1. When the loving one reminds me of you or converses,
I become infatuated and obsessed with only you.
١. إِذا زَمزَمَ الحادي بذكرك أَو حَدا
غَدَوتُ عَلى حكم الهَوى فيك أَوحَدا
2. And if the leaves chirp in the heat of fever,
I compose poetry with melodious verses.
٢. وَإِن غرّدَت في دوحها الورقُ في الحمى
حَكيتُ بِسَجعي في القَريض المغرّدا
3. On an moonlit night, I recited my kinship ties,
that which sustains and echoes back.
٣. وَليلة صَدٍّ بتُّ أُنشِد بدرها
نَسيبي الَّذي يُروى فَيروي مِن الصَدى
4. I implored him by God, where is his companion?
Thus I became a supplicant of the moon in both states.
٤. وَناشَدتُهُ باللَهِ أَين سميّه
فَأَمسَيتُ في الحالين لِلبَدرِ منشدا
5. By God, a heart that strayed since its moon set,
By God, tears whose guidance it did not find.
٥. فَلِلَّهِ قَلب ضلّ مُذ غاب بدرهُ
وَلِلَّهِ طرف دمعه فيهِ ما هدا
6. A branch that bent when it was a second to its bending,
As if when it bent, it bent alone.
٦. وغصن تَثنّى وَهوَ ثانٍ لِعطفِهِ
عَلى أَنَّهُ لمّا تثنّى تفرّدا
7. Tears streamed down my eyelids after him,
But when they streamed, they kept streaming.
٧. وَدَمع تردّى مِن جُفوني بعدهُ
ولكنه لما تردى ترددا
8. The moon rose as the master of the beauty of his time,
So how many doors of tyranny opened since he assumed power!
٨. وَبَدر غَدا في الحُسنِ سلطان عصره
فَكَم باب جور مذ تَولّى تولّدا
9. I endured when he appeared unveiled but could not bear it.
And which lover can endure when unveiled?
٩. تجلّدتُ لمّا أَن تجلّى فَلَم أُطِق
وَأَيُّ محبٍّ مذ تَجلّى تجلّدا
10. The moon, the branches, the lion, and the gazelle -
when they graze, converse, touch, or appear.
١٠. فَما البَدرُ وَالأَغصان وَاللَيث وَالرَشا
إِذا ما رَنا أَو صال أَو ماس أَو بَدا
11. If he is perfect among the moons,
my passion for him has cooled.
١١. لَئِن كانَ في الأَقمار أَصبح كامِلاً
فَإِنّ عذولي فيهِ أَمسى مبرّدا
12. By my life, the time of youthful passion has passed,
So farewell my youth before the days stretch long.
١٢. لعمري لَقَد آن النزوعُ عَن الصبا
فَيا صبوتي حَتّامَ يَسترسل المَدى
13. In thirteen years after twenty pilgrimages,
It is time for an infatuated soul to take guidance.
١٣. أَما في ثَلاثٍ بَعدَ عشرينَ حِجَّةً
غَنى لغويٍّ آن أَن يترشّدا
14. The wind of misguidance has stilled and a soul
has desisted from straying - its right to worship.
١٤. نعم ركدَت ريحُ الضلال وَأَقلعَت
عَن الغيّ نَفسٌ حَقُّها أَن تَعبَّدا
15. The praise of the generous woke me, never to sleep again,
as I watch for the arrival of the stingy.
١٥. وَأَيقظَني مَدحُ الكَريم فَلَم أَنَم
أُراقِبُ مِن طَيف البَخيلة موعدا
16. I said to a heart lost in the quarter of misguidance:
My friend, the time has come to return to guidance.
١٦. وَقلت لقلبٍ تاهَ في حيِّ غيِّهِ
خَليلي لَقَد آن النزوع إِلى الهدى
17. I was accustomed to praising the Prophet - verily
each person becomes accustomed to his own time.
١٧. تعوّدتُ مَدحاً في النَبيّ وإِنّما
لكلّ اِمرئٍ مِن دَهرِهِ ما تعوّدا
18. Abu Al-Qasim, the chosen one from Hashim's lineage,
the most virtuous of mankind in soul, origin, and single-mindedness.
