
Do not cut off my hopes with estrangement,

لا تقطعوا بوصال الهجر أوصالي

1. Do not cut off my hopes with estrangement,
And accept my accord, for I have disobeyed my blamer.

١. لا تَقطعوا بِوصالِ الهَجرِ أَوصالي
وَوافقوني فَقَد خالَفتُ عذّالي

2. And do not think I am tranquil in passion for you,
My heart decrees that it is empty of you.

٢. وَلا تَظنّوا سكوني في الغَرام بكم
يَقضي بأنّ فُؤادي مِنكمُ خالي

3. I conceal my love from my critic so he may see
That I have been patient, and not fooled by blame.

٣. إِنّي أُسِرُّ الهَوى من لائمي ليرى
أَنّي سلَوتُ فَلا يُغرى بتعذالي

4. And do not say I have chosen distance from you,
Never, by the sanctity of our intimate nights.

٤. وَلا تَقولوا بِأَنّي اِختَرتُ بُعدكم
كلّا وحقّ ليالي وَصلنا الغَالي

5. I have been tested, and my affliction by loving you
Remains, and forgetfulness does not occur to the mind.

٥. لَقَد بليتُ وَبلوائي بحبّكم
تَبقى وَلا يخطر السُلوانُ بِالبالِ

6. My state would not be content with a day of aloofness,
So counting my abandonment became a habit.

٦. وَكانَ حاليَ لا يَرضى بِيَوم جَفا
فَصارَ تَعديدُ هجراني بأَحوالِ

7. How many lifeless and annihilated were left behind,
By the full moons of your beauty rising gracefully.

٧. كَم خُلِّفَ الميّتُ المفنى بِحَيِّكُمُ
مِن بَدر تَمٍّ بأفق الحسن محلالِ

8. And tough knights, whose dwellings the gardens grace,
And the saliva of the pure within them cures illness.

٨. وَأَهيَفٍ جنّة المأوى بِوَجنتهِ
وَشهدةُ الريق فيها برءُ إِعلالي

9. Remembrance of it increases my passion and yearning,
For the sweetness of its memory I love bitterness of blame.

٩. يَزيدني العَذلُ فيهِ صَبوَةً وَضنى
لِحلوِ ذِكراه أَهوى مُرَّ تعذالي

10. Blame said my body healed of you, and with you
My blame does not increase, I said in my mind:

١٠. قالَ العذول أَصَحَّ الجسم منك وَما
يَزيدُ عندك عذلي قلت بلبالي

11. Do not ask me of it, I have been patient, and its cheeks
And that mouth are my garden and my necklaces.

١١. فَلا تَسَلنيَ أَسلوهُ وَوجنتُهُ
وَذَلِكَ الثَغرُ بُستاني وَسلسالي

12. The unique pearl within it, when it rang
Outwit every composer and gazelle.

١٢. الجَوهَرُ الفَردُ في فيهِ وَحين رَنا
لَقَد سبا كلّ نظّامٍ وَغَزّالِ

13. Talk of the body and straight waist, do not
Rely on this except for Safwan ibn Ussal.

١٣. حَدِّث عَن الجسم وَالقدّ القَويم وَلا
تُسنِدهُ إِلّا لِصَفوانَ بن عسالِ

14. Relay the sequence from my tears, and counter it
With the beginnings of my passion and gazelles.

١٤. وَاِروِ المسلسلَ مِن دَمعي وَعارضه
بالأَوّليّة من عشقي وَأَغزالي

15. I swore to its traits sincerely
That I am not neglectful.

١٥. أَقسمت مِنه بِلُطف في شَمائله
أَيمانَ صِدق بِأَنّي لست بِالسالي

16. I traveled from it to be patient, so I gained
Closeness, I seek God's forgiveness for my state and travel.

١٦. رحلت عَنهُ لأسلو فاِستقدتُ جوىً
أَستَغفِر اللَه في حلّي وَتِرحالي

17. It was my neglect of works traveling
