
O Saad if only I were a blessed man

يا سعد لو كنت امرءا مسعودا

1. O Saad if only I were a blessed man
My patience in yearning would not be lost

١. يا سَعدُ لَو كُنتُ اِمرءاً مَسعودا
ما كانَ صَبري في النَوى مَفقودا

2. I would stay up watching the stars as if
Seeking the beloved's promises on the horizon

٢. وَسَهِرتُ أَرتَقِبُ النُجومَ كَأَنَّني
في الأُفقِ أَطلُبُ لِلحَبيبِ عُهودا

3. I count the days of estrangement over and over
Until I'm weary of grief and counting

٣. وَأَعُدُّ أَيّامَ الجَفاءِ مُعدّداً
حَتّى مَللتُ الحُزنَ وَالتَعديدا

4. Tell the one who possessed my heart completely
So he became shackled by his love

٤. قولوا لِمَن ملكَ الفؤادَ بِأَسرِهِ
فَغَدا بِقَيدِ غَرامِهِ مَصفودا

5. Why not show mercy to your captive with a meeting
So he may find eternity in the abode of reunion

٥. هَلّا مَنَنتَ عَلى أَسيركَ بِاللِقا
لِيَنالَ في دارِ الوِصالِ خُلودا

6. Your sweet lips from which pours clear water, so why
Has it not been offered to the thirsty as a gift?

٦. وَبثغركَ الماءُ الزُلالُ فَما لَهُ
ما كانَ للظامي بِهِ مورودا

7. You made him your captive and veiled yourself from him
So for him, though brought near, to be cast away!

٧. وأَسَرتَهُ وَحُجِبتَ عَنهُ فَيا له
وَهوَ الشَقيُّ مقرّباً مَطرودا

8. I passionately love the one I swore I would never
Blame or reject for his love

٨. أَهوى الَّذي أَقسَمتُ أَنّي لا أَعي
في حُبِّهِ لَوماً وَلا تَفنيدا

9. He possessed my heart and led it to demise
So I saw myself as driver and martyr

٩. مَلكَ الفؤادَ وَساقه لِهَلاكِهِ
فرأيت منّا سائِقاً وَشَهيدا

10. He shows me no kindness and I want no substitute
I only affirm my passion again and again

١٠. لا عَطفَ لي مِنهُ وَلا أَبغي بِهِ
بَدَلاً وَأَكّدتُ الهَوى تَأكيدا

11. When he appears, my heart melts like ice
And the sun continues to melt the frost

١١. وَإِذا بَدا ذابَ الفؤادُ صَبابَةً
وَالشَمسُ ما زالَت تُذيبُ جَليدا

12. And when you look upon the cheeks you find them
Lethal in charm, yet you call them black

١٢. وَإِذا نَظَرتَ إِلى اللِحاظِ وَجدتَها
في الفَتكِ بيضاً وَهيَ تُنعَتُ سودا

13. The glances are called a sword, for they have become
Indeed like the sharpest blade

١٣. بِالسَيف يسمى طَرفُهُ فَلَقَد غَدا
بصرُ الحَبيبِ كَما يُقالُ حَديدا

14. O heart, be not stingy with sighs
And o eyes, be generous with your tears of sorrow

١٤. يا قَلب بِالزفراتِ لا تَبخَل وَيا
عينيَّ بالعبراتِ حُزناً جودا

15. My fellow sufferer of passion, I have found
And lost my patience when I found a rival

١٥. يا صاحِبيَّ مِنَ الهَوى أَنا واجِدٌ
وَفَقَدتُ صَبري إِذ وَجَدتُ فَقيدا

16. Return, my friend, so you both may see him
Wasted away from the famine of estrangement

١٦. عودا صَديقَكُما لكي ترياهُ من
بريِ النحولِ لما يُقاسي عودا

17. How long shall I show loyalty to the betrayer
And how long connect the estranged beloved?

١٧. حَتّى مَتى أُبدي الوَفاءَ لِغادِرٍ
وَإِلى مَتى أَصِلُ المُحبَّ صدودا

18. Far from it! My heart will not be silent of love
Nor will I make it whole again from misguidance

١٨. هَيهاتَ صمتُ عَن الغَرامِ فَلَم أُعِد
قَلبي السَليمَ مِن الغوايَةِ عيدا

19. I blame those who love the one who spurns them
And I praise the Prophet with eulogies

١٩. وَذَمَمتُ مَن يَهوى جَفاءَ محبّهِ
وَسَلَكتُ مَدحاً في النَبيِّ حَميدا

20. Proclaim the praises of Mustafa loudly
Annoy the envious heart and fear no rejection

