
Well done to the ear when it was addressed by a young one,

هنيئا لسمع حين خاطبني صغا

1. Well done to the ear when it was addressed by a young one,
And greetings to eloquence if it has eloqued.

١. هَنيئاً لِسَمعٍ حينَ خاطَبَني صَغا
وَيا مَرحباً بِاللغو إِن كانَ قَد لَغا

2. A beloved who is preoccupied with his lovers,
Though he is molded in the form of beauty.

٢. حَبيبٌ لَهُ عَن عاشِقَيهِ شَواغِلٌ
عَلى أَنَّهُ في قالبِ الحُسنِ أُفرِغا

3. He has a cheek on which God has lavished its shade,
And that face has remained drenched in beauty.

٣. لَهُ عارِضٌ قَد أَسبَغَ اللَهُ ظِلَّهُ
وَما زالَ ذاكَ الوَجهُ بِالحُسنِ مُسبَغا

4. His saliva is like wine, but it dissolved,
And dissolved, so it was in my mouth the most delicious.

٤. وَريقتُهُ كالخَمرِ لَكِنَّها حَلَت
وَحَلَّت فَكانَت في فَمي مِنهُ أَسوَغا

5. And of a fox telling of the constancy of its burrowing,
I have never seen it throughout time more sated and burrowing.

٥. وَعَن ثَعلَبٍ يَروي دَوامَ رَواغِهِ
فَلَم أَرَ مِنهُ الدَهرَ أَروى وَأَروَغا

6. Indeed, the beloved has loaded the beholder of my eyes
With tears and sighs until they were overwhelmed.

٦. لَقَد حَمَّلَ المَعشوقُ إِنسانَ ناظِري
مِنَ الدَمعِ وَالتَسهيدِ ما بهما طَغى

7. And between my eyelids is the battle of Siffin, and al-Karra,
And which of them, would that I knew, transgressed.

٧. وَبَينَ جُفوني حربُ صِفّينَ وَالكَرى
وَأَيُّهُما يا لَيتَ شعريَ قَد بَغى

8. My tears' witness before witnesses like Shafii, Malek, and Ricki
Whose colors, from Ashhab, learned to dye.

٨. أَمالِكَ رِقّي شافعي أَدمُعٌ رَوَت
بِأَلوانِها عَن أَشهبٍ عِلمَ أَصبَغا

9. And the like of me is few among people, for I
Am a young man who became eminent in my love and poetry.

٩. وَمِثلي قَليلٌ في الأَنامِ لأَنَّني
فَتىً فقتُ في عِشقي وَشِعريَ نُبَّغا

10. I gained fortunes, so from among the youths
I accompanied, and from a conferred wealth seeking to excel.

١٠. ظَفرتُ بِأَكياسٍ فمن بَينِ فتيةٍ
صحبتُ وَمِن مالٍ حبانيهِ يَلبُغا

11. A prince whom you see the stars of flowers in the ground
Have positions when they ascended wallowing.

١١. أَميرٌ تَرى للأَنجُمِ الزُهرِ في ثَرى
مَنازِلهِ لمّا علَونَ تَمرُّغا

12. He informs you of news before its occurrence,
So you have never seen him give news or give information.

١٢. يُنبيكَ بِالأَخبارِ قَبلَ وُقوعِها
فَلَم تَرَ مِنهُ قَطُّ أَنبا وَأَنبَغا

13. And I have never seen a day in eloquence and intelligence
Yes, and to the ways of glory, more eloquent.

١٣. وَلَم أَرَ يَوماً في الفَصاحَةِ وَالذَكا
نَعَم وَإِلى طُرقِ العُلا مِنهُ أَبلَغا

14. When he wages war, and war bears witness to him,
You see the lion, from the evil of courage, biting.

١٤. إِذا ما غَزا وَالحَربُ قَد شَهِدَت لَهُ
تَرى اللَيثَ مِن بأسِ الشُجاعِ مُلدَّغا

15. And if he is generous, and generosity is attributed to him,
You see the rain, from that bounty, pouring.

١٥. وَإِن جادَ وَالإِفضالُ مُنتَسِبٌ لَهُ
تَرى الغَيثَ من ذاكَ النوال تبلّغا

16. Thoughts fell short of describing his glory,
And praises became due to him from all tongues.

١٦. تَقاصرتِ الأَفكارُ عَن وَصفِ مَجدِهِ
وَحُقَّت لَهُ الأَمداحُ مِن سائِرِ اللُغا

17. So how many eloquent ones have wished to describe his perfection,
But I saw him in peace and war most eloquent.

١٧. فَكَم مِن فَصيحٍ رامَ وَصفَ كَمالِهِ
فَأَبصَرتُهُ في السِلمِ وَالحرب أَلثَغا

18. Whenever I say this is the knight of the land,
He says yes, this is the knight of ferocity.

١٨. مَتى ما أَقُل هَذا الفَتى فارِسُ الوَرى
يَقولُ نَعَم هَذا الفَتى فارِسُ الوَغى

19. My Lord Saif al-Din, here is a poem
That has from accepting the excuse the most honorable pursuit.

١٩. أَمولايَ سيفَ الدينِ هاكَ قَصيدَةً
لَها مِن قبولِ العُذرِ أَشرفُ مُبتَغى

20. It is adorned with rare ideas,
A unique thought that does not like wallowing.

٢٠. خَريدَةُ خِدرٍ بِالمَعاني تَزَيَّنَت
فَريدَةُ فِكرٍ لا تُحِبُّ تَملُّغا

21. And live happily either with your company or
Informing of the meaning of grace.

٢١. وَدُم هادياً إِمّا لِصَحبِكَ أَنعُماً
وَإِمّا إِلى مَعنى النَوالِ مُبَلّغا

22. And you remain towards the enemies an unsheathed sword,
And you remain a shade for the loved ones, coloring.

٢٢. وَلازلتَ في الأَعداءِ سَيفاً مُجرّداً
وَلازِلتَ ظِلّاً للأَحِبَّةِ مسبغا