From heedlessness and continuous evil deeds.

١٧. وَكانَ إِعمالُ عيسي عَنه مُرتَحِلاً
مِن غفلَتي وَتَوالي سوء أَعمالي

18. Forgiveness suffices me, so do not meet me with your dignity
When today I have nothing but abundant disgrace.

١٨. العَفوُ حَسبي فَلاقوني بعزّتكم
إِذ لا ليَ اليَوم إِلّا فرط إِذلالي

19. The sun of my happiness rose when I visited you
So receive your guest virtuously with hospitality.

١٩. وَشَمسُ سَعديَ لمّا زُرتكم طلعَت
فاِستَقبِلوا ضَيفكم بِرّاً بإِنزالِ

20. By God, my mind did not forget the mention of you
Except by praising the eminent victorious supreme state.

٢٠. وَاللَه ما اِشتغلَت عَن ذكركم فِكري
إِلّا بِمَدح المَقام الناصر العالي

21. The victorious King, son of the eminent King
Well-known, known for his merits, son of merits.

٢١. الناصر الملك بن الأشرف الملك ال
معروف عُرفاً بِمفضال بن مفضالِ

22. The mindful of kings, the guided of kings, the most loyal
Of kings, the most loyal in state by state.

٢٢. أَوعى المُلوك هدى أَوهى الملوك عدىً
أَوفى المُلوك نَدىً في الحال بِالحالِ

23. Purifier of the pocket from defect and from filth,
His glories are protected from diminishing his majesty.

٢٣. مطهَّر الجيب من عيب وَمِن دنسٍ
حاشى مَعاليه مِن إِخلال إِجلالِ

24. He made forget those who passed in the days of turmoil,
And showed up working, energetic, satisfying the idle.

٢٤. أَنسى الَّذين مَضوا يَومَ الوَغى وَبَدا
عمّال هَيجاء وَفَّى أَلفَ بَطّالِ

25. He satisfied the chaste about the life and its dweller,
And in satisfying the modest is anger at money.

٢٥. أَرضى العفاة عَن الدُنيا وساكنها
وَفي رضى المعتفي سَخط عَلى المالِ

26. By his dignity the world is honored, and not
In decline, through it the hopes of wishes.

٢٦. أَضحَت بعزّتهِ الدُنيا تعزُّ وما
زبيدُ إِلّا بِها غايات آمالي

27. Its affairs by Salah al-Din have settled,
The subjects sleep whenever the ruler wakes.

٢٧. أُمورها بِصلاح الدين قَد صَلحَت
نامَ الرَعايا مَتى ما اِستَيقظ الوالي

28. He quenched the spears with enemies' blood, taking the initiative,
So its fruit was the perishing of heroes.

٢٨. سَقى الرِماحَ دمَ الأَعداءِ مُبتَدِراً
فَكانَ إِثمارُها هامات أَبطالِ

29. He reaps with it victory as a witness and patience toward enemies as pride,
So it bore its burdens with training and preparation.

٢٩. يَجني بِها النصر شُهداً وَالعدى صبراً
فَاِنعَت حَلاها بِمُرّانٍ وَعسّالِ

30. From the family of Ghassan, masters of kings, and none
Is called masters of eras but them.

٣٠. مِن آل غَسانَ ساداتِ الملوك وَما
يُقال في غيرهم ساداتُ أَقيالِ

31. So in the praises of Hassan and Nabigha
Are wonders of might and generosity about them.

٣١. فَفي مَدائِح حَسّانٍ وَنابِغَةٍ
فيهم غَرائِبُ مِن بأسٍ وَإِفضالِ

32. They paved the Levant from injustice, and from oppression
Before, and Yemen now has transgressed consequently.

٣٢. هم مهّدوا الشامَ مِن ظُلمٍ وَمِن ظُلَمٍ
مِن قَبلُ وَاليمَنُ الآن اِغتَدى تالي

