِنَ العارِ لكن بِالضَنا كاسي

4. And after you the taste of patience turned
Into a cup that makes the senses numb when sipped

٤. وَعفت بعدك طَعمَ الصبرِ حينَ غَدا
كأساً إِذا اِرتُشِفَت لَم يَنتشِ الحاسي

5. O you who turned away from a lone, base person
Who spent the night playing solo against doubles

٥. يا ثانياً عطفَه عن مفردٍ دنفٍ
قَد باتَ يَضرب أَخماساً بِأَسداسِ

6. And when freshness appeared on my cheek to me
I confronted my hopes of meeting him with despair

٦. وَمَن إِذا لاحَ في خَدَّيه لي خضِرٌ
قابلتُ رَجواي من لقياه بالياسِ

7. Your cheek does not fear Sulwan for its height
For it is to the heart's wounds like a staff

٧. لا يَخشَ خَدُّكَ سُلواناً لعارضه
فَإِنَّهُ لِجراح القَلب كالآسِ

8. Stop to receive my eyelids after the pouring tears poured blood
There is no harm in your standing at the pouring

٨. قِف تَلقَ جفني بَعد الدَمعِ صَبَّ دماً
ما في وقوفِكَ عِندَ الصَبِّ من باسِ

9. Blowing gently, if the branch saw it bending
The twigs of the May tree would not bend with it

٩. مهفهفٌ لَو رآه الغصنُ منعطفاً
لَما تثنَّت بِهِ أَعطافُ ميّاسِ

10. How much his trinkets said to me when they saw my infatuation
Take your dignity and leave me and my obsession

١٠. كَم قال لي حَليُهُ لما رأى وَلهي
خُذ في وقارِكَ واِتركني وَوسواسي

11. No reproach in it, yet the standing of the spear
But my heart has become to it like a fortress

١١. لا طعنَ فيهِ وَقَدُّ الرُمحِ قامتُهُ
لَكِنَّ قَلبي لَهُ أَضحى كَبُرجاسِ

12. The stalks of chamomile turn the sun in their hands
They have softened a little, but their hearts are cruel

١٢. ساق كَبَدرٍ يُدير الشَمسَ في يَدِهِ
قَد لانَ عِطفاً ولكن قَلبُهُ قاسِ

13. To its lovers, the standing of its spear
Is a stab that reminds us of the plague of ‘Amwas

١٣. أَضحى لعشّاقِهِ من رمحِ قامتهِ
طعنٌ ذكرنا بِهِ طاعونَ عَمواسِ

14. And its cheek if revealed under its height
You’d think it in the darkness the illumination of embers

١٤. وَخَدُّهُ إِن تبدّى تحتَ عارضِهِ
حسبتَهُ في الدُجى لألاءَ نبراسِ

15. And its nape has alighted from beneath it a shoulder
Like a branch above the firmly rooted hill

١٥. وَقَدُّهُ قَد رسا مِن تَحتِهِ كفلٌ
كالغُصنِ فَوقَ الكثيبِ الراسِخِ الراسى

16. A smile of a mouth, so what a joy if the ardent
Does not meet it when seeing it with Al-‘Abbas

١٦. بَسّامُ ثَغرٍ فَيا فَوزَ المشوقِ إِذا
لَم يَلقَهُ عِندَ رؤياهُ بِعبّاسِ

17. An attacker from the sons of Satan fought me
So every hour of blame is a day of weakness

١٧. وَطائِفٍ مِن بَني الشَيطانِ حاربني
فَكُلُّ ساعَةِ لَومٍ يَومُ أَوطاسِ

18. He blames me for my aspiration to supremacy but
I have no answer but that I am lowly to him

١٨. يَلومني في سموّي لِلعَلاءِ وَما
عِندي جَوابٌ سِوى أَنّي لَهُ خاسِ

19. I faced the blame with prohibition when I said to him
Have you broadened my ideas or constricted my breath?

١٩. قابلتُ بِاللَومِ زَجراً حينَ قُلتُ لَهُ
وَسّعتَ فكري أو ضَيَّقتَ أَنفاسي

20. I am the meteor who took the horizon as residence
When by Allah’s grace I ascended amongst the people

٢٠. أَنا الشِهابُ اِتّخذتُ الأُفقَ لي سكناً
لمّا علوتُ بِفَضلِ اللَهِ في الناسِ

21. The close pulling friend whose tail is chaste
Dragging clouds that do not cease in despair

٢١. الصاحِبُ الساحِبُ الذَيلَ العَفيف عَلى
سحبٍ تجاريه لا تنفكُّ في ياسِ

22. Verily the clouds, when they competed with him, exhausted them
Yes, and in the Nile what distant did I measure!

٢٢. إِنَّ السَحائِبَ إِذ جارته أَتعبَها
نَعَم وَفي النيلِ ما أَبعدتُ مقياسي

23. It conforms to the origin, the scent of good mention
So from the testimony of the heart, one who is joyful and firm

٢٣. يُجانِس الأصلَ طيبُ الذكرِ مِنهُ فمن
شَهادَةِ القَلبِ ذا سارٍ وَذا راسي

24. He has renounced asceticism so his sins are not known
