
A specter of the one I love brought me pain

طيف لمن أهوى ألما

1. A specter of the one I love brought me pain
As it folded the hems of the night together

١. طَيفٌ لِمَن أَهوى أَلَمّا
يَطوي ذُيولَ اللَيلِ لَمّا

2. Greetings to him, if only a scent would waft
And let him taste in a dream some flavor

٢. أَهلاً بِهِ لَو أَنَّ طَر
في لِلمَنامِ يَذوقُ طَعما

3. In my quest for fantasy I slept well
Seeking an illusion of bliss

٣. وَنَعَم لَقَد أَغفيتُ في
طَلَبِ الخَيالِ خَيالِ نُعمى

4. So wonder at a youth who claims
To see and argue with an opponent

٤. فاِعجَب لِصَبٍّ يَدَّعي
نَظراً يُجادِلُ فيهِ خَصما

5. Content with the unreal shadows
As truth, obeying delusion

٥. يَرضى بِمَعدومِ الخَيا
لِ حَقيقَةً وَيُطيعُ وَهما

6. So leave arguing and listen to
The words of the specter, if you have any wisdom

٦. فَدَعِ الجِدالَ وَخُذ حَديثَ
الطيفِ إِن أوتيتَ فَهما

7. A soul came to a soul, while a form
Meets a body, another form

٧. روحٌ أَتَت روحاً وَغَي
ري يَلتَقي بِالجِسمِ جِسما

8. Fate has set for me from it torments
Almost making me melt into tears

٨. نَصَبَ الكَرى لي مِنهُ غُص
ناً كِدتُ أَن أُذويهِ ضَمّا

9. So I began gently in my ritual
Its saliva generously and forbearance

٩. فشرعتُ في وردى شَري
عةَ ريقِهِ كَرَماً وَحلما

10. And I became drunk when I sipped
One night - Oh friend of darkness!

١٠. وَسَكِرتُ حينَ رَشَف
تُ بِلَيلَةٍ يا صاحِ ظَلما

11. I revived my soul when I smelled
His cheeks, and the breath smelled them

١١. أَنعَشتُ روحي إِذ شَمَم
تُ خُدودَهُ وَالنَفس شَمّا

12. And I committed a sin when I sipped
His saliva and drank iniquity

١٢. وَأَمِنتُ وِزراً إِذ رَشِف
تُ رضابَهُ وَشَرِبتُ إِثما

13. And I reached the utmost of my purpose
When he came near and I was tempted by what -

١٣. وَبلغتُ أَقصى مُنيتي
لَمّا دَنا وَفُتِنتُ مِمّا

14. Then I woke up and the clothing of chastity
Covered my body with sickness

١٤. ثُمَّ اِنتَبَهتُ وَعادَ ثَو
بُ الصَدِّ يَكسو الجِسمَ سقما

15. My body is singled out for deprivation
So let them ask about it on Resurrection

١٥. قَد خُصَّ جِسمي بِالضَنا
فَليسألن في الحَشرِ عمّا

16. Oh radiant full moon, I complain to you
Of what has worried and saddened me

١٦. يا أَيّها البَدرُ المُني
رُ إِلَيكَ أَشكو ما أَهَمّا

17. Worry for my distance from you
Has covered and saddened my heart

١٧. هَمّاً لِبُعدي عَنكَ قَد
غَطّى عَلى قَلبي وَغَمّا

18. Be gentle with a passionate lover
Whom separation has unjustly afflicted

١٨. رِفقاً بِصَبٍّ مُغرمٍ
أَسلَمتهُ لِلهَجرِ ظُلما

19. He almost killed himself
