
A love unrequited, though union is hoped for,

غرام غريم الوصل فيه مماطل

1. A love unrequited, though union is hoped for,
And patience whose beauty is marred by falling tears.

١. غَرامٌ غَريمُ الوَصلِ فيهِ مُماطِل
وَصَبرٌ لحليِ الجيدِ بِالدَمعِ عاطِلُ

2. Days of estrangement from a beloved who's angry -
Days we once knew of acceptance, while he drew near.

٢. وَأَيّامُ هَجرٍ مِن حَبيبٍ مُغاضِبٍ
عَهِدناهُ أَيّامَ الرِضى وَهوَ واصِلُ

3. A beauty made richer, who will not be softened
By one broken-hearted, though tears may flow free.

٣. غَنيُّ جَمالٍ لا يَلينُ لِبائِسٍ
وَلا يَرحَمُ المُشتاقَ وَالدَمعُ سائِلُ

4. As if the earth where he walked begged his footfall
To water its dust, weeping copiously.

٤. كأَنَّ الثَرى في المَحلِ مُستَشفعٌ بِهِ
لِيَرويَهُ مِن سُحبِ جفنيَّ وابِلُ

5. So chastise me, critic, for love has destroyed me,
And if you should blame me, know you are not wise.

٥. فَيا عاذلي إِنّي قُتِلتُ تولّهاً
فإِن لُمتَني فيهِ فَما أَنتَ عاقِلُ

6. May God water a life that brought us together,
And reunite us in pleasure, not sundered by ties.

٦. سَقى اللَهُ دَهراً كانَ للشملِ جامِعاً
بِهِ فَهَل الرضوانُ لِلجَمعِ شامِلُ

7. I swear by the rights of Muhammad, estrangement
Has left me in darkness, deprived of his face.

٧. وَأقسِمُ أَيماناً بِحَقِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
لَقَد أَوحشتني مِنهُ تِلكَ الشَمائِلُ

8. If not for my hymns in praise of Ahmad,
Naught else would have held me from that blessed place.

٨. وَلَولا اِشتِغالي في مَدائِحِ أَحمَدٍ
وَآثارِهِ ما كانَ لي عَنهُ شاغِلُ

9. Guiding Prophet, chosen from Hashim's line,
None should think themselves greater than he.

٩. نَبيِّ الهُدى المُختارِ مِن آلِ هاشِمٍ
فَعَن فَخرِهِم فَليُقصِر المُتَطاوِلُ

10. Orator, wise one, eloquent and high-minded -
When he speaks in council all voices fall silent.

١٠. خَطيب الهُدى وَالسَيفِ وَالعَقلِ وَالنَدى
إِذا خرسَت في كُلِّ حَفلٍ مقاوِلُ

11. Measured against his wisdom and intellect,
The minds of others seem foolish and weak.

١١. فَقيسٌ إِذا ما قيسَ في الرأيِ جاهِلٌ
لَدَيهِ وَقُسٌّ في الفَصاحَةِ باقِلُ

12. He came down through ancestries noble and virtuous,
As the moon passes through mansions every week.

١٢. تَنَقَّلَ في أَصلابِ قَومٍ تَشَرَّفوا
بِهِ مِثلَ ما لِلبَدرِ تِلكَ المَنازِلُ

13. God sent him to all people, his mercy universal -
No messenger matches his stature unique.

١٣. وَأَرسَلَهُ اللَهُ المُهَيمِنُ رَحمَةً
فَلَيسَ لَهُ في المُرسَلينَ مُماثِلُ

14. Poems cannot capture his worth or his glory,
Though they try, as the Book and its channels speak.

١٤. فَما تبلُغ الأَشعارُ فيهِ وَمَدحُهُ
بِهِ ناطِقٌ نَصُّ الكِتابِ وَناقِلُ

15. Ka'b and Hassaan offer examples to follow,
As do others whose talents have proven oblique.

١٥. نَعَم إِنَّ في كَعبٍ وَحَسّانَ أُسوَةً
وَغَيرِهما فليهنَ من هوَ فاضِلُ

16. Offer your gifts in praising him, if fortune favors,
For in blessing you'll find yourself graced to speak.

١٦. فَهاتِ فَإِن يُسعِدكَ بِالمَدحِ مقولٌ
فَإِنَّكَ في ظِلِّ السَعادَةِ قائِلُ

17. Through hymns in his honor, I've sought inspiration -
For in Paradise, I am a newcomer and meek.

١٧. وَلي إِن تَوَسَّلتُ الهَناء بِمَدحِهِ
لأنّيَ مستجدٍ هُناكَ وَسائِلُ

18. His miracles numberless, beyond any counting,
The stars in the heavens his diligent aides.

١٨. لَهُ معجزاتٌ جاوز الرملَ عَدُّها
لخدمتها زَهرُ السَماءِ مواثِلُ

19. Scholars have gathered accounts, writing volumes,
For where tales may be told, more stories accede.

١٩. لَقَد جمعَ الحفّاظُ فيها وَأَطنَبوا
لأنّ مَحَلَّ القَولِ لِلقَولِ قابِلُ

20. None compiled as al-Bayhaqi - his collection
Will stand as his merit on Judgment's dread day.

٢٠. وَلا مِثلَ جمع البَيهَقيّ فَحُسنُهُ
تَقومُ لَهُ يَومَ الفخارِ دَلائِلُ

21. O Lord, for your kindness, reward him forever
In Paradise, for your mercy is perfect and complete.

٢١. فَيا رَبِّ بالإِحسانِ في الخُلدِ جازِهِ
فَإِنَّكَ بالإِحسانِ كافٍ وَكافِلُ

22. And grant long life to the Lamp of Religion,
Dispelling darkness, vanquishing deceit.

٢٢. وَعمِّر سِراجَ الدينِ بالنورِ وَالهدى
يُحاوِلُ إِطفاءَ الرَدى وَيصاوِلُ

23. The Shaykh of Muslims continues his service,
Debating opponents, their allegations replete.

٢٣. وَلا زالَ شَيخُ المُسلمينَ مسلَّماً
يجدِّلُ أَعداءً لَهُم وَيُجادِلُ

24. An Imam revered for his knowledge and wisdom,
Though virtues abound, they burden him not.

٢٤. إِمامٌ لَهُ في طالبي العلم راحة
عَلى أَنَّها ما أَتعبتَها الفَواضِلُ

25. Were the clouds of his science not sent as a bounty,
Our hands could not grasp them, weak at their receipt.

٢٥. وَلَو لَم تُجار السحب في العلم وَالنَدى
أَياديهِ لَم تعقد عَلَيها الأَناملُ

26. O Lord, treat us gently, for we see your kindness.
Save us from discord and trials that cheat.

٢٦. فَيا رَبّ عاملنا بِلطفكَ إِنَّنا
نَرى بِجَميل الظَنّ ما أَنتَ فاعِلُ

27. Bless the best of mankind and his family wholly,
And greet him with peace whenever dusk turns to night.

٢٧. أَعذنا مِنَ الأَهواء وَالفِتَن الَّتي
أَواخرها توهي القوى وَالأَوائِلُ

٢٨. وَصلّ عَلى خَيرِ الأَنام وآله
وَسَلّم وبارِك كُلَّما آب آفلُ