٢٠. إِصدَح بِمَدحِ المُصطَفى واِصدَع بِهِ
قَلبَ الحَسودِ وَلا تَخَف تَفنيدا

21. Seek him, ask through him, you will be given wishes
And live, as long as you live, happily through him

٢١. وَاِقصِد لَهُ وَاِسأَل بِهِ تُعطَ المنى
وَتَعيشُ مَهما عشت فيهِ سَعيدا

22. The best of people, whoever seeks his protection
Will inevitably become blessed

٢٢. خَيرُ الأَنامِ ومن لَجا لِجنابِهِ
لا بِدعَ أَن أَضحى بِهِ مَسعودا

23. The chosen one, the guide whom his path
Attained perfection and paved the way

٢٣. المُجتَبى الهادي الَّذي مِنهاجُهُ
حازَ الكَمالَ وَمهَّد التَميهدا

24. He was brought near with the night journey when
The enemy returned, distanced

٢٤. قَد خُصَّ بِالتَقريبِ بالإِسراءِ إِذ
عادَ الَّذي عادى الحَبيبَ بَعيدا

25. He ascended to the heavens so they were seen
As ground below him as he rose sublimely

٢٥. وَسَما فأُبصِرَتِ السَما مِن دونِهِ
أَرضاً وَحازَ بِهِ الصُعودُ سُعودا

26. And Gabriel took a station below him
As the beloved came adorned

٢٦. وَعَلا مَحلّاً دونَهُ جِبريلُ قَد
أَمسى وَقَد وَرَدَ الحَبيبُ مذودا

27. In truth, God sent him as a messenger to mankind
So he became guided by what he says

٢٧. بِالحَقِّ أَرسَلَهُ الإِلَهُ إِلى الوَرى
فَغدَا المُطيعُ لما يَقولُ رَشيدا

28. And turned the slaves away from misguidance, for their guidance
Except the wretched, defiant disbeliever

٢٨. وَثَنى عَن الغيّ العِبادَ لِرُشدِهِم
إِلّا شَقيّاً هالِكاً وَعَنيدا

29. How many associating elders went astray
And became followers of the devil's misguidance

٢٩. كَم شَيخِ إِشراكٍ مَضى في غَيِّهِ
وَغَدا لِشَيطانِ الضَلالِ مريدا

30. Wrongfully extending to him a partnership so he became
In turn, cast out by his idol

٣٠. وَطَغى وَمَدَّ لَهُ الرَجيمُ بِشركِهِ
شرَكاً فعاد بِعَكسِهِ مَطرودا

31. And how many youths were guided to righteousness
Hoping for his promise and fearing his warning

٣١. وَلَكم فَتى لاحَ الرشادُ لَهُ رَجا
بنبيّهِ وَعداً وَخافَ وَعيدا

32. The believers in him will attain refuge
When Hellfire is stoked with the tyrants for fuel

٣٢. نالَ الأَمانَ المؤمِنونَ بِهِ إِذا
شَبَّت جِهَنَّمُ بِالطُغاةِ وَقودا

33. They will drink when thirsty at the Basin
To quench thirst - what a gift!

٣٣. يردونَ إِذ ظَمِئوا عَلى الحوضِ الَّذي
يَروي الغَليلَ فَيا لَهُ مورودا

34. He is the intercessor for sinners when
Sweat pours forth and a vein constricts

٣٤. وَهوَ المشَفّعُ في العُصاةِ إِذا طَمى
عَرَقٌ وَأَلجَمَ في الورودِ وَريدا

35. He will come to the Footstool, bowing down, asking
God for us - excellent bowing!

٣٥. يأتي لِساقِ العَرشِ يَسجُدُ سائِلاً
لِلَّهِ فينا حبّذاكَ سُجودا

36. With praises God will open for him
That He did not give any creation such praise

٣٦. وَعَلَيهِ يَفتَحُ رَبُّهُ بمحامِدٍ
لَم يُعطِ خلقاً ذَلِكَ التَحميدا

37. And say, "Speak, you will be heard, ask, you will be granted
Intercede, you will intercede, and be given promises"

٣٧. وَيَقولُ قُل تسمَع وَسَل تُعطَ المنى
وَاِشفَع تُشَفَّع وَاِنتجِز مَوعودا

38. There he will intercede for people in a station
Where eyes will not look around restlessly

٣٨. فَهُناكَ يَشفَعُ في الوَرى مِن مَوقِفٍ
لا تَرتَجي العَينان فيهِ هُجودا

39. In that station Muhammad will be privileged
And the messengers will be present as witnesses

٣٩. ذاكَ المقامُ بِهِ يُخَصُّ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَالرُسلُ فيهِ يَحضُرونَ شُهودا