Fearing loss, worried and anxious

١٩. قَد كادَ يَقتُلُ نَفسَهُ
خَوفَ النَوى غمّاً وَهمّا

20. Death drew near him when
A flame resided in him, and eagerness

٢٠. قَرُبَ الفَناءُ إِلَيهِ حي
نَ ثَوى بِهِ لَهبٌ وَحُمّا

21. And I feared for the life of your love
From fading, so grant me your mercy

٢١. وَحَياةِ حُبِّكَ خِفتُ مِن
تَلَفي فَهَب لي مِنكَ رُحمى

22. And my heart's share of seeing you
Is plenty, for it I'd sacrifice an arrow

٢٢. وَنَصيبُ قَلبي مِن لحا
ظِكَ وافِرٌ أَفديهِ سَهما

23. I swear by the sickness of the eyelid
Which has conferred to my body from it a portion

٢٣. قسماً بِسَقمِ الطرفِ قَد
أَهدى لِجِسمي مِنهُ قِسما

24. By the safety of glances from
A sorcery the youth called sickness

٢٤. بِسَلامَةِ الأَلحاظِ مِن
سِحرٍ دَعاهُ الصبُّ سُقما

25. Enough - Oh saliva of the beloved!
I see you forbidden and intense

٢٥. حَتّامَ يا ريقَ الحَبي
بِ أَراكَ موروداً وأَظما

26. Why, Oh my weary heart
Struck by the arrows of glances

٢٦. وَإِلامَ يا قَلبي الكَئي
بِ بِأَسهُمِ الأَلحاظِ تُرمى

27. Why didn't you wake from passion
And reconsider your resolve in it?

٢٧. هَلّا صَحوتَ مِنَ الغَرا
مِ فَلَم تُراجِع فيهِ عَزما

28. And be patient with one who doesn't
Obey what you wish, forbiddance and forbearance

٢٨. وَصبرتَ عَمَّن لا يُطا
وِعُ ما تَشاءُ نُهىً وَحلما

29. If you are in humiliation, take refuge
In the mighty, honored ruler of Egypt

٢٩. إِن كُنتَ في ذُلٍّ فَلُذ
بِعَزيزِ مَصر تَعِزُّ حَتما

30. A king of noble lineage
So speak of him, step by step

٣٠. مَلكٌ لَهُ شَرَفٌ عَلى ال
عليا فَحَدِّث عَنهُ قِدما

31. Seek his protection, you will sing if
You part from father and mother in him

٣١. إِقصِد حِماهُ تَغنَ إِن
فارَقتَ فيهِ أَباً وَأُمّا

32. For time has obscured the luminous
And revealed the beautiful to the blind

٣٢. فالدَهرُ قَد غَطّى الحجا
وَجميلُهُ كَشَفَ المُعَمّى

33. Oh exalted master, who surpasses
Kings in brilliance and forbearance

٣٣. يا أَيُّها المولى الَّذي
فاقَ المُلوكَ نَدىً وَحِلما

34. You have adorned the necks of people
With necklaces of kindness and bounty

٣٤. طوّقتَ أَعناقَ الأَنا
مِ قَلائِدَ الإِحسانِ نُعمى

35. And you have broken the necks
Of the tyrants, the great sinners

٣٥. وَقَصَمتَ أَعناقَ الجَبا
بِرَةِ العِظام الذَنَبِ قَصما

36. And you have eradicated the problems
Of wickedness from the servants of God

٣٦. وَحَسَمتَ أَدواءَ المسا
ءَةِ عَن عِبادِ اللَه حَسما

37. Your elevated status - your descent is
Considered an increase in determination

٣٧. وَقَد اِرتَفعتَ فَشأن شا