١٨. أَبو القاسمِ المُختارُ من نسل هاشِم
وَأَزكى الوَرى نَفساً وَأَصلاً ومحتدا
19. A prophet God tested, the noblest of His creation,
whose name when named in remembrance is Ahmad.
١٩. نَبيٌّ براه اللَه أَشرَف خلقِهِ
وَأَسماه إِذ سَمّاه في الذِكرِ أَحمَدا
20. So honor through him a loyal, praising servant,
and bless through him a faithful, laudable master.
٢٠. فَأَكرِم بِهِ عَبداً صَفيّاً ممدّحاً
وأنعم بِهِ مولىً وَفيّاً محمّدا
21. Destroyer of enemies, protector of companions, suppressor of deviance,
elucidator of guidance, quencher of thirst, magnanimous.
٢١. مبيدُ العدى مولي الندى قامِعُ الرَدى
مبينُ الهُدى مروي الصدى واسِعُ الجدا
22. Dread his might, he is a torrent in bounty,
fear his power, he is a lion in battle.
٢٢. فَرَجِّ نَداه إِنّه الغيث في النَدى
وَخَف مِن سَطاه إِنَّهُ اللَيث في العدا
23. Forbearing, insightful in friendship though unknown,
Noble - enough mentioning Ibn Mama in bounty.
٢٣. حَليمٌ فَقيسٌ في النَديِّ مجهَّل
كَريمٌ ودع ذِكرَ ابنِ مامَةَ في الندى
24. How often the knights praised his courage,
and he returned more fervent and praised.
٢٤. فَكَم حمدَت مِنهُ الفَوارِسُ صولَةً
وَعاد فَكانَ العود أَحمى وَأَحمَدا
25. How many sinners came to him seeking deliverance
to save them in the hereafter, so he delivered and supported.
٢٥. وَكَم مُذنِبٍ وافاهُ يَطلب نجدة
تنجّيه في الأُخرى فأَنجى وَأَنجَدا
26. O best of God's creation, the supplication of a sinner
fearing the hellfire burning fiercely,
٢٦. أَيا خَيرَ خَلقِ اللَه دَعوَةُ مُذنب
تَخوّف مِن نار الجَحيم توقّدا
27. has through your praise a lofty pillar,
and through you its foundation became firmer and supported.
٢٧. لَهُ سندٌ عالٍ بِمَدحك نيّرٌ
وبابك أَمسى مِنهُ أسنى وَأَسنَدا
28. You who saved us from the evil of deviance,
you who guided us to the paths of guidance.
٢٨. وَأَنتَ الَّذي جنّبتَنا طارِق الردى
وَأَنتَ الَّذي عرّفتنا طُرُقَ الهُدى
29. Would that I know - did I spend a night
in Mecca to heal this anguished heart?
٢٩. أَلا لَيتَ شعري هَل أَبيتنَّ ليلة
بِمَكَّةَ أَشفي ذا الفؤاد المفنّدا
30. Would that I drink the blissful water of Zamzam
and sate myself, strive, and succeed?
٣٠. وَهَل أَرِدَن ماء النَعيم بِزَمزم
وَهَل لِيَ أَن أَروى وَأَسعى وَأَسعَدا
31. I am determined to leave my dwellings
to see at Zamzam's spring a place of repose.
٣١. وَإِنّي لصادٍ صادِرٌ عَن مَوارِدي
إِلى أَن أَرى من عين زَمزم موردا
32. O Lord, fulfill my hopes for I fear
being dismissed, exiled, and banned for long.
٣٢. فَيا رَبّ حقّق لي رَجائي فَإِنَّني
أَخافُ بأَن أُقصى طَويلاً وأطردا
33. Far be it from You to turn away a sincere soul
hoping for Your approval to succeed.
٣٣. وَحاشاك أَن تقصي عَن الباب مخلصاً
لتَوحيده يَرجو رِضاكَ ليَسعدا
34. He relies on none but You,
to reach through Ahmad's intercession Your bounty.
٣٤. وَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلّا عليك معوَّلٌ
لتبلغَه جوداً شَفاعة أَحمَدا
35. Upon him, God's prayers and peace,
and so upon his family and companions, paired and singular.
٣٥. عليه صَلاة اللَه ثُمَّ سَلامه
كَذا الآل والأَصحاب مثنى وَمفردا