33. From every most honorable and lofty lineage its eminent
Workers, carriers of burdens, bearers of loads.

٣٣. مِن كُلِّ أَروَع سامي الذكر سائِرِهِ
عمّالِ مكرمة حمّالِ أَثقالِ

34. Lords of generosity, if a guest arrives with them,
He comes as seas and is not deceived of benefits.

٣٤. صَحابَةُ الجود إِن حلّ النَزيلُ بِهِم
يَرِد بحاراً وَلا يخدَع مِنَ الآلِ

35. He spends the night as he wishes in security and leisure,
Departing worries, not inflicted with concerns.

٣٥. يَبيتُ ما شاءَ في أمنٍ وَفي دعةٍ
مفارِقَ الهمّ لا يرمى بِأَوجالِ

36. Masters of eloquence, if they brandish their swords
They attack as giants, by them the wounds of heroes are slight.

٣٦. أَهلُ الفَصاحَة إِن هزُّوا سيوفهمُ
يَغدوا جُباراً لَدَيها جرحُ أَبطالِ

37. Servants of the house of God deservedly had for them
A state that was kind to them by beauty.

٣٧. خُدّامُ بَيتِ الإِلَه الحَقّ كانَ لَهُم
وَحالُهُ كانَ مِنهُم بِالحُلا حالي

38. They followed the hadith of the Most High from a master, a pillar,
From a master, pillar scattering clouds.

٣٨. تَلَوا حَديث العلا عَن سيّدٍ سنَدٍ
عَن سيّدٍ سندٍ بادٍ عَلى تالي

39. So Ahmad the King of Ishmael narrated from him,
From the best, from Ali the elite of the family.

٣٩. فَأَحمَد ملكُ إِسماعيلَ عَنه رَوى
عَن أَفضَلٍ عَن عَليٍّ خيرَةِ الآلِ

40. From the Supported Dawood the Pure Lofty
From the Conquering Sultan of realms the barren.

٤٠. عَن المُؤيّدِ داودَ الهزبرِ عُلاً
عَن المظفّرِ سلطانِ الوَرى الخالي

41. Relaying it from Umar al-Mansur uninterruptedly
Who equals you in your elevated chain?

٤١. يَرويه عَن عمرَ المَنصور مُتَّصِلاً
من ذا يُساويك في إِسنادك العالي

42. Like stars you are seven blooms
This is an arrangement for veneration and collectiveness.

٤٢. مِثلُ الكَواكِب أَنتُم سبعة زهُرٌ
هَذا اِتّفاق لإِجلال وإِجمالِ

43. You are of great weight, you have risen, you have protected, you have been generous,
You have shone and guided the ways of the lost.

٤٣. زِنتُم عَلَوتم حميتم جدتمُ كرما
أَضأتمُ وَهديتم سُبلَ ضُلّالِ

44. You have shared with flowers the finest traits, and you have
surpassed in kinship, eloquence, and forms.

٤٤. شارَكتُم الزهر في أَسنى الصفات وَقَد
فقتُم بِقربٍ وَإِفصاحٍ وَأَشكالِ

45. You have surpassed Saturn in destiny, for you
Have singled out Haa, Meem, and Daal.

٤٥. عَلَوتُم زحلاً قَدراً لأَنّكم
بِالحاءِ أفردتم وَالميم وَالدالِ

46. All the kings are kings of earth compared to you
In generosity, lineage, high, pure, precious.

٤٦. كلّ المُلوك مُلوك الأَرض دونكم
في الجود وَالنَسَب العالي الزَكي الغالي

47. O Kaaba, I have circled in reverence of its sanctuary
Magnifying its high status with my submission.

٤٧. يا كَعبَةً طِفتُ في تَعظيم حرمتها
مُكَبِّراً قَدرها العالي بإِهلالي

48. I visit it prohibited from other than it, so if
I end mypilgrimage, I replace it with permittedness.

٤٨. أَزورها محرماً من غيرها فَإِذا
حلَلتُ بدّل إِحرامي بإِحلالِ

49. The hands of the eminent King have touched
My hands with dew without request.

٤٩. كانَت أَيادي المليك الأَشرف اِشتَملت
عَلى يَدي بِالنَدى مِن غَيرِ تسآلِ

50. I faced a mirror of his fine creations,
So I looked and saw in it the face of my hopes.

٥٠. قابَلتُ مرآةَ بِشرٍ مِن خَلائِقِهِ
صفَت فطالعتُ فيها وَجه إِقبالي

51. And now, O King of the Highness, I have aimed for you in
Reforming my brokenness and fixing my conditions.

٥١. والآن يا ملك العليا قَصَدتُكَ في
جبرِ اِنكساري وَفي إِصلاح أَحوالي

52. The lands of earth are headed for the abode of your rule,
As rivers and valleys head towards the sea.

٥٢. لدارِ ملكك مدنُ الأَرض مرجعُها
كالبَحر مَرجِعُ أَنهار وَأَوشالِ

53. As you wished God supported you, so rise to what you wished, you will be met with welcome.
My Master, shall I complain of what you have heard of?