نِئكَ اِنخِفاضٌ صارَ جَزما

38. You are the one without whom
The hands of justice could not be executed

٣٨. أَنتَ الَّذي لَولاهُ لَم
تَنفذ أَيادي العَدلِ حُكما

39. You are the one without whom
The transgressor could not avoid sin

٣٩. أَنتَ الَّذي لَولاهُ لَم
يَتَجَنَّب الطاغونَ إِثما

40. You are the one without whom
The lands of God would not be secure

٤٠. أَنتَ الَّذي لَولاهُ ما
أَمِنَت بِلادُ اللَه ثَلما

41. You are the one without whom
The houses of God would not be filled with knowledge

٤١. أَنتَ الَّذي لَولاهُ ما
مُلِئَت بُيوتُ اللَهِ عِلما

42. God has a school which you have established
And in it virtue is marked with a sign

٤٢. لِلَّهِ مَدرَسَةٌ سَمَت
وَرقَمتَ فيها الحُسنَ رَقما

43. Its sight stops the eyes, so they thank
Your resolve, not saying time perfected it

٤٣. تَستَوقِفُ الأَبصارَ رؤ
يَتُها فَتَشكُرُ مِنكَ عَزما

44. The resolve of a man who does not consider
The reward and charity of deeds a burden

٤٤. عَزمَ اِمرئٍ ما عَدَّ فِع
لَ الأَجرِ وَالخَيراتِ غُرما

45. People have witnessed that the likes of it
Were never seen among Arabs or non-Arabs

٤٥. شَهِدَ الأَنامُ بِأَنَّهُ
ما مِثلُها عُرباً وَعُجما

46. And the eye of certainty confirms the report -
Leave the talk of assumption rejected!

٤٦. وَيُصَدِّقُ الخَبَرَ العيا
نُ دعوا حَديثَ الظَنّ رَجما

47. Thus it is uniquely virtuous, never
Tasting the passage of time or orphanhood

٤٧. فَهيَ الفَريدَةُ في الجَوا
هِرِ لا تذوقُ الدَهرَ يُتما

48. You have gathered the diverse arts of knowledge,
Verification and investigation, understanding them

٤٨. جَمعتَ فنون العِلمِ وَالت
تحقيق وَالتَدقيق فَهما

49. In it is Islamic law and truth
Containing both practice and knowledge

٤٩. فيها الشَريعَةُ وَالحَقي
قةُ قَد حَوَت عَمَلاً وَعِلما

50. The one with Yusuf-like beauty contains
Beauty - so do not say the full moon is complete!

٥٠. ذاتُ الجَمالِ اليوسفي
ي حَوَت جَمالاً مِنهُ جَمّا

51. Or have you not seen the reddening
Of his cheek when sorrow overcomes him?

٥١. اللَهُ مَكَّنَ في البِلا
دِ لَهُ فَسَوّاهنُّ حُكما

52. The Nile hits his face with envy
With the palm of its wave slapping

٥٢. وَخَزائِنَ الأَرضِ اِحتوا
ها فِكرُهُ حِفظاً وَعِلما

53. And with his palm is the water of life - so if you lick it you will be revived from death
And his face is the garden of beauty - so if you see it you will see only bliss

٥٣. كسميّه الصدّيق يو
سف فاِستضاءَ بِمَن تسمّى

54. Oh spear of his - wonders! It waters enemies with poison
And his sword - wonders! It shatters eggshells, breaking them