40. Then is the intercession for the disobedient, for he
Will not fear rejection there

٤٠. ثُمَّ الشَفاعَةُ في العُصاةِ فَإِنَّهُ
فيهِ المقدَّمُ لا يَخافُ ردودا

41. The prophets spoke praise of his lofty station
And Ahmad's station remains ever-praised

٤١. والأنبيا نَطَقوا بِحَمدِ مَقامِهِ
وَمَقامُ أَحمَدَ لَم يَزَل مَحمودا

42. O master of messengers who surpassed all creation
With majesty, transcending entirely existence!

٤٢. يا سَيِّدَ الرُسلِ الَّذي فاقَ الوَرى
بأساً سَما كُلَّ الوجودِ وجودا

43. This is the supplication of a sinful servant
Clinging to your patronage since he was a child

٤٣. هذي ضَراعَةُ مُذنِبٍ مُتَمَسِّكٍ
بِوَلائِكُم مِن يَومِ كانَ وَليدا

44. Seeking through you honorable life and being sent after death
To bliss as a martyr

٤٤. يَرجو بِكَ المَحيا السَعيدَ وَبَعثَهُ
بَعدَ المَماتِ إِلى النَعيمِ شَهيدا

45. May God send blessings and peace upon you, He who
Revived faith and monotheism through you

٤٥. صَلّى عَلَيكَ وَسَلَّم اللَهُ الَّذي
أَحيا بِكَ الإِيمانَ وَالتَوحيدا

46. And upon your family, for as long as the breeze blows
Through the buds of gardens with clustered flowers

٤٦. والآل ما هَبَّ النَسيمُ فَحَلَّ مِن
أَزرارِ أَزهارِ الربى المَعقودا

47. And upon your companions who attained heights
Of guidance, nobility, and high-minded fathers

٤٧. وَعلى صَحابَتِكَ الَّذينَ سموا عُلىً
وَهُدىً وَآباءً رقوا وَجدودا

48. From a group who were leaders of the world
Surpassing all of mankind, masters and lords

٤٨. مِن مَعشَرٍ كانوا الأَئمّةَ لِلوَرى
فاقوا البَريَّةَ سَيِّداً ومسودا

49. When generous, they were oceans, and when stern
They were lions or warriors on the hunt

٤٩. فَإِذا سَخَوا كانوا البِحارَ وَإِن سَطوا
كانوا الأسودَ أَو السُراة الصيدا

50. Their eulogizers were not burdened by their merits
Therefore they constantly sang praises

٥٠. ما طُوِّقَت مُدّاحُهُم بِحَلاهُمُ
فلأجلِ ذَلِكَ لازَموا التَغريدا

51. And upon the Followers who emulated beautifully
And those who preserved the Law, bearing witness

٥١. وَعلى الأُلى تبعوا بإِحسانٍ ومن
حفظَ الشَريعةَ شاهِداً مَشهودا

52. Of every scholar who followed the guiding ways
And turned away from the paths of the praised guides

٥٢. مِن كُلِّ حَبرٍ تابِعٍ سنَنَ الهُدى
وَلّى عَلى أثرِ الهُداةِ حَميدا

53. Like Bukhari, then Muslim, who followed him
And atop them, Abu Dawud

٥٣. مِثل البُخاري ثُمَّ مُسلِمٍ الَّذي
يَتلوهُ في العليا أَبو داودا

54. He surpassed the great books by compiling
Rulings wherein he exerted great effort

٥٤. فاقَ التَصانيفَ الكِبارَ بِجَمعِهِ ال
أَحكامَ فيها يَبذُلُ المَجهودا

55. He would bring and articulate the strongest
Narrations in his field precisely

٥٥. قَد كانَ أَقوى ما رأى في بابِهِ
يأتي بِهِ وَيحرّرُ التَجويدا

56. May God reward him for us better than He rewarded
Those who invalidated doubters in religion

٥٦. فَجَزاهُ عَنّا اللَهُ أَفضَلَ ما جَزى
مَن في الديانَةِ أَبطلَ التَرديدا

57. Then blessings upon the Prophet and his family
Forever until the Day of Recompense without end

٥٧. ثُمَّ الصَلاةُ عَلى النَبيِّ وَآلِهِ
أَبَداً إِلى يَومِ الجَزاءِ أَبيدا