But his hours are days of weddings

٢٤. قَد عَفَّ زُهداً فَلَم تُعرَف مآثمُهُ
لَكِنَّ ساعاتِهِ أَيّامُ أَعراسِ

25. If he revels in the land of paper, he has a pen
More comely than a branch from the gardens blowing gently

٢٥. إِن ماسَ في أَرضِ قرطاسٍ لَهُ قَلَمٌ
أَزرى بِغُصنٍ من الرَوضاتِ ميّاسِ

26. A charm that stabs the enemy and delights us
Thus it is a fragrant piece of wood of different species

٢٦. يراعة تطعَنُ الأَعدا وتطربُنا
وَتُجتَنى فَهيَ عودٌ ذاتُ أَجناسِ

27. If the spiritual were dressed, it would then, when
It is clearly and eloquently described

٢٧. لَو أُلبِسَ الفارسيُّ الروح كانَ إِذاً
أَثنى عَلَيهِ بإِيضاحٍ وَإِلباسِ

28. From a family who took captive discourse that
The sublime were unable to reach, they affirmed principles

٢٨. مِن أسرةٍ أَسروا الخطبَ الَّذي عجزت
عنه الأُلى شدّدوا العليا بأَمراسِ

29. The sons of the place of beauty, the gazelles of gatherings, but
The lion of knights whether on the stairs or in affliction

٢٩. بَنو مَكانسِ غزلانُ المَجالسِ بَل
أسدُ الفَوارسِ في سلمٍ وَفي باسِ

30. If they build glory one day over glory
You see wonders in the solidity of foundations

٣٠. إِذا بَنوا شرفاً يَوماً عَلى شرفٍ
تَرى العَجائِبَ من إِحكام آساسِ

31. With pride it is said and with glory they climbed ranks
That even the son of ‘Abbad ibn al-Abbas did not attain

٣١. بِالفَخرِ قيل وَبالمَجدِ اِعتَلوا رتباً
لَم يرقهنَّ ابنُ عبّادِ بنِ عباسِ

32. You see wonders of the deeds of their glory
If not for seeing I would deny everything imagined

٣٢. تَرى عَجائِبَ مِن أَفعالِ مجدِهُمُ
لَولا العَيانُ أَباها كُلُّ قَيّاسِ

33. My Master, my Master Glory of the Faith, the call of one
Who sent to your praise the goals of noble steeds

٣٣. مَولايَ مَولايَ مجدَ الدينِ دعوة مَن
أَجرى إِلى مَدحِكُم غايات أَفراسِ

34. If I scarce versify and forget your praise a while
You abundantly forgive the mistakes of people

٣٤. إِن قَلَّ نُظماً وَأَنسى مدحَكُم زمناً
فَأَنتَ تَعفو كَثيراً عَن خَطا الناسِ

35. If the singer of odes stays, he did not cease dwelling
In your meadows, and it is not other than unconcealed from you

٣٥. وَإِن يَكُن دارسَ المغنى فَلا برحت
ربوعكم وَهيَ منكم غَيرُ أَدراسِ

36. As for elegy, praise is worthier along with
The fact that drinking elegy cups makes the senses reel

٣٦. أَو ما رثى فالمديحُ أَجدرُ مع
أَنَّ الرِثاءَ كؤوسٌ تصرعُ الحاسي

37. Upon the martyr the clouds of pardon replace
Him in the grave after distress with comfort

٣٧. عَلى الشَهيدِ غمامُ العَفوِ تُبدِلُهُ
في اللَحدِ من بَعدِ إِيحاشٍ بإِيناسِ

38. While you remain as you choose to leave him
O best branch, one who drew near from the best tree trunks!

٣٨. وَدُمتَ أَنتَ كَما تَختارُ تخلُفُهُ
يا خَيرَ فرعٍ دنا من خيرِ أَغراسِ

39. I reviewed your revealed collection which manifests its merits
As if it were in the heights the light of a lantern

٣٩. طالَعتُ مجموعَكَ المبدي فَضائلَه
كَأَنَّهُ في المَعالي ضوءُ مقباسِ

40. In its folds the diffusion of a scent that does not cease to fragrance
With pure musk and camphor flakes

٤٠. في طَيِّهِ نشرُ طيبٍ لَم يَزَل عبقاً
مِن مِسكِ نقسٍ ومن كافورِ أَطراسِ

41. You are still the pinnacle of literature and your origin has
Settled, so ennoble both states with the head!

٤١. لا زِلتَ للأُدَبا رأساً وأصلُك قَد
رَسا فَأكرِم عَلى الحالَينِ بالراسِ

42. And may you remain disclosing baseness, fasting from
Obscenity, sublime, while your equal is the well-fed clothed one

٤٢. وَدمتَ تعرى عَن الأسوا تَصومُ عَن ال
فحشا علاً وَسِواكَ الطاعِمُ الكاسي

43. No star appeared, so whether in the sky so it gives guidance
Or in the land so of basil and myrtle

٤٣. ما لاحَ نجمٌ فأمّا في السَما فهدى
أَو في الثَرى فمن الريحانِ والآسِ