
My eyes, unlike the eyes of other sleepers,

أيا بصري خالف عيون الفراقد

1. My eyes, unlike the eyes of other sleepers,
The sleepless lover finds no rest or peace.

١. أَيا بصري خالِف عيون الفَراقِدِ
فَذو السهد وَجداً لا يَكُن إِلف راقِدِ

2. My heart, do not accept the blame of critics,
For never have I spoken ill of my love.

٢. وَيا قَلبِ لا تَقبل شَهادَة لائِمي
فَما قلت يَوماً في هَوايَ بِشاهِدِ

3. O friends, let's drink to keep our pact intact,
A binding pact, not one we soon forsake.

٣. وَيا أَيّها الأَحباب سَقياً لِعَهدِكم
بِعَهدٍ قَريب العَهدِ غَير مُباعدِ

4. Greet Life with joy, who greeted us with concord,
While Life remains, that greeter stays awake.

٤. وَحَيّا الحيا حيّاً لنا وَمعاهداً
وَلا زالَ ذاك الحيّ حيّ المعاهدِ

5. Recall the nights when, loving, we feared no envier,
Repaid our love-debts, heedless of dawn's break.

٥. بدين الهَوى هَل تَذكُرونَ لَيالياً
لَنا سلَفَت لَم نَخشَ سَعي الحَواسدِ

6. The callers to grace called out "Greetings!" at our meet,
Your faces were the bright stars daybreak makes.

٦. وَداعي الرضى نادى بِحيَّ عَلى اللّقا
وَأَوجهُكُم كانَت ضياء المَشاهدِ

7. My bond with you was weakened by our parting;
You broke with me, though I kept faith intact.

٧. لَقَد ضعُفَت بالبين حالي فَما لَكُم
قَطَعتُم صِلاتي منكم وَعوائِدي

8. I watched the horizon, thinking you were stars there,
Had you but moved, not stationary like rocks.

٨. أَبيت أراعي الأفقَ أحسبُ أَنَّكُم
كَواكِبُهُ لَو كُنَّ غيرَ جَوامدِ

9. Now lost to me, my yearning is ceaseless,
Strange that the longing's mine, yet you don't ache!

٩. فَقدتكُمُ وَالوَجدُ أَصبح لازمي
فَيا عجباً مِن واجد غَير واجِدِ

10. You blamed me when we parted, though I'm guiltless,
None envies me but those who envy make.

١٠. وَأَطلقتمُ بِالبين أَلسُنَ عذّلي
وَما عاذلي في حبّكُم غير حاسدي

11. My love, will you accept, though doom is harsh,
My long defence? — in days where trust is wrecked.

١١. أَعاذِلتي هَل تَقبلين بِرأفة
معاذِرَ صبّ في زَمان معاندِ

12. I tell you my endurance and my weeping
Have not sufficed with loss's wounds unstaunched.

١٢. أَبثُّكِ أَنّي بالتَجلّد وَالبُكى
وَبالبثّ مَع فقد الكرى في شَدائِدِ

13. Take pity on my plaint, now fate is bitter.
Be my support, give me your hand outstretched.

١٣. فَإِن تَرحمي شَكوايَ والحالُ بيّن
أَعيني وَكوني لي يميني وَساعدي

14. Awaiting ease after hardship, God has promised me,
His word is truest pledge that can be pledged.

١٤. وَلي في اِنتظارِ اليسرِ مِن بعد عُسرَةٍ
مِنَ اللَه وَعد وَهوَ أَصدق واعِدِ

15. If doom looms long, I say: such greatness comes
With love, as all who love in time detect.

١٥. وَإِن جَلَّ خَطبٌ قلت ذا جَللٌ إِذا
تذكّرت فعل الحبّ مع غير واحِدِ

16. My heart bears grief and pain but overflows with anguish,
My eyes weep even as my hands attack.

١٦. فَها أَنا قَلبي في التجلّد والأَسى
وَلَكِنّ طرفي في الأَسى وَالتَجالدِ

17. I stir good fortune with intent, though low;
Calm my soul, though lofty cares distract.

١٧. أحرّكُ حظّاً بِالنَوى في تسافل
أَسكّن نَفساً بالبُكا في تَصاعدِ

18. No helper I see, saving my lord,
Noblest branch of root most noble, of stock

١٨. مُجاهِدُ نَفسي لا أَرى متفضّلاً
سوى الأَشرف بن الأَفضل بن المجاهِدِ

19. Whose fame gushed forth, and made hard rock weep water,
As his might smashed all obstacles counterfeit.

١٩. مَليك نداه فَجَّرَ الصخرَ أَعيُناً
كَما بأسُهُ قَد هَدَّ صَعبَ الجَلامدِ

20. He brought awe and glory to mankind, like pouring rain
With lightning raging, and loud thunder's blast.

٢٠. أَضاف إِلى البشر المهابة وَالنَدى
لغيث هَمى مَع برقه وَالرَواعدِ

21. He stretched his generous hand to each mean detractor,
Yet his sublime glory made each critic fall short.

٢١. وَمدّ يَد الجَدوى لمثنٍ وَجاحِدٍ
فقصّر عَنهُ في النَدى كلّ جائِدِ

22. No flaw in his generosity, save binding necks
Of all humanity with necklaces he passed.

٢٢. وَلا عَيب في إِحسانه غير أَنَّه
يسلسل أَعناق الوَرى بِالقَلائِدِ

23. Ordering meaning's pearls to form his attributes,
And gathering glories into strands amassed.

٢٣. تنظِّم أَفراد المَعاني صِفاته
وَجمع المَعالي نظم تِلكَ الفَرائِدِ

24. Qais's passion in Hatem's mildness combined,
Patience of Son of Qais in Khalid's courage clasped.

٢٤. حَماسةُ قَيسٍ في سَماحة حاتِمٍ
وَحلمُ اِبن قَيس في شَجاعَة خالِدِ

25. He builds his household on the highest principles,
As did Ismail when he laid down the foundations.

٢٥. وَيَرفَعُ للعليا قَواعِد بيته
وَمن شأنِ إِسماعيلَ رفعُ القَواعِدِ

26. His pen, with its ink aplenty, enriches Time
Or quells the enemy's deceitful plots forecast.

٢٦. لَهُ قَلَمٌ في مدَّة مِن مداده
غنى الدهر أَو قمعُ العَدوّ المكايدِ

27. It exhales its scent, is plucked, makes hearts dance, spears
The foe — a stick whose every aspect casts amazement.

٢٧. يَفوحُ وَيُجنى يُطرِبُ الصحبَ يَطعَنُ ال
عدى فَهوَ عود في جَميع المَشاهد

28. For his brown beauty residing in my heart I fixed
My gaze; for his bright beauty I made my eyelids fast.

٢٨. لأسمره في القَلب أَثبَتُ راكِز
لأبيضه في الجفن أَحسن غامِدِ

29. True were the promises his gifts made us;
Ismail's wont is to keep vows forecast.

٢٩. لَقَد صدقتنا بالنوال وعودُه
وَعادَة إِسماعيل صدقُ المَواعدِ

30. A thousand seeking hands were blessed at his doors
With words like scintillating stars amassed.

٣٠. وأسعدَ في أَبوابِهِ أَلف رائِدٍ
بِلَفظ كأَمثال اللآلي الفَرائِدِ

31. After him, earth's kings were belittled;
To hawks, prey seemed not worth the chase.

٣١. وَقَلَّ مُلوكُ الأَرض في العين بعدهُ
وَرأيُ الصُقور مَزدرٍ بِالهَداهِدِ

32. To you, O Prince of Muslims, I send these verses,
Weaving my gratitude through twining threads entwined.

٣٢. إِلَيكَ أَميرَ المُسلمين بعثتها
تَضَمَّنُ شُكري مِن طَريفٍ وَتالدِ

33. For many a gift I've had from your auspices,
When fate assaulted me and my hands dropped down weak.

٣٣. فَكَم مِن أَياد مِنكَ هُنَّ مَرافِقي
عَلى الدهر إِن يَسطو وَهنّ سَواعِدي

34. My praises fell short of their stretching limits,
While my eulogies exaggerated their towering height.

٣٤. قصرت عَلى ممدودهنّ مَمادحي
وَطوّلت في عَليائهنّ مَحامدي

35. Whether excellent or faulty my poems may be,
Be for me, in both cases, the best of all critics.

٣٥. فَإِن أَجملَت أَو إِن أَخَلَّت قَصائِدي
فَكُن لي عَلى الحالين أَجمَل ناقِدِ

36. O my supreme pillar, of whom I've heard
From trusted sources, gifts like buttresses;

٣٦. وَيا سَنَدي العالي الَّذي قَد رويت عَن
ثِقات عَطاياه صِحاحَ المَسانِدِ

37. Of might in war I've related truthful accounts,
From a generous, intrepid man whose help avails.

٣٧. وَحَدَّثتُ في يَوميه في البأس وَالنَدى
صَحيحَ حَديثٍ عَن عَطا وَمجاهدِ

38. My plaint has ceased since I began praising you;
For many a gift awaits me from your hand outheld.

٣٨. وَزال الَّذي أَشكوهُ منذ اِمتَدحتهُ
فَكَم صِلَةٍ منه لدي وَعائِدِ

39. Let your gifts rain on one who seeks their rainfall,
While you're the singular king, of glorious stock.

٣٩. أحاشي نَوالاً منك يَطلب نوله
وَأَنتَ المَليك الفرد أَشرَف ماجِدِ

40. Live as protector of the faith, best smoother
Of the way for God or foe of the obstinate.

٤٠. فَدم مَلِكاً للدّين خير ممهّد
بِحلم لِمولى أَو سُطاً لمعاندِ

41. You remain to defend the lofty, excellent champion,
You endure to refine the beautiful, most graceful guide.

٤١. بَقيت لِتَحصين العلا خَير شائِد
وَدمت لَتَحسين الحَلا خَير سائِدِ