٥٣. ما شِئت أَيّدك اللَه الكَريم جَرى
فَاِنهَض لما شِئت تُستقبَل بإِقبالِ

54. Or be content with what has appeared of my condition?
When Timurlane plundered Damascus, fate shook my condition,

٥٤. مَولاي هَل أَشتَكي ما قَد سَمِعتَ بِهِ
أَم أَكتَفي بِالَّذي قَد لاحَ مِن حالي

55. Those were the days my money was looted.
And after it disasters from the hands of

٥٥. قَد ضَعضَعَ الدهر حالي عِندَما نُهِبَت
بِالشامِ أَيّامَ تَيمُرلَنكَ أَموالي

56. Ibn Ajlan reached me, the like of which did not meet my peers.
What remained was not transported to me completely,

٥٦. وَبَعدَها بلغَت مِنّي الحَوادِث مِن
يَد اِبن عَجلانَ ما لاقاهُ أَمثالي

57. If only he willed to me his delivery.
And I have aimed by living in your shade

٥٧. وَما بَقي لَم تَصلني مِنه واصِلَةٌ
فَلَيتَه كانَ وَصّى لي بِوَصّالِ

58. So events occurred of fear and horrors.
My condition became stalled in my state,

٥٨. وَقَد قصدت بِأَن أَحيا بظلّكمُ
فَكانَ ما كانَ مِن خَوفٍ وَأَهوالِ

59. In my quiver there are no arrows but killing.
I returned seeking victory in events through you

٥٩. فَصارَت الحال في حليٍ معطَّلةً
ما في كنانةَ سَهمٌ غَير قتّالِ

60. You are far above neglecting me.
Wealth torn in plunder and drowning,

٦٠. وَعُدت مُستَنصِراً في الحادِثات بِكم
فَأَنتَ حاشاك أَن تَرضى بإِهمالي

61. If my money is gone, I will attain my hopes from you.
You have made me, after the misery of exile, generously

٦١. مالٌ تمزّقَ في نهبٍ وَفي غرقٍ
إِن فات مالي سألقى منك آمالي

62. My source, worthy of my praise, your supreme self.
You have filled my eyes and hands with awe and riches

٦٢. أَهَّلتني بعد تَغريب النَوى كرماً
يا مالِكي لمَديحي قدرك العالي

63. So I have become free for praises, O my source.
I relay about the Approved from the overflow of your favors

٦٣. ملأتَ طَرفي وَكَفّي هيبةً وغنىً
حتّى تفرّغتُ للأَمداح يا مالِ

64. Hopes I do not relay based on assumptions.
By your life, if not for you, my self would not have patience

٦٤. أَروي عَنِ المُرتَضى مِن فيض فضلكم
أَمالياً لست أَرويها عَن القالي

65. Upon my separation from my family and children.
You lined my eyes with the inclination of devotion when they were distant

٦٥. وَحقّ رأسك لَولا أَنتَ ما صبرَت
نَفسي عَلى فرقَتي أَهلي وَأَطفالي

66. So tears from my eyelids flow in rivers.
Return by your status to protect me and support me

٦٦. كحّلت طَرفي بميل السهد إِذ بعدوا
فَالدمع مِن مُقلَتي يَجري بِأَميالِ

67. Against enemies with words and actions.
Stay, as you wish, facing what you wished in might

٦٧. فَعد بجاهك تَحميني وَتَنصرني
عَلى عِدايَ بِأَقوالٍ وَأَفعالِ

68. And fortunes and prosperity.

٦٨. وَدُم كَما شِئت فيما شئتَ مُقتَبِلاً
في عزّة وَسعاداتٍ وَإِقبالِ