1. The longing that had left returned to al-Mutayyam
And the fire of his yearning for them increased in his heart
١. عادَ المتيّمَ شَوقٌ كانَ قَد ذَهبا
وَزادَ في قَلبِهِ طولُ النَوى لهبا
2. A young man whose hopes were near despite the distance when
He remembered the emigrants and the absent neighborhood
٢. صَبٌّ قَريبُ الأَماني في البِعاد إِذا
تذكَّرَ الهاجرين الجيرَةَ الغَيبا
3. His days and nights are divided
For him to meet his loved ones or see warfare
٣. أَيّامُهُ وَلياليهِ مقسَّمَةٌ
أَن يَلتَقي السهدَ فيها أَو يَرى الحربا
4. He sniffs the wind coming from their direction so when
A north wind blows he is fervent in his love and youthful
٤. يَستَنشِق الريحَ مِن تلقائهم فَإِذا
هَبَّت شَمالٌ غَلا في عشقهِ وَصبا
5. The bachelor acted aloof from his love for them
And love is like the heart - absence makes it grow fonder
٥. قالَ العذولُ تصبَّر عن محبّتهم
وَالحبّ كالقَلب بَعدَ البُعدِ قَد وَجبا
6. There is a separation between the heart and patience
Ask about my departure to learn the reason
٦. بَينَ الفؤادِ وَبينَ الصبرِ فاصِلَةٌ
واِسأل رحيلي عَنهم تعرف السببا
7. I put aside my patience when I traveled though
I faced tribulation after them during my journey
٧. رفعتُ صَبري عَنّي إِذا رَحلتُ وَقَد
لقيت في سَفَري من بعدهم نصبا
8. Will he return while hopes still expose
The heart to the essence of joy that has passed
٨. هَل عائِدٌ والأَماني لَم تزل عرضاً
لِلقَلب من جوهر الأَفراح ما ذَهبا
9. O most beautiful in appearance, my sorrow is abundant and I see
My affliction prolonged and my patience for you curtailed
٩. يا كامِلَ الحُسنِ حزني وافِرٌ وأَرى
وجدي مَديداً وَصَبري عنك مقتَضَبا
10. May God not make the days far with your nearness that
Arrived but alas passed so quickly
١٠. لا أَبعد اللَهُ أَيّاماً بقربك قَد
حلَّت ولكنّها مَرَّت فَوا عَجَبا
11. The days when the beloved of my heart drew near
To me and went farther than was expected
١١. أَيّامَ أَمسى حَبيبُ القَلب مقترباً
منّي وَأَبعدَ من قَد كانَ مرتقبا
12. And I stay up to see my cup and the red wine in it
When he toasted or struck up conversation
١٢. وَبِتُّ أبصِرُ كأسي وَالمدامُ بِها
طَرفاً صَقيلاً إِذا ما صال أَو ضربا
13. Until God ordained separation from him so
The beloved hid behind the veil of absence
١٣. حَتّى قَضى اللَه بِالتِرحال عنه فَقَد
أَمسى الحَبيب بظهر الغيب مُحتَجِبا
14. I replaced the full moon with loss and acceptance with anger
And union with estrangement and smooth with rough
١٤. عوِّضتُ بِالبَدر مَحقاً وَالرضى سُخطاً
وَبِالوصال جفاً وَالدُّرِّ مُخشَلَبا
15. I have taken as witnesses what
The hands of fate have done to me if you deny the affliction
١٥. قَد اِتّخذتُ شُهوداً بِالَّذي صنعت
أَيدي النَوى بيَ إِن أَنكرتم النُوَبا
16. Sorrow, anxiety, flowing tears, sleepy eyes, limbs in pain, exhaustion
My eyes turned white and his tears turned red
١٦. الحزنَ فالهمّ فالدمعَ الموَرَّدَ فالط
طَرفَ المسَهَّد فالأوصاب فالتَعبا
17. And the edge of my endurance for you turned black and bent
I sought you so nearness became distance for me
١٧. وَاِبيضَّ طرفي واِحمَرَّت مَدامِعُهُ
وَاِسودَّ طرفُ اِصطِباري بعدكم وَكبا
18. One cannot always get what one wants
١٨. طَلَبتكم فاِستَحال القربُ لي بُعُداً
ما كلّ وَقت يَنال المرء ما طلبا