٥٤. وَأَزالَ عَنها المارِقي
نِ المُتقنين أَذىً وَظُلما

55. The crescent of his bow in his hand
Surely has reached for the stars like an arrow

٥٥. كسميِّه الثاني ابن أَيّو
ب اِحتَوى بِالغَزوِ غُنما

56. Meeting the devils of injustice
Striking them with the stars pelting

٥٦. مِن آل ذي النورَينِ لا
حَ ضِياؤُهُ فهدى وتمّا

57. Oh his arrow! How many
Have you shot down by his good fortune and hit the target?

٥٧. وسما بِأَفعال العلا
فَغَدا مِن الأَفلاك أَسمى

58. And his shepherd - how often
Has the generosity you curtailed from us seemed bounty?

٥٨. من قاسه بِالغيث قَص
صَرَ فَهوَ أَعظَم مِنه رحما

59. And for the length of my praises
Be just when you judge

٥٩. ما مَلَّ رسماً لِلوفو
د وغيثهم كم دَكَّ رسما

60. And look to a learned king
Great in worth, strong and mighty

٦٠. مَن ذا يُساوي جودَهُ
بِالبَحرِ إِن أَمسى خضما

61. Who combines the highest traits -
Courage, brilliance and forbearance

٦١. لا يَستَوي البَحران ذا
عَذبٌ وَذاكَ المِلحُ طعما

62. The senses bear witness that he surpasses
Mortals in perception and understanding

٦٢. وَبوجهه تَمَّ الجَما
لُ فَلا تَقولوا البَدرُ تمّا

63. Attributes of constant generosity that do not
Give life to the wretched with any prevention

٦٣. أَو لَم تَروا في خَدِّهِ
إِذ فاقه لِلحُزن لدما

64. By God's praise he prefers nothing
Over frivolity and delusion

٦٤. وَالنيل يَلطُم وَجهَهُ
حَسَداً بكفِّ الموجِ لَطما

65. An eye aspiring to the heights
An ear deaf to vileness

٦٥. وَبِكفّه ماء الحَيا
ة فَإِن لثمت حَييت ممّا

66. If I try to conceal his praise
I cannot, like hiding the scent of musk

٦٦. وَبوجهه روض الجَما
ل فَإِن رأيت رأيت ثمّا

67. Or if I try to shun visiting him
His splendor returns to me as an opponent

٦٧. يا رمحه عجباً لعس
سالٍ سَقى الأَعداء سمّا

68. Oh master! You have surpassed in the arts of generosity decisively
Shall we be wronged and complain of fate a crime?

٦٨. وَحُسامه عجباً لأب
يضَ هشّم البيضات هشما

69. We send to the sea of your generosity
From our thoughts prose and poetry

٦٩. وَهلال قوس في يدي
هِ لَقَد سموت النجم سَهما

70. I have none but you, for I
Have singled out love for you completely

٧٠. قابل شَياطين العدى
لتصيبهم بِالنجم رجما

71. The world has become peaceful to me through you
So its war has become conciliation

٧١. يا سهمه كَم ذا رَمي
تَ بِسَعدِهِ فأَصبتَ مَرمى

72. And I felt safe so that I don't
Fear injustice or abuse from others

٧٢. وَيراعَهُ كَم مدَّةٍ
قَصَرت عَلَينا الفَضلَ نُعمى

73. Glory to Him who enumerated all
Existing things, high and knowledgeable!

٧٣. وَعَذولَ طولِ مَدائحي
إِعدِل إِذا وُلّيتَ حكما

74. You are the creator of essence
And your origin was from water long ago

٧٤. وَاِنظُر إِلى ملكٍ عَلي
مٍ جلّ قدراً عزّ عظما

75. And my praise has reached you hoping
Either acceptance or otherwise

٧٥. جَمَعَ الصفات العاليا
ت شَجاعَة وَنَدىً وَحلما

76. It has become long while being
Deficient in description, reverence and glory

٧٦. فالحسّ يَشهد أَنَّهُ
فاقَ الوَرى حِسّاً وَفِهما

77. Oh honorable master! My meager wares
I have determined receive from you their measure

٧٧. سُنّي جودٍ لا يَرى ال
عافي مُحيّاً مِنه جهما

78. Do not discard them out of hatred
For their faults with assumption rejected!

٧٨. وَلَهُ بحمد اللَه إِن
يؤثِر سواه اللَهوَ وهما

79. Marwan was permitted by
Al-Mahdi in Baghdad formerly

٧٩. عَينٌ إِلى العليا سَمَت
أُذنٌ عَن الفَحشاءِ صَمّا

80. A thousand for every excellent line
Which he dispensed to relieve care

٨٠. إِن رحتُ أَكتُمُ مدحه
لَم أَستَطِع لِلمسك كتما

81. While you are higher than him, and
Verse is sweeter than his rhymed prose

٨١. أَو رُحتُ أَهجُرُ قصده
عادَ الندى لي مِنهُ خصما

82. I avoid complication, digression
And ambiguous terms,

٨٢. يا سَيِّداً قَد فاق حا
تِمَ في فُنون الجود حتما

83. So the listener says
The speaker has spoken truly and excellently

٨٣. أَنَكون مِن بعض العَبي
دِ وَنَشتَكي لِلدهر جرما

84. Grace them with bounty which eternally
Increases in gratitude and growth

٨٤. نُهدي لبحر الجود مِن
أَفكارنا نثراً وَنظما

85. And grace a month in which
Desires have constantly flowed from you

٨٥. ما لي سِواك لأَنَّني
أَفردت حُبّاً فيكَ جمّا

86. For it is most fitting, because your
Generosity has made the named name heard

٨٦. جنحَت بِكَ الدُنيا إِلي
يَ فَحربها قَد عادَ سِلما

87. I have heard praise of you, so he is no longer called deaf
And I have concluded composing my verses

٨٧. وَأَمِنتُ حَتّى ما أَخا
فَ مِنَ الوَرى ظلماً وَهضما

88. And may God protect them from destruction
The horizon relates a garment

٨٨. سُبحان مَن أَحصى جَمي
عَ الكائِنات علاً وَعِلما

89. In which I saw the flowers numbered
And morning has come with its troops

٨٩. أَنتَ المكوّن جوهراً
وَقَديم أَصلك كانَ مِن ما

90. So the night has been routed
And the hand of morning stretched out

٩٠. وَافاك مَدحي يَرتَجي
إِمّا القبول لَهُ وَإِمّا

91. To untie my dark night's saddlebags
Unbuttoning the straps of darkness

٩١. قَد طال وَهوَ مُقَصِّر
في الوَصف إِجلالاً وَعظما

92. Star by star
So enjoy the morning, and listen

٩٢. يا أَيّها المولى العَزي
زُ بِضاعَتي المزجاةُ قسما

93. To its call - may your life not lack bounty!
It has sealed praise with meaning

٩٣. أرسُم بأن يوفى لَها
كَيلُ الجَوائِز منك رسما

94. So the musk's seal bursts open
So enjoy the morning, and listen

٩٤. لا تَرمِها متغرِضّاً
لعيوبها بالظنِّ رَجما

95. To its call - may your life not lack bounty

٩٥. مَروانُ كانَ يجيزُهُ ال
مهديُّ في بَغدادَ قِدما

٩٦. عَن كلّ بَيت جَيّدٍ
أَلفاً فيصرف عَنه همّا

٩٧. ولأنت أَعلى مِنه وَال
مملوك أَحلى مِنه نظما

٩٨. أَتجَنَّبُ التَعقيدَ وال
إِيغال وَاللّفظ المعمّى

٩٩. فَيَقول من أَصغى لَه
صدَقَ المُحدِّثُ واِستتمّا

١٠٠. فتهنَّها نعماً تَزي
دُ بِشكرها أَبَداً وَتنمى

١٠١. وتهنَّ شهراً لَم تزل
فيهِ الرَغائِب منك قدما

١٠٢. فَهوَ الأَصَبُّ لأَنَّ جو
دك صَيّر الإِسم المسمّى

١٠٣. أَسمعتُهُ فيك الثَنا
ءَ فَلا يَعُد يدعى الأَصمّا

١٠٤. وَقَد اِنتهيت لنظم أَب
ياتي وَقاها اللَه هدما

١٠٥. وَالأُفقُ يَحكي شملة
أَبصرتُ فيها الزُهرَ رَقما

١٠٦. وَالصبح أَقبلَ في عَسا
كرِه فَوالى اللَيل هزما

١٠٧. وَيَدُ الصبا مُدّت لِحِل
لةِ لَيلَتي السَوداءِ لَمّا

١٠٨. فَكَّت عُرى الظلماءِ مِن
أَزرارها نجماً فَنجما

١٠٩. فَاِنعَم صَباحاً وَاِستَمِع
ها لا عَدَتكَ الدَهرَ نُعمى

١١٠. ختم الثَناء بِها المَعا
نيَ فاِنتشق لِلمِسكِ ختما