1. He who has tortured me with the hell of estrangement
Since he disappeared from me, I have not appeared nor built
١. إِنَّ الَّذي بِجَحيم الصدّ عذّبني
مذ بان عنّي لَم أظهر ولم أبِنِ
2. I entrust Badr when he bid me farewell
And went towards sickness and heartache he left me
٢. أَستودعُ اللَه بَدراً حينَ ودّعني
وَسار للسقم وَالتَبريحِ أَودعني
3. He whose secret is a homeland where he once stayed
So after him my homeland was miserable to me
٣. من سرّهُ وَطَنٌ يَوماً أَقام بِهِ
فَإِنَّني ساءَني مِن بَعدِهِ وَطَني
4. Indeed the stranger whom his loved ones are remote
From him not the one who is remote from residence
٤. إِنَّ الغَريب الَّذي تنأى أَحِبَّتُهُ
عَن طَرفِهِ لا الَّذي ينأى عَن السَكَنِ
5. The beloved of my heart despite the estrangement but
I doubt that my estrangement in him envies me
٥. حَبيبُ قَلبي عَلى رغم العذول وَلا
أَشُكُّ أَنّ عذولي فيهِ يَحسُدني
6. O my friend, the one I hope for his affection
I have been tested so help me to make me happy
٦. يا صاحبي وَالَّذي أَرجو مودَّتَه
إِنّي اِمتُحِنتُ فساعدني لتسعدني
7. Record with the month of swords from its crescents
And the beginning of my tears, the first of trials
٧. أَرِّخ بشهرِ سيوفٍ من لواحظه
وَمستَهلِّ دُموعي أَوّل المِحَنِ
8. And narrate the series from my tears presenting it
With priority about my love and my grief
٨. وَاِروِ المسلسَل من دَمعي وَعارِضِهِ
بالأوّليّة عَن عشقي وَعَن حَزَني
9. Like the full moon but without defect or pretense
In beauty, age, radiance and sunna
٩. كالبَدرِ لكن بِلا نقص وَلا كَلَفٍ
في الحسنِ والسنّ والإِشراقِ وَالسننِ
10. I fear for him the eyes of people will plunder him
When he appears rising and the sun in its horns
١٠. أَخشى عَلَيهِ عيون الناس تنهبه
إِذا بَدا طالِعاً وَالشمس في قرَنِ
11. His stature quivers like gentle Yazin
Yet his glance is the sword of the son of Dhi Yazan
١١. تَهتَزُّ كاليَزَنيّ اللَدنِ قامتُه
وَإِنَّما لحظُهُ سَيفُ بنِ ذي يَزَنِ
12. I swore by his gentle traits
True oaths that I have passion for him
١٢. أَقسمت منهُ بِلُطف في شمائلهِ
أَيمانَ صدق بأَنّي فيهِ ذو شَجَنِ
13. I think he doesn't know the extent of my passion
For him so he honors me without union
١٣. أَظُنُّهُ لَيسَ يَدري مُنتَهى شجني
عَلَيهِ فَهوَ بغير الوصل يكرِمُني
14. I fear him and he is bright-faced, smiling
So I do not ask him to join me
١٤. أَهابُه وَهوَ طلقُ الوَجهِ مبتسِمٌ
فَما أُسائلُه في أَن يواصِلَني
15. This is my talk and state while he is cheerful
So how if he faced me with frowning
١٥. هَذا حَديثي وَحالي وَهوَ منبسِطٌ
فَكَيفَ لَو كانَ بِالتَقطيب قابلني
16. He barely makes me hope for the bliss of union
Until he returns with the ugliness of estrangement, disappointing me
١٦. وَما يَكاد بحسن الوَصل يُطمعني
حَتّى يَعود بقبح الصدّ يوئسني
17. And how much did he talk blaming me joking
But my ear did not delay permission when it gave permission
١٧. وَكَم تكلّم في ذمّي يُمازحني
فَلَم تؤخّر لَهُ إِذناً إِذَن أُذني
18. I doubted him until I doubted myself, so if
Asked satisfied about me, it will be said he doubted
١٨. لَقَد ضننتُ بِهِ حَتّى ضنيت فإن
ساءلت مُكتفياً عَنّي يقال ضني
19. I lost the fragrance of meadows from him and strangely
I lost the radiance of a bright face in darkness and forgot it
١٩. فَقَدتُ طيبَ الكرى مِنه ومن عجبٍ
فَقدي بنيّر وَجهٍ في الدُجى وسني
20. O driver of my ruin, you did me a favor
When I became a martyr when you kill me
٢٠. يا سائقي لِلرَدى جوزيت صالحة
إِذ كنت أمسي شَهيداً حينَ تَقتلني
21. And O my right hand, O my sight
No but he is the light that guides me and directs me
٢١. وَيا يَدي وَهيَ اليمنى وَيا بصري
لا بَل هوَ النور يَهديني ويرشدني
22. The lover cries from the estrangement steadfast
So estrangement is not heavy on enduring youth
٢٢. بك المحبّ منَ الهجرانِ معتصم
فالهَجرُ ليسَ عَلى صَبٍّ بمؤتَمَنِ
23. You stole my sleep, so if you don't care for my vigil
Then care for the phantom of a phantom from you that visits me
٢٣. سلبتَ نَومي فَإِن لَم تَرعَ لي سهري
فَراعِ طيفَ خَيال منك يطرُقني
24. I complain to you a love I confided in
But he betrayed me and surrendered me to estrangement
٢٤. أَشكو إِلَيكَ غَراماً قَد أَمِنتُ لَهُ
فَخانَني وَإِلى التَبريح أَسلَمَني
25. And a crying one, whenever I concealed my affair from him
He did not conceal the secret of my love nor guarded it
٢٥. وَمدمعاً كلّما اِستكتَمتُهُ خبري
لَم يَكتم السرّ من عشقي وَلَم يصُنِ
26. And the summary of the matter, if you are content with its summary
Then my secret love is not concealed
٢٦. وجملةُ الأَمر إِن تقنع بجملتهِ
فَإِنّ سرّ غَرامي غَيرُ مكتَمنِ
27. The hours of your proximity in the days are rare
And grief has news that lingered in my body
٢٧. ساعات قربك في الأَيّام نادرةٌ
وَللضنا خَبَرٌ قَد طال في بَدَني
28. My body is lighter than the gently breeze yet
I became heavy with weakness that almost killed me
٢٨. جِسمي أَخَفُّ مِن الريح العَليلة مَع
أَنّي ثقُلتُ بضعف كاد يَقتلني
29. The origin of my illness is from a glance that sees wrongly
That I see beauty that does not exist
٢٩. وَأَصلُ سقمي من لاحٍ يَرى غلطاً
أَنّي أَرى حسناً ما لَيسَ بالحسنِ
30. And from a despicable estrangement that has no manners
Closer to blame than a glance to a tooth
٣٠. ومن عذول دنيء لا خَلاق لَهُ
أَدنى إِلى اللوم من طرفٍ إِلى وَسنِ
31. He made me wander away from the one I was assigned
Unjustly, so he scattered me in both cases
٣١. أَضحى يشرّدني عمّن كلِفتُ بِهِ
ظُلماً فَكانَ عَلى الحالين شرّدني
32. My patience ran out when he assigned me this while
I lost my patience and resolve when he assigned me
٣٢. كَلَّ اِصطباري لما كُلِّفتُ منه وَقَد
عدِمتُ صبري وَعَزمي حين كلّفني
33. May Allah not remove my loved ones who bought
The slenderness of the lover with what they chose for the price
٣٣. لا أَبعد اللَه أَحبابي الَّذين شرَوا
رقّ المحبّ بما اِختاروا مِن الثَمنِ
34. Nor absent were the nights of their union in which
I was joyful and they resemble meadows like branches
٣٤. وَلا عدمت لَيالي وصلهم فَبِها
مرحتُ وَهيَ شَبيهُ الروض كالغصُنِ
35. Their morals were fragrant from their pureness so they became
Attributed to Eden, leave attributing to Aden
٣٥. طابَت خَلائقُهم من صَفوها فَغَدت
تُعزى إِلى عدنَ دَع تُعزى إِلى عدَنِ
36. How much have I sought refuge in their shade from my fate
I returned if it wanted evil from me, it wouldn't see me
٣٦. كَم قَد تغطّيت من دَهري بظلّهمِ
فعدت لَو رام منّي السوء لَم يرني
37. And I returned not fearing any illness in fate
Since the watcher of time cannot reach my body
٣٧. وعدت لا أَختشي في الدهر من سقمٍ
إِذ لَيسَ يدرك جسمي ناظر الزمنِ
38. I inhabited a safe night in the shades of consent
So the cup of my eyelids did not taste the wine of sleeplessness
٣٨. سَكَنتُ لَيلَ أَمانٍ في ظلال رضىً
فَلَم تَذُق كأسُ طَرفي خمرةَ الوسنِ
39. Whenever the remembrance occurred in my thoughts
I cried out from the intensity of my fervor, O Abu Al-Hassan!
٣٩. فكلّما مرَّ في فكري تذكّرها
ناديت من فرط وَجدي يا أَبا